info Overview
Name - What is Marco Paquet’s full name?

Marco Paquet

Gender - What is Marco Paquet’s gender?


Age - How old is Marco Paquet?


Role - What is Marco Paquet’s role in your story?

Marco is one of the six students who participate in The Wonderland Project and one of Alec’s love interests. He assumes the role of the Queen of Hearts

Other names - What other aliases does Marco Paquet go by?

Your Majesty

face Looks
Race - What is Marco Paquet’s race?

French and African American

Skin Tone

Warm Chocolate

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Marco Paquet have?

Patches of vitiligo on his hands and neck

Weight - How much does Marco Paquet weigh?


Height - How tall is Marco Paquet?


Hair Color - What color is Marco Paquet’s hair?

Warm Black

Hair Style - How does Marco Paquet style their hair?

Short, curly

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Marco Paquet have?


Eye Color - What is Marco Paquet’s eye color?

Olive Green

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Marco Paquet have?

He’s a cross-country runner and a violinist


Vitiligo(patches where skin lacks pigment)

Personality type - What personality type is Marco Paquet?

-Marco likes to keep his opinions open so he often delays making decisions to see if a new or better option might appear
-He is reserved but incredibly respectful and considerate. He is easy-going and always willing to accept people for who they are rather than who he would like to be
-He prefers to focus on the present rather than worry about what the future may hold
-He dislikes abstract theories unless he can see some type of practical application for them and prefers learning situations that involve gaining hands-on experience
-Kinda the mom friend, always there to comfort everyone and keep them in check
-Despite his calm demeanor, Marco does surprisingly bad with authority figures because he often feels demeaned by them and that's kind of his pressure point

Hobbies - What hobbies does Marco Paquet have?

Cross Country and Violin

Prejudices - What prejudices does Marco Paquet have?

He dislikes psychology majors because he struggles with moral dilemmas

Flaws - What flaws does Marco Paquet have?

-He has trouble decision making and tends to panic when faced with a dilemma because they always question your values. (I.e. you shouldn't kill that person because killing is wrong but if you don't kill that person several others will die.)
-He has a strong need for personal space

Motivations - What motivates Marco Paquet most?

-His values
-Preventing confrontation

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Marco Paquet have?

-He’s the strong silent type
-He's a good listener until it's an argument and then he'll do his best to mediate

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Marco Paquet’s favorite color?

Navy Blue

Occupation - What is Marco Paquet’s occupation?

Music Major (Music History)

Favorite food - What is Marco Paquet’s favorite food?

Tomato soup and grilled cheese

Favorite possession - What is Marco Paquet’s favorite possession?

His Rosewood Violin which was a gift from his mother

Favorite weapon - What is Marco Paquet’s favorite weapon?

A violin bow

Favorite animal - What is Marco Paquet’s favorite animal?

Blue jays

Job - What job does Marco Paquet have?


Religion - What religion does Marco Paquet practice?

He was raised Christian but it doesn't define his adult life at all.

Politics - What politics does Marco Paquet have?

Sometimes it's hard to tell but although Marco seems to think very traditionally, his political ideals are nearly radical. He believes that the American Government could be completely overturned and rebuilt much better. Maybe his French side makes him more of a revolutionary.

date_range History
Education - What is Marco Paquet’s level of education?

He went to private school and took a gap year before college to study music in France, where his mother was born. He is fluent in English, French, and Latin. He is a composer as well an a musician.

Birthday - When is Marco Paquet’s birthday?

February 18th

Background - What is Marco Paquet’s background?

His mother is from France and moved to the US for work where she met his father. Marco was always rather shy but also a very creative boy and his mother insisted on buying him a violin for his eighth birthday and teaching him to play. Ever since, he has been in love with music and believes in to be a unifying force of the world. He was the oldest of four children so he often had to play parent. This also gave him a good talent as a mediator and he considered being a lawyer for a short time, before deciding to study the violin, his true passion. He fully intends to become a professional orchestral violinist. When he started college, for a time he was tutored by Alec Boyd and didn't get along with him. He also played for one of Amara Al Tahir 's shows and became quick friends with her. He agreed to participate in The Wonderland Project at Dr. Bernard Shelby's personal request. He considered refusing but decided to go along with it when he found out Amara was invited too.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Marco Paquet have?

A parakeet named Lola

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Marco is in love with Alec Boyd . Alec tutored him for a time and Marco found himself liking it a little too much, so he put on a mask of disliking Alec to combat his feelings because he assumed Alec didn't return his adoration. He does not have feelings for Amara.

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This character was created by Lizzie on

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