info Overview
Name - What is Flora Cerise Taylor’s full name?

Flora Cerise Taylor

Role - What is Flora Cerise Taylor’s role in your story?

Main character's best friend

Other names - What other aliases does Flora Cerise Taylor go by?


Gender - What is Flora Cerise Taylor’s gender?


Age - How old is Flora Cerise Taylor?






face Looks
Height - How tall is Flora Cerise Taylor?


Hair Color - What color is Flora Cerise Taylor’s hair?

Jet black

Hair Style - How does Flora Cerise Taylor style their hair?

usually down, she has tight spiral curls. sometimes she straightens it and it's always up for cheer practice and usually when she's home as well

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Flora Cerise Taylor have?


Eye Color - What is Flora Cerise Taylor’s eye color?

dark brown

Race - What is Flora Cerise Taylor’s race?


Skin Tone

Dark brown

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Flora Cerise Taylor have?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Flora Cerise Taylor have?

rambling, inability to stay in one place for long, easily bored

Motivations - What motivates Flora Cerise Taylor most?

attention and love for her best friend

Flaws - What flaws does Flora Cerise Taylor have?

can be a bit dramatic or focused on things that aren't really important. reckless, very obsessed with her image and reputation

Prejudices - What prejudices does Flora Cerise Taylor have?


Talents - What talents does Flora Cerise Taylor have?

sports, makeup, singing

Hobbies - What hobbies does Flora Cerise Taylor have?

cheerleading, track, cross-country, singing, partying

Personality type - What personality type is Flora Cerise Taylor?

outgoing, ambitious, cocky, carefree, caring, loving

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Flora Cerise Taylor practice?


Politics - What politics does Flora Cerise Taylor have?


Occupation - What is Flora Cerise Taylor’s occupation?

manager of a boutique

Favorite color - What is Flora Cerise Taylor’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Flora Cerise Taylor’s favorite food?

jello, baked goods

Favorite possession - What is Flora Cerise Taylor’s favorite possession?


Favorite animal - What is Flora Cerise Taylor’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Flora Cerise Taylor’s birthday?

April 29th

Education - What is Flora Cerise Taylor’s level of education?

high school senior

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Flora Cerise Taylor have?

3 dogs: Jet, Spirit, Nadia

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Flora has trouble staying in relationships. She likes to be free. She's not always loyal to her partners, but is to her best friend. She loves to be center of attention, but tries to do it in a subtle way. loves her dogs a lot. Only child, filthy rich. drinks too much mostly every weekend. loves shopping and constantly spoils adisa with gifts

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