info Overview
Name - What is SP Boa’s full name?

SP Boa

Role - What is SP Boa’s role in your story?

Side Character, vessel of future enemies, soft sweetheart everyone loves, most specifically his parents, but also everyone.

Other names - What other aliases does SP Boa go by?

Sentinel Path (That's the SP in his name, it's how this culture does last names. It's your occupation/education abbreviated and put in front of your name. So each acronym has meaning, from KGdb to simply A.)

Gender - What is SP Boa’s gender?


Age - How old is SP Boa?



Gay, possibly asexual. Homoromantic, ig. He's still pretty young to know for sure, or be able to understand his own preferences. He definitely feels more attracted to the other boys at the Path camp, but he's still sorting out what the differences between crush, squish, attraction, and deep, deep friendship are. He's also kinda shy and unsure about that stuff, so he's convinced himself he has to figure it out by himself. Not talking to anyone else about it has made it harder for him to learn that it's okay and normal to not know for sure at his age.

accessibility Clothing
Usual outfits:

I have not developed the clothing of this culture yet, but if he were human, he would wear long sleeves and anything EXCEPT jeans, because heavy materials like that are EW. They either are too hot, or they let the cold through too easy -- what's up with that?
In cannon, he lives up in the mountains, so even in the lighter summer months, he'd be wearing clothes geared for the colder weather.

face Looks
Weight - How much does SP Boa weigh?

Ahhh, you know what my answer is to this already ;)

Height - How tall is SP Boa?

like,,, 5' 3" He's a little on the shorter side, especially for his culture, but so's him mom.

Hair Color - What color is SP Boa’s hair?

Greyish-brown, kinda a light, dusty color, again, taking after his mom. He just kinda takes after her in most ways outside personality

Hair Style - How does SP Boa style their hair?
Facial Hair - What facial hair does SP Boa have?

None, he baby

Eye Color - What is SP Boa’s eye color?

Rose-gold. Like, metallic rose gold

Race - What is SP Boa’s race?


Skin Tone

Darker tannish

Body Type

For his people, who are notably tall and solid, he's got a pretty thin frame. His people divide their warriors up into four classes, and on a scale from Super Light to Super Heavy, he'd fall under the Light category. So he's not as thin and wiry as a SL would be, but he's built more for speed and agility than bulldozing. Not to say he ain't muscled, because his career path requires you to be VERY strong. And he is.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does SP Boa have?

He's got light freckling on his shoulders, a distinct lack of scarring, since he hasn't had the wonderful opportunities of real battle very often, and rose-gold eyes, which is this cultures version of green eyes, pretty rare, and thought very highly of, especially since their current (very popular) king has rose-gold eyes. Add in a trademark sweet smile and widespread popularity, and you get a kid most people can ID from across a valley.

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does SP Boa have?

Making flower crowns, walking with his friends and just talking, writing letters to his friends and parents, drawing, painting, playing with Ligra and Zei, his father's direwolves, cloud watching, telling stories, and honestly weaving bracelets, necklaces, rings, any sort of decorations like that. Arts and crafts, essentially. He learned some woodcarving skills from his father, and likes to engrave sticks with pretty patterns and so on.


Happily, none! (yet) This lad's whole and hale.

Personality type - What personality type is SP Boa?

Boa's an undeniable sweetheart softie. He loves baby blue and powder pink, writes letters to his parents even though he sees them almost every day, picks flowers and makes flower crowns, is an endless optimist and loves everyone. He's also inherited his parents skill, and is good in training, which he undertakes with endless pride. A gentle soul who's first instinct is to connect with those around him, he has many friends and is quite popular. Boa's quite sensitive which is both a benefit, and a bit of a handicap. In one way, he's very in-tune with those around him, but he also is easily hurt by words aimed at him that may not have been intended to be cruel. He hates getting into trouble, and can't stand to be yelled at. When he gets upset, he can be a bit moody and withdrawn, usually preferring to 'hide' in the company of another to draw less attention to himself.
He's got an innate ability to empathize with others, and as mentioned is incredibly sensitive, not just to people, but to details, patterns, physical feelings, emotions, etc. He can hold onto things too long, and often gets confused as to why other people are so dismissive of certain things (for example, someone receives a criticism and brushes it off, or gets over something he feels they should be more upset/excited/etc about). He can stretch himself too thin emotionally, since he gets very invested in almost everyone he meets. He doesn't really have a concept of acquaintances, he bonds with people VERY easily, and will try to be for them at his own expense. He's currently quite bad about balancing that, he has yet to learn healthy ways to care for others and one's self at the same time.
On the other hand, he's well-loved by every one in his community, there are many Night Sentinels he's already acquainted with, and his name is well-known around Sentinel Prime. This is a little bit of trickle-down popularity, since his father is equally well-loved, for many of the same reasons, but he's also loved just because of who he is. Still, it's common for people to hail him on the street as "Valen's son," or comment "oh, there goes that son of Valen's." or something of the sort. He doesn't mind; he's got a great relationship with both his mother and father, and is proud to be their son. He very much relies on them, and they're his rock, his emotional regulation, his logical brain when his fantasy brain gets too out of hand.
Boa's an energetic and passionate individual who is attentive and learns quickly. He has a great respect for authority/experience, and was blessed with his father's social skills and his mother's determination. Once he sinks his teeth into something, he will not let go, at most any cost. On the flip side, he has a pretty short temper, not that he outwardly shows his anger. No matter how frustrated or upset he might get, that will never outweigh his fear of hurting other people's feelings. He gets frustrated when people don't react how he expects them to, or feels like they should, since he already feels that for them, and then it's upsetting to him when his predictive empathy isn't accurate, necessary, or wanted. He also gets frustrated with himself easily. He has a pretty high standard and expectation of himself, based off what he's achieved in the past. If he fails to achieve the same thing in the present, he can forget that people have off days, and sometimes just don't do as well. But what makes him lose his temper the quickest is people being insensitive and pushy, towards himself or others. This is the ONE and only time he might actually be a little snappish towards anyone. But even then, he'll probably just fume internally, and vent to a close friend later.
He does have a slight problem sharing his own emotions with others, since he assumes they can read him as easily as he can read them, and can seem like he's hiding his emotions, when in reality he doesn't realize he's not expressing himself strongly enough. He's very open about what he's feeling, (mostly -- anger and romance aside, he's shy about those), especially to his closest friends and his parents. He trusts others around him and shares his heart with anyone who wants to listen, never imagining they might use that against him. Of course, most people wouldn't because he rarely interacts with people who have anything except for good hearts and intentions.
He's sweet and gentle with humans and animals both, and if you need emotional support and understanding, this is your guy. He'll listen to you, hug you, talk to you, and be generally legit helpful, not just sympathetic. He doesn't give up on things, and that includes everything from other people to the potted plant he barely has time to look after properly. Also, if you're feeling down and he notices, you can expect to receive a flower crown in your favorite flower/color by the next morning. He's always reaching out and trying to make connections with people, and has a good memory for who was going through what, who talked to him where, all that kinda stuff. He'd probably make a great therapist, if those existed in his world.

Talents - What talents does SP Boa have?

He's got a talent for crafting things, and has a very active, beautiful imagination. He's going to make an excellent battle master someday, once he learns the basics of strategy. He'll be able to come up with unexpected plans of attack and defense.
He loves to draw, and is getting pretty good. He's in that middle stage of 'has the vision, can technically pull it off, but...something's a little wrong still, not sure what.'

Prejudices - What prejudices does SP Boa have?

He tends to take authority as gospel, and thanks to the current political tension between the Mining communities and the Alchemists, (and by extension, the Sentinels), he's a little likely to scoff at anyone who's on the miner's pov, because again, words of gospel are spoken by the alchemists.

(In case you're wondering what's happening there, the Alchemists are very concerned about the tides that creep ever higher up the cliffs where the mining tunnels are situated. It's kinda like the argument between certain human groups, 'the environment is CHANGING! Your career paths need to CEASE' 'Bro, frick off, this is my job, wft's your problem also prove it???' kinda stuff. The Alchemists, not really understanding the mining community, are like, 'we need to evacuate the tunnels until we know for sure they're not going to flood.' and the miners are like 'dude, we have to make a living somehow. The water's never flooded the tunnels before, it's probably not going to, we finna carry on about our day, kindly heck off.')

Anyway, back to Boa, his prejudices can really be covered by whatever someone he respects tells him is good or bad. He's not so much a leader, he's very follower, and has had a good enough life up to this point, he hasn't had to challenge that trust of others yet.

Flaws - What flaws does SP Boa have?

Most of these can be encapsulated by "he's sheltered." Not intentionally, he just happened to be born during a very happy time, and never really traveled outside his...county? idk, area. He's been outside his city, but he's never been far from it.
He's naive, too trusting, and I'm not sure if too honorable is a thing?
Major spoilers for his life, but he's got such strong morals and sense of duty that he's terribly easy to manipulate, and after some very bad people saved his life, they were able to convince him that he owed them, and used his in their war, which was a war of greed, unnecessary brutality, and no code of conduct in the slightest. This was terribly distressing to Boa, but he didn't know how to get out, since he had given them his word that he would help them (before he knew all the details), and had always been taught it was a terrible thing to go back on one's word. So, as far a he thought, he was stuck. Of course, that happens when he's like 19-20, so it's a ways off.
He's got a stark image of black and white good and bad; most of his culture does, and believes it impossible for someone of any noble stock whatsoever to do anything dishonorable, assuming others are are pure and soft as he is.
He also has a bad habit of overworking himself, and insisting it's not overworking, he's just pushing himself. He's gotten chewed out by the Path Masters a few times over this, and just genuinely cannot fathom what this weird thing 'burnout' is that they keep talking about. You get tired, you go to sleep, you wake up refreshed. He's starting to figure out that emotional, physical, and mental burnouts are all different, and all need different fixes. There's a reason the camps give you days off, Boa. Come on.

Motivations - What motivates SP Boa most?

People, helping people, making his parents proud, people, achieving his goals, proving himself to himself, family, friends, other peoples goals and motivations, and possibly the most important...
The day he graduates and bonds with a wolf spirit. And people.
He's also excited about the Night Parade, but also very scared of it, so he doesn't think about it so much. Especially with Arven constantly telling him horror stories about it
But people, mainly. He's so enthusiastic about other people and their wishes, personalities, goals, dreams...he just loves people.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does SP Boa have?

  • He smiles at everyone, and if you catch him by surprise, he'll have to do a double take because he was daydreaming and then he'll recognize you (or not) and greet you happily.

  • He taps his fingers a lot, just without thinking about it, trying to remember some tune, or idly keeping himself entertained.

  • He's never sarcastic, and sarcasm will kinda just sail over his head most the time. he's grown up with his mom constantly snarking his dad, but in a very playful manner, so actual sarcasm is not something he's versed with.

  • He clicks his teeth when he's thinking.

  • He walks faster than most people, just by a little. He'll adjust his pace unless he's feeling really energetic, at which point he has no problem going on ahead a little, usually turning to walk backwards as he carries on whatever conversation he's been having.

  • He almost always starts his conversations with a 'Hey~'

  • He's always happy to see you. I guarantee you.
    -Edmund Pevensie is actually a good model for how Boa acts, except Edmund's sassy. So just take those parts out, and ya got Boa ^

groups Social
Favorite food - What is SP Boa’s favorite food?

Since I don't have a super great grasp of this cultures diet, I'll just make it easy and say if it has sugar, only his mother can make him not eat a least a little.

Favorite possession - What is SP Boa’s favorite possession?

Possibly the same as his favorite weapon. But any gift from anyone he will cherish.

Favorite weapon - What is SP Boa’s favorite weapon?

He's recently earned the right to a Sentinel Wraith Spear, which is the basic, standard issue weapon every Sentinel knows how to use. He's. So. Proud.

Favorite animal - What is SP Boa’s favorite animal?

All animals. But mostly the direwolves, and goats. Even though one pushed him off a cliff once.

Job - What job does SP Boa have?

He's still in school, essentially.


He's got a lot more than this, but these are the notable ones, since he is only a side character
Sasha and Arven: Two of the Night Sentinels in his father's team. They're best friends, and almost like uncles to him at this point.
Seel: The two are quite close, and Boa's still struggling with that crush.
Gor: Another friend of his father's, who has served under him in a team in the past. Very much an uncle figure to Boa, Boa is close with Gor's whole family: Gor's sister Reua, Kala, Gor's wife, and Sheel and Roe, Gor's two children, who Boa loooves to babysit.
The Royal Family: Kinda. Since his father's a close friend of the king, he's met the family several times, and they like him and are friendly with him. King Novik, Queen Helix and Princess Exus may be slightly snooty distant and above it all, but they'll acknowledge him and check in on him if they see him around.

Religion - What religion does SP Boa practice?

In this culture, there are two religions co-existing within one society. The Sentinels, sworn protectors of the Wraiths, venerate them above all else, however most of the culture hold the Maykr people in highest esteem. The Senitnels worship alongside their people, and respect and accept the Maykrs as their gods, but their duties will always be to the Wraiths first and foremost. Boa follows in this trend.


None, as of this point in time. He's got a major crush on another trainee at the Path Camp named Seel, but you know this boy ain't got the courage to say anything about it.

Politics - What politics does SP Boa have?

Ooh, boy. Politics in this kingdom...

He's VERY supportive of the current rule, and very supportive of the Sentinels, (which only makes sense, considering his heritage and also career path). Pro-science, pro-engineering, pro-Maykr, pro-Wraith, this kid kinda is on 'things are good' end of the spectrum of life. He's also 15, and doesn't question his parents opinions too much.

To relate it to our culture, he'd be a huuuuge supporter of the military and veterans, a stout Christian who also believes in freedom of faith, very tolerant of others, a supporter of science and discovery, and the kind of person who loves his country very, very much, regardless of who's in charge. He'd feel loyalty to the government and his land, because he (would) believe even if the leaders are corrupt, the best way to help your country and people would be through them and their positions.

Although, on the flip side of that, since he's been raised in a fair and just era of his kingdom's life with a king who is pretty much the best, he's pretty much a blind follower of authority, subconsciously believing it to have to corruptibility.

Occupation - What is SP Boa’s occupation?

He's training to be one of the venerated warriors in the Sentinel Order, tasked with defending the power of the Wraiths and protecting their county from forces more powerful than the regular soldiers can face alone.

Favorite color - What is SP Boa’s favorite color?

Pastel pink or baby blue, or pale lavender. These are all good, good colors of his favorite flowers and plants.

info History
Background - What is SP Boa’s background?

Born to Valen and Ranir, the pair decided early on they wanted their son near them, and wanted him to have the relationship with them they both never had with their parents. They applied for him to join the Sentinels as soon as they knew he was coming, and he was instantly welcomed, because of his father's reputation. His life is easy to split up into sections, so I'll do exactly that.
0-2: From his birth to the age of two, he had both his parents by his side. in this culture, it's fairly expected that both parents take at least two years to simply raise their child, though everyone knows not everyone can do this. The lower classes generally work around that by just taking their kid with them to work, or having only one parent stay home. Children are this cultures most prized possession, and highly celebrated. From the word go, the mission of (almost) every parent is to ensure their children are healthy, happy, and cared for and loved. (Of course, bad parents exist everywhere, but y'know). Boa's parents were fortunate enough that they could both take the two years to just be with him, take him places, play with him, and enjoy being a family together. This traditional method of child rearing is one reason parents and their children have much stronger relationships than other cultures (cough cough america cough cough day cares for newborns cough cough also yes, some people don't have the choice, but still )
Anyways, off topics aside, Boa's first years of life were the equivalent of that baboon holding Simba up on pride rock, just LOOK AT OUR SON HE'S THE MOST AMAZING as they introduced him to ALL of their friends and family. They let him meet his grandparents, (which, unfortunately, would be one of the only times he ever saw them, they all died before he got old enough to really get to know them, Ranir introduced him to all her old warrior friends, Valen practically threw him at the king with how excited he was, and Novik, being a good friend, got excited along with. But as much time as they spent sharing him with others, they spent twice as much with him alone. They'd just gotten married earlier in the year, and they were so excited for everything, though they kinda burned themselves out with how much love they gave him, they decided not to have another, and they just gave him all of their time and energy.
Of course, this was also the time of their first huge argument as a couple, which all couples are destined for. One of Ranir's friends unexpectedly passed away, and Valen was all for fostering/potentially adopting her three year old, but Ranir, with a newborn baby Boa on her hands, say NO. They had quite the fight about it, since Valen's conscience was very upset by the idea of NOT helping. As far as he was concerned, they had the means, they should do it. Ranir on the other hand, as sad as she was, knew the child would get adopted by someone quickly and easily, and also didn't want anything to take away the time they spent with Boa, lest they fail him in his critical development stages. The two didn't talk to each other for three days, until they both got too sad about it and had a nice long cry, and Valen agreed with Ranir. Okay, that was kinda about them more than Boa, but he almost had an older sister, is the long and the short of it.

2-7: As soon as he possessed the ability to walk consistently well and the basic dexterity to not toddle off any cliffs, Valen was back to work, and Ranir, being a happy stay at home mom (A job that's highly respected in this culture), opened the doors and let lil Boa waddle out into the big wide world of their small, very secure city. Of course, he wasn't just wandering the streets alone. There were bands of kids doing exactly the same thing, and you could usually count on at least one parent idly keeping an eye on whoever was right outside their house. This culture is a huge believer in the village raising the child kinda stuff. The older kids were expected to look out for the little ones, and teach them how to safely navigate their little world. Should anything go wrong, arguments, injuries, etc, some mom or dad would come down to see what the fuss was about, and take care of it as if it were their own children. The kids ranged from 2 to 14, and were all part of the tight-knit Night Sentinel community, even if they weren't becoming Sentinel's themselves. The kids ran with the direwolf pack that lived with the Night Sentinels, climbed on the cliffs the city was built into, and played in every back-yard and street. Ranir would welcome him back home a little earlier than most kids returned to their homes, since he always started missing her and Valen by the end of the day, and some days he didn't go out at all, preferring to stay home with her and Valen, who's job allowed him to swing by fairly regularly, and take days off frequently. Boa'd help her make dinner, be the best welcome home party for Valen, and just generally be everything a young child is. Was everything perfect? Nope, not at all. He'd get into trouble, Ranir would occasionally lose her temper (though she has a loooong fuse), or Valen would be too tired to play when he got home, or emotionally burnt out from some event at work or another. He'd fall and scrape his knee, and by the time he was six, he's broken three fingers and dislocated his shoulder (separate events, not all at once). Sometimes Valen and Ranir would lose patience with each other, and though neither of them are the yelling type, their arguments could get very tense and fierce. But really, he had a pretty happy childhood, nothing majorly went wrong, and nothing extraordinarily good happened either.

7-11: At age seven, he was taken to the Sentinel Path camps, the places where the next generation of Sentinels, Alchemists, and Engineers were trained and raised. The horribly traumatic event took him further from his parents than he'd ever been before -- a whole two miles up the mountain. Terrible. He could only see them once or twice a day, vs the...once or twice a day it had been before.
All jokes aside, it was a teary day for him, but his parents firmly told him it was a good thing, he was going to make lots of friends, and learn lots of cool stuff. They would visit him everyday, or he would visit them, and they made sure he knew they were there for him at all times. And honestly? After the first day, he loved it. On day two, the very first thing the Path Masters did with the new recruits was take them on a picnic, and let them run around the new area and explore and learn how to navigate the land without tripping and dying. There were coloring books available, for any who got tired, and the Path Masters, who have a reputation of being heartless drill sergeants, had a blast playing with the kids and showing them around. For Boa's first few years at the training camp, that was about all they did. The purpose was really just to teach them how to work as a team, build strong social skills, learn to navigate difficult terrain, and learn how to take and give orders. They didn't give them any weapons, they were all terrors as it was. These kids didn't even get wooden swords until they were 11. And as they aged, and the next year's new batch of 7 year old arrive, they began to receive more responsibility; much like back the the city streets of Boa's home, the older trainees were expected to look out for the younger ones, help the Path Masters manage the little monsters, and teach them things that the Path Masters were too busy to teach to each student individually. In the Path camps, everyone's a teacher, everyone's a student. You work together well, or you get lectured about teamwork and assigned extra duties. I could go on, but basically the zone of proximal development is not an uncommon practice in this culture.
As far as important events in this era, the war started, and Hell invaded. That was not something that affected Boa, but it sure affected the country, so it's important to note. Boa was yeeted off a cliff by a ram, nearly broke his back, and climbed right back up to try and return the favor. (It didn't work, one of the Path Masters had to go untangle him from his death match with the goat). He met his best-friend-to-be, Seel, and the two hit it off like nothing else. They learned about history, alchemy, and other general knowledge of their kingdom and how it works.

11+: From ages 11 to the present day, that's when the actual fighting training began, and it began with vigor. The trainees were expected to move from wooden weapons to metal fake ones to real blades in a tight time-frame, and remember how the Path Masters were said to be heartless drill sergeants? Well, about as soon as you're showing any proficiency at all, it's Gorden Ramsey up in here. They will get after you if you mess up something you should know how to do. They still patiently teach you new skills, but goofing off and dumb slip-ups are not appreciated. They start expecting you to be mature and step up on taking your responsibilities more seriously. They begin training them how to control their reactions, stay calm under pressure, and preform well under immense stress and expectations. As they get older, the Path Masters will start reminding them that victory will not be just handed to them on the battlefield, and there will be times when their ability to control themselves will save their lives and the lives of those around them. You don't make second mistakes in a war, because one is all it takes. Though the Path Masters are never cruel or expect the impossible of their trainees, (they love them dearly, in all honesty), they don't go easy on them either. Achievement is celebrated and rewarded, failure is never punished, but there are consequences, even if those consequences just be getting your knuckles cracked by your opponents training weapon because you missed a block. I could go on and on about the training routines, but let's talk about Boa specifically.

Boa, after he adjusted to the new way of things, actually flourished in that camp, becoming the first trainee of his year to pass the test that will grant you your first Sentinel Weapon, the Wraith Spear. It' been like, a month, and he's still over the moon about it.
Other important events, are he developed a crush on Seel, never acted on it, and is still agonizing over it, ended up in this cultures version of the ER because he cut seriously cut during a training practice with real weapons, (he got distracted), and ended up passing out from blood-loss. He learned a LOT from that experience, a realized exactly how important it was to pay attention in a battle, even a fake one. A close friend of Valen's was killed during the war with Hell, and the Path masters granted Boa a week's leave from camp so Valen could have his family around him while he grieved. Boa also felt that loss, as did Ranir. The woman in question, (unnamed because outside of this, in the actual story, she is never named as is unimportant), was a close friend to them all. It was a rough time, and Boa's first real experience with death. It was at that point he started to feel a little anxiety every time Valen went out to the front, realizing the same thing could happen to him.

And that takes us pretty much to the current day! Boa has a lot of his story left to live, which involves such fun things as being killed, being brought back on purpose, but only part of him, being brought back on accident, only, ALL of him, nearly dying again because his wounds from the first time hadn't healed, having half his soul and his heart tied to a monster of chaos capable of creating black-holes just by existing, being rescued/abducted by aliens, healed by them, and then forced to fight for them! Don't worry, depending on how my players play the campaign Boa's an NPC for, he may get reunited with his parents!

Birthday - When is SP Boa’s birthday?

Well, you know, I haven't developed these people's calendars enough to tell ya. He's a fall child, though.

Education - What is SP Boa’s level of education?

He's nearing the end of the Sentinel Path, assuming he carries on as he is, he'll be attempting the graduation right after his 19th birthday. As with all Sentinel trainees, he's learning not just the martial skills, but also history, basic engineering, basic alchemy, training his body and mind both to be in top form and resistant to trauma. Sentinels, especially those wishing to become Night Sentinels, need to know how to balance themselves in a crisis, and never panic or let fear, excitement, or anger cloud their judgment.
He's...still working on that xD

Family Line

Since I don't want to have to come back and link Valen and Ranir in the references, we're just gonna talk about his family here

KBr Ranir, a retired front lines soldier, is his mother, who gave up her career for the sake of marrying and having a family. This really, was for no other reason than the KB soldiers often have very short, brutal lives that often end far too early. Very few of these soldiers start families, and when they do, they usually retire from the force, so their spouses/children don't have to worry every single day that they may never see their parent again. This was a tough choice for Ranir, since she took great pride in her work, was good at it, and had a lot of friends she knows she'll likely never see again now that she lives so far away. She was on her way to become an Engineer, which was her parents chosen path for her, but her aunt, a KB soldier, recommended Ranir to the KB generals at an early age, and she got selected after passing the application tests with flying colors. Her parent s weren't super happy about that, but they couldn't go against the Kingdom's wishes, so they just did their best to support her and never had a very good relationship with that aunt after that.

KH Valen is a Night Sentinel commander, one of the most venerated and respected of the current generation. He's loving and dedicated to his family, and is a lot like Boa personality wise, though far less sensitive. His parents applied for him to become a Sentinel at his birth, hoping to give him a more comfortable, stable life then they had as simple woodworkers. So at the age of seven he was taken to the Path Camps, and rarely saw his parents after that, simply because of distance and also, really BUSY. When he and Ranir had Boa, they knew they wanted to be closer to him then either of them had the chance to be with their parents. So they applied for him to be a Sentinel imminently. Valen's close with the King, and is often given command of the Night Sentinels who need more confidence or struggle with self esteem, as he's got a knack for getting the best out of people without making feel stressed to preform perfectly.

Boa's relationship with Ranir and Valen has always been good, they love him about more than anything except each other, and they never miss a chance to tell him as much. They get to see each other almost every day, and they're constantly sending him things, and he's constantly writing them letters. With Valen's gentle, empathetic method of communication and Ranir's blunt emotional honesty, he's never left without a place to go for advice, comfort, or guidance. And they don't always wait for him to come to them either. They'll check up on him at any time just to say hi, invite him out for a walk with the family pets, Ligra and Zei, whatever. There's just an abundance of love in that family.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does SP Boa have?

He doesn't have any of his own, but his father has two direwolves who he loves and they him, so that kinda counts. He hasn't discovered his wolf spirit yet, but once he does, he probably adopt several.
The wolves are named Ligra and Zei, they're both males who Boa's father found in the wild, not part of the pack that lives with the Argenta. They were yearlings at the time, and...kinda dumb, they weren't surviving very well on their own, so Valen took them home.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Later on in his arc, once he's in his 20's, his life could be summed up easily by Sunflower by Post Malone and Swae Lee

His current themes, however, are as follows:
Youth - Glass Animals
Dreamland - Glass Animals
Heatwaves - Glass Animals
Hello my Old Heart - The Oh Hellos - (Kinda. It's a little more of his later life arc. But I'd say this song describes him when he's sad)
Bitter Water - The Oh Hellos
Wonderful Life - Katie Melua
Perfect World - Katie Melua
If We Have Each Other - Alec Benjamin
Welcome Home, Son - Radical Face
He Lives In You - Lion King 2

He tries to be a bad-ass, but he's too much of a sweetheart to fool anybody.

He was the kind of young child that, while all the other children at the camp are rebelling and causing havoc, would politely tug on the Path Master's sleeve and inform them of how good he's being.

He probably has a slightly better relationship with Valen than Ranir, since they're more similar in the personality department. But Ranir goes out of her way to try and understand both of her boys, she's really the queen of communication

The three of them are just big together energy. They're happiest when they're all together, and they're so excited for Boa to grow up and live with them for the rest of their lives. (rip)

Hes an energetic, bouncy boy. If he had to sit still a lot, he would be a LOT more frustrated than he is. He might be a little hyperactive, but in this culture, you'd hardly notice, since they are, as a general rule, almost always active. He gets plenty of chances to burn that energy.

As a baby child, ages 2-4, one of his favorite games was to just,,, bull charge Valen, and tackle him with all the strength and might a 2-4 year old can summon. Valen, of course, would drop whatever he was doing instantly, and 'wrestle' the kid, ultimately letting him win almost every time. The occasional times he didn't, it was because he got too overwhelmed by how cute Boa was, and he'd smother Boa in kisses until Boa was screaming in laughter. Boa'd do the same thing to Ranir, but she'd just pick him up and pretend to throw him out the window, or onto the couch or wherever before hugging him into submission.

Another game he loved, was when Ranir and Valen would pretend to fight over him, gently trying to snatch him from each other, and say things like "I love him best!" "No, he's my baby!" and so on. Eeeevery once in a great long while they'll still do that, and it never fails to make him laugh.
Of course, it didn't always go perfectly well, Ranir tripped once, and Valen dove to catch her and Boa and broke his nose on the wall. Initial pain and concern, which turned into hysterical laughter on the way over to the hospital.

Boa will never say no to a good old fashioned game of tag, but fair warning, he's fast, and will tackle you.

All the Night Sentinels love him, and if we ever needed help, they would drop everything and run to his aid. In a human/earth au, imagine he gets bullied at school, and the next day he shows up with like, fifteen of the biggest, burliest, most scarred, tough looking, heccin' built men and women you can imagine all standing right behind him with their arms folded like 'You wanna run that by him again?'

Although, to be fair, the Night Sentinels would probably do that for any kid in trouble. Did I mention how loved kids are in this society?

And he'd do the same for them. Again, human/earth au, one of his Sentinel aunts or uncles gets yelled at by their boss, and the next day he goes in with them, this small, soft baby child who will fight that boss if he tries to pick on his family again. And also give said boss a lecture about feelings and emotions.

Vines this child matches:

"I'm telling you ma, I'm a thug. A rebellious child. My life be like oo-aa." barely hits fingers on anything "owch"

"I just googled what slay means. What the heck? I do not kill people! I promise, I do NOT slay!"

"Sure, you may be verified on twitter. But are you verified? In the eyes of God?"

Violently spooks at fake demon the Path Masters use for target practice "Issat...issat real???"

Seel: "Me an Boa are gonna go vandalize some stuff!"
Boa: "Dude, you sure about this?"
Seel: "Yeah, yeah, just go!!!"
Boa: completes the math problem on the back of his dad's car
Both: run away giggling

If he ever broke up w/ anyone:
Them: "I can't do this anymore, I'm leaving you"
Boa: "Not if I leave you first!"
Them: "Th-this is your house!"
Boa: stomps down street crying

Doing his little best to flirt:
Him: "So, are you into guys with big hearts?"
Them: "Nah, I'm more into bad boys."
Him: flips cap around backwards "w-well then today's your lucky day"

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