info Overview
Name - What is Amara Al Tahir ’s full name?

Amara Al Tahir

Gender - What is Amara Al Tahir ’s gender?


Age - How old is Amara Al Tahir ?


Role - What is Amara Al Tahir ’s role in your story?

Amara is one of the six students and a theater major. She assumes the role of the White Queen in the dreamscape.

Other names - What other aliases does Amara Al Tahir go by?

The White Queen

face Looks
Race - What is Amara Al Tahir ’s race?


Skin Tone

Moderate brown

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Amara Al Tahir have?

She wears several rings on her hands

Weight - How much does Amara Al Tahir weigh?


Height - How tall is Amara Al Tahir ?


Hair Color - What color is Amara Al Tahir ’s hair?

Deep Brown

Hair Style - How does Amara Al Tahir style their hair?

Tucked back in a Hijab

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Amara Al Tahir have?


Eye Color - What is Amara Al Tahir ’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Amara Al Tahir have?

Acting and singing


Hand tremors

Personality type - What personality type is Amara Al Tahir ?

-She has a strong interest in making the world a better place. She seeks to gain a greater understand, both of herself as well as the people around her
-She is very tentative in social situations and saves her charisma and emotions for the stage, where she believes they belong.
-She relies on her intuition to guide her and can be meticulous about things she cares for
-She manages a careful balance of fact and belief when making difficult decisions and considers herself fair
-Although she is a bit hard to make friends with, there is no one more loyal.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Amara Al Tahir have?

Musical theater

Prejudices - What prejudices does Amara Al Tahir have?


Flaws - What flaws does Amara Al Tahir have?

-She can’t help but to input her opinion in other’s problems
-She takes everything personally
-Very difficult to befriend although Marco Paquet managed it

Motivations - What motivates Amara Al Tahir most?

-Respect and esteem from her colleagues

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Amara Al Tahir have?

-She is friendly but very serious
-She doesn’t show much affection unless she’s on stage
-When she speaks, she does it with so much devotion that people will stop to listen

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Amara Al Tahir ’s favorite color?

Wine red

Occupation - What is Amara Al Tahir ’s occupation?

Theater major

Favorite food - What is Amara Al Tahir ’s favorite food?

Lamb shawarma

Favorite possession - What is Amara Al Tahir ’s favorite possession?
Favorite weapon - What is Amara Al Tahir ’s favorite weapon?

Her words

Favorite animal - What is Amara Al Tahir ’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Amara Al Tahir have?


Religion - What religion does Amara Al Tahir practice?

Raised Muslim and she has remained so in her adult life.

Politics - What politics does Amara Al Tahir have?

Openly an civil rights activist, she considers herself socially Liberal and has attended many protests covering a wide variety of issues.

date_range History
Education - What is Amara Al Tahir ’s level of education?

She grew up in the US although her parents were both born in the Middle East. She was fascinated by Shakespeare and gained an appreciation for Theater both on and off stage. She speaks English, Arabic, Hebrew, and Latin fluently.

Birthday - When is Amara Al Tahir ’s birthday?

January 29th

Background - What is Amara Al Tahir ’s background?

She has two sisters and gained a passion for theater in middle school when reading Shakespeare. Although her parents didn't entirely approve of her pursuit, they continued to support her throughout her studies. In college she hasn't made many friends save for Marco Paquet , who played in the Orchestra Pit for one of her performances.

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This character was created by Lizzie on

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