info Overview
Name - What is Magnus Antin Rhome’s full name?

Magnus Antin Rhome

Role - What is Magnus Antin Rhome’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Magnus Antin Rhome go by?


Gender - What is Magnus Antin Rhome’s gender?


Age - How old is Magnus Antin Rhome?

17 years

face Looks
Weight - How much does Magnus Antin Rhome weigh?

183 lbs

Height - How tall is Magnus Antin Rhome?


Hair Color - What color is Magnus Antin Rhome’s hair?

Very dark brown

Hair Style - How does Magnus Antin Rhome style their hair?

Medium length and curly. He likes it long but the castle servants always make him cut it to look more 'presentable'.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Magnus Antin Rhome have?


Eye Color - What is Magnus Antin Rhome’s eye color?

Dark, knowing blue

Race - What is Magnus Antin Rhome’s race?

White, Human

Skin Tone

Tanned from years of living under the sun in prairies and fields.

Body Type

Tall, athletic, muscular. He is very strong from carrying logs around when he builds shelters in the forest.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Magnus Antin Rhome have?

His smirks. He has a fist-sized scar on his shoulder from being stabbed by a Savage Boar's tusks. Two pin-sized marks an inch apart from being bitten by a viper. He has many other scars as well from various battles.

Clothing Styles

Dark blue collared shirts

He has an unhealthy obsession with capes

Knee-high boots for slogging through mud

Ruffled shirts and baggy pants to conceal various weapons

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Magnus Antin Rhome have?

He has a habit of pulling out one of his throwing stars and cleaning it when in the presence of an annoying person. This usually scares them away.

Motivations - What motivates Magnus Antin Rhome most?

He loves his kingdom so much he left the throne for its own good.

Flaws - What flaws does Magnus Antin Rhome have?

Although he typically thinks before he acts, when somebody's in danger, he recklessly rushes in to save them.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Magnus Antin Rhome have?

He assumes that all Alterians are bad because he was born in the middle of a war with them. It's just how he was raised.

Talents - What talents does Magnus Antin Rhome have?

Fighting, knowing things, he can get almost any animal to trust him in a matter of days. Sometimes less.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Magnus Antin Rhome have?

Riding, archery (though he's bad at it), he loves practicing swordsmanship with his brother. They made up a game where they hide in a forest and try to ambush each other and shoot each other with rubber tipped arrows.

Personality type - What personality type is Magnus Antin Rhome?

Non-judgemental, protective. He can be sassy and has a very colorful attitude about things he doesn't like.

Introverted or Extroverted?

He is an outgoing introvert. He enjoys being around people and talks a lot but he gets most of his energy from being alone.

View on Wealth

He views wealth as an unnecessary but valuable resource that can either

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Magnus Antin Rhome practice?

Along with his family and most of his kingdom, he worships the Maker. The God who created everything. There are no rituals or sacrifices he has to do. All he does is give him his trust, his faith, and his heart.

Politics - What politics does Magnus Antin Rhome have?

He is very good at making people contradict themselves and can often put holes in anyone's arguments. He uses this talent to defend his brother when he gets in trouble with the jury and to argue his points. Although he is extremely gifted with a sword, he wants peace for his kingdom. He's getting tired of fighting. The war has gone on too long, it had to stop.

Occupation - What is Magnus Antin Rhome’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Magnus Antin Rhome’s favorite color?

Dark grey. Most people think black is the color to blend in at night but that really just makes you a shade darker than everything else.

Favorite food - What is Magnus Antin Rhome’s favorite food?

He loves wild plants and can make an entire meal out of roots and berries.

Favorite possession - What is Magnus Antin Rhome’s favorite possession?

His sword. The steel blade is colored black and the hilt has a unique texture for better grip.

Favorite weapon - What is Magnus Antin Rhome’s favorite weapon?

His custom-made sword

Favorite animal - What is Magnus Antin Rhome’s favorite animal?

Calaen Horse

Job - What job does Magnus Antin Rhome have?

Protecting his younger brother, getting his brother out of trouble.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Magnus Antin Rhome’s birthday?

He was born in the fiercest winter night of the Year 233

Education - What is Magnus Antin Rhome’s level of education?

He was raised and educated by the castle scholars.

Background - What is Magnus Antin Rhome’s background?

Although he was a quiet boy, he was very mischievous and was the bane of the castle servants. When his younger brother was old enough to walk and talk, they played all sorts of tricks together. The law stated that the oldest child in a royal family had to be king or queen. Even his parents couldn't change that. Magnus saw that his little brother, Darren, was a natural-born leader. He saw a king in Darren that he had never seen in himself. When he was eleven, he formed a plan to run away to Calay, an abandoned kingdom southeast of his own. There are no human civilizations there because of the wild animals that roam the land. He stole a small skiff and rowed in the dead of night to the Old Land. He had been researching Calay for over a year and knows most of the edible plants, wild animals, and safe shelters to look out for. He gets word that his parents have scoured the land in their frantic searching and almost decides to return but then reminds himself of his promise. Eventually, he is presumed dead and his family's life continues on. He lived alongside the people of Wolfroke and becomes a master fighter after being trained by a runaway soldier named Rio. When he was fourteen, he rescued a Calaen Horse from a briar patch and although at first the stallion doesn't trust him, he learns to and they soon become inseparable. Magnus names the horse Carry Us, the name of another horse in an old Calaen legend. Sometimes at night, he rows back home in his stolen but faithful skiff and sees how his kingdom is doing. He misses his family terribly but he knows he did what he had to do to save his kingdom. One night, now seventeen, he hears that his parents were killed. He mourns for seven days in Calay and then goes home to see his little brother again. Darren, now fourteen, is overjoyed to see Magnus and grateful because the weight of the kingdom has now fallen on his shoulders and he needs someone to lean on.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Magnus Antin Rhome have?

A Calaen Horse named Carry Us

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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