info Overview
Name - What is Ila’s full name?


Role - What is Ila’s role in your story?

A college student with no major in mind

Gender - What is Ila’s gender?


Age - How old is Ila?

Early to mid 20's

face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Ila’s hair?

Brown, Pink Ombre

Eye Color - What is Ila’s eye color?


Race - What is Ila’s race?

Cocker Spaniel

Body Type

Hourglass, Thicc

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ila have?

Freckles on her cheeks, shoulders, and ears

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Ila have?

Being a dog, Ila will often stick her tongue out when she's happy, tired, or excited. She tilts her head from side to side when she's curious or confused. She will tap or wiggle her foot if she's having a hard time focusing.

Motivations - What motivates Ila most?

Ila primarily wants to be happy, and wants her friends to do the same, so she sometimes comes off as a people pleaser

Flaws - What flaws does Ila have?

Ila has a hard time paying attention and remembering things due to her ADHD-I. So she may remember things that are not helpful, but forget things that are important.

Talents - What talents does Ila have?

Singing, Drawing

Hobbies - What hobbies does Ila have?

Surfing the Internet, going on "Adventures", Napping, Cooking and Baking, Drawing

Personality type - What personality type is Ila?

While not necessarily care-free, Ila is pretty close. She tries to go about life in a calm relaxed manner, feeling like everyone is stressed enough to make up for her. She tends to be friendly and kind to everyone, and can usually find a way to make everyone smile. It's not often that she doesn't like someone; but when she does, there's a very good reason for it.


ADHD-I (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder - Inattentive)

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Ila practice?


Occupation - What is Ila’s occupation?

College Student

Favorite color - What is Ila’s favorite color?

Pink and White

Favorite food - What is Ila’s favorite food?

Bubble Tea, Crepes

Job - What job does Ila have?

Part Time Animator

date_range History
Education - What is Ila’s level of education?

Some College

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

  • Ila is pronounced "eye-la" and is French for "Island"

  • Despite already having a job as an animator, Ila went to college so no one would underestimate her

  • Ila is demisexual

  • Ila moved to Bluefield County because she thought it'd help with her "problems"

  • She tries to avoid making assumptions about others sexuality, gender identity, or sex; though she occasionally gets surprised

  • Ila has a drivers licence, but still prefers to travel by bus or bike

  • Because of her ADHD-I, she usually only takes one class at a time

  • Ila is very honest about her opinions, even to a fault

  • She has stated that she has some fetishes, but hasn't explained what they are

  • Although Ila is over weight, she's actually very healthy


This character was created by Mary on

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