info Overview
Name - What is Rolan Zane Long’s full name?

Rolan Zane Long

Role - What is Rolan Zane Long’s role in your story?

Main Protagonist/Smart Guy

Other names - What other aliases does Rolan Zane Long go by?

Rol (Yuzu)
Firework (Hero)
龍唯蘭(lóng wéilán)

Gender - What is Rolan Zane Long’s gender?


Age - How old is Rolan Zane Long?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Rolan Zane Long weigh?

189 Lbs

Height - How tall is Rolan Zane Long?


Hair Color - What color is Rolan Zane Long’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Rolan Zane Long style their hair?

Side Part+Beanie

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Rolan Zane Long have?


Eye Color - What is Rolan Zane Long’s eye color?

Dark violet

Skin Tone

Olive fair

Body Type

Lightly muscled

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Rolan Zane Long have?

Silver rings around forearms and calves that separate his rocket limbs from the rest of his body

accessibility Clothing

Everyday-White T-shirt w/ a yellow line across the chest
Hero outfit-Tight black Undershirt cut off at Elbows


Everyday-Black Jeans
Hero outfit-Black shorts tightening Around Knees with Silver Knee pads


Everyday-Black Jean Jacket
Hero Outfit-Purple Breastplate with Black Accents, Purple and Black bicep armor coming out further at elbows


Everyday-Black Combat Boots
Hero Outfit-Black Combat Boots with hardened soles


Everyday-Black Glasses, Dark Brown Friendship Necklace, Black Belt, Gray Beanie
Hero outfit-Black Beanie, Black Visor w/ Purple tinted glass, Black gloves w/ Purple accents and studs on each finger acting as knuckles

Formal Outfit

Black Blazer, White Dress Shirt, Black Dress Pants, Black Combat Boots, Purple Tie.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Rolan Zane Long have?

Crossed arms, Shifting Weight, Sitting Cross legged, Loud Voice, "Uh/Um", “Sorry”, Head bobbing while listening to music, Consistently fails to make Eye contact, Covers Mouth When laughing, Cracking knuckles, Constantly moving when Nervous, Fidgeting with whatever he can find.

Motivations - What motivates Rolan Zane Long most?

To break away from the expectations set upon him by his father as he is expected to follow in his father's footsteps and become a doctor. He holds a grudge against his father after an incident many years ago even though he is trying to be a good father. Rolan also straight up doesn't want to be a Doctor because he doesn't want someone he was supposed to protect, die in his care and have it be his fault.

Find out where these strange powers are coming from. Pretty obvious because he got his powers randomly after blacking out and ending up in a hospital and wants to kn ow where they came from.

Flaws - What flaws does Rolan Zane Long have?

Temperamental-Because he grew up in a traditional Chinese household, he had the expectation set upon him to be the "Man" of the household after his father passes and he'd need to take care of his mother and sister. This led him to bottle up his emotions a lot, especially after his mother passed and his father raised the expectations on him while loosening the expectations of his sister causing him to become bitter and getting a punching bag to help relieve anger without breaking anything which helps him just not enough.

Overly distrusting-The way his mother died, as he knows it is that his father wasn't fast or skilled enough at his job, as a doctor, and his mother died in his care while the drunkard who had crashed into her walked off with not even a scratch. In actuality, there wasn't anything that his father could have done to save her, she passed a couple minutes after arriving at the hospital. But Rolan, being only 8 at the time, held it against his father and still holds it against his father for not managing to save her.

Low confidence- Rolan is self-aware of his temperament and fears that others are turned away from him because of it. So he tries to keep a low profile and tries not to get in other's way very often.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Rolan Zane Long have?

Doesn't trust outsiders-the incident with his mother scarred him deeply and that led to him not trusting outsiders.

He doesn't initially like PAST due to them often causing damage that goes too far at times and is in general not a fan of the vigilante type superhero

Talents - What talents does Rolan Zane Long have?

High Intellect, Informal martial arts training

Hobbies - What hobbies does Rolan Zane Long have?

Building/Designing things, Video Games, Punching things.

Personality type - What personality type is Rolan Zane Long?



He is lactose intolerant along with having some undiagnosed emotional disorders from childhood.
He also loses his left hand rocket after a fight against [Filler] and telling Reef to turn his hand to stone for more power, but in turn his hand gets smashed to bits. This left his rocket connected to his forearm exposed and he bandages over his arm when not doing hero work and is left completely exposed when doing hero work.


Rocket (Shoots his hands and feet out like Rockets; Can also propel himself using rockets after shooting his limbs out)



Hogwarts House



Drugs and Candy-All Time Low (Song to describe his Relationship with Yuzu)
Beneath The Mask-Persona 5 (First favorite song)
Everything Is Alright-Motion City Soundtrack (Second Favorite song)
The Wrecked and the Worried-NateWantsToBattle (Third Favorite Song)
I'm Not Okay (I Promise)-My Chemical Romance (How he feels most of the time)

groups Social

Yuzu-Rolan and Yuzu have been best friends since childhood. They have





Politics - What politics does Rolan Zane Long have?

Apolitical, Hates politics because he thinks it's ineffective and also stays apolitical to maintain a low profile. He is vocal to his friends about his disdain for politics and jokes everything would be so much easier if everything was settled in a fistfight or martial arts and see who wins.

Religion - What religion does Rolan Zane Long practice?

Atheist, he never cared for religion and thought the idea of an almighty being or beings to be stupid

Occupation - What is Rolan Zane Long’s occupation?

Student, Superhero

Favorite color - What is Rolan Zane Long’s favorite color?

First-Black Second-Purple

Favorite food - What is Rolan Zane Long’s favorite food?

Mapo Tofu

Favorite possession - What is Rolan Zane Long’s favorite possession?

Friendship Necklace shared with Yuzu

Favorite weapon - What is Rolan Zane Long’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Rolan Zane Long’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Rolan Zane Long have?

Superhero, Intern at [Filler]

date_range History
Birthday - When is Rolan Zane Long’s birthday?

Nov. 7

Education - What is Rolan Zane Long’s level of education?

Sophomore in High School

Background - What is Rolan Zane Long’s background?

Rolan was born to Amy and David Long as the older brother to Amara Long. He lives in Zulna Arch, a relatively small town in comparison to the much bigger city of Mistlyn. He grew up in a strict Chinese household with the expectations set upon him to become an Engineer or a Doctor, pushing toward the doctor side due to his father's occupation. At age eight he lost his mother to a drunk driver and his father could do nothing to save her. Rolan holds it against his father because he was too young to understand at the time and continued the trend to his teenage years. David is trying his best to make it up to Rolan and be a good father, but Rolan doesn't see it and only notices his strictness and high expectations.

Rolan was expected to go to Mistlyn High School (MHS), a hybrid private-public high school in Mistlyn, for medical, to follow in his father's footsteps, but instead went for engineering, following in his friends Archie and Katana's footsteps. His father wasn't entirely happy with his decision, but still proud of Rolan for getting into a prestigious school. However, he didn't see how proud his father was and grew even more distant because of it.

By the time the story starts he has been at MHS for a year and a half and in his sophomore year. He has maintained the same friends through the entire time he's been there, those being the friends he's had since middle school. He gets his powers after working in his lab and a stray explosion from a project he's been working on led him to get admitted into the hospital that his father is head at, Mistlyn-Zulna Arch Hospital Center (MZAHC), where he gets there blacked out. When he wakes up he is surrounded by all his four friends, his father, his sister, and a mysterious figure who Rolan just assumes is a nurse due to his delirium. He is asked all the basic questions then discharged with no major injuries. He is driven back to school with his friends and goes to sleep in his dorm.

The next day when getting dressed is when he notices the rings around his arms and legs. He freaks out for a bit before Yuzu busts into his dorm and tells him to meet him after school at the Ainsley (Archie's) Penthouse. He does so and is greeted by Katana leading him to a room in the penthouse where it is explained to him what is happening. After being admitted to the hospital all five of them those being, Archie, Katana, Reef, Yuzu and now Rolan, all developed seemingly random powers. Rol asks what his were and gets angry when told he would have to be patient unlocking his powers quickly being the ability to shoot rockets out from the bands around his limbs. He is then asked if he wants to join PAST (Protection Against Supernatural Tribulations) because there are others like them, but they were using these abilities for crimes rather than benefiting others. Rolan rejects the offer and leaves after a quick scuffle with Katana before Archie gets in between them.

On his way back from the dorm room he is approached by a group of villains dressed in ancient Chinese style clothing talking about a "new recruit" before getting thrown into a bag. Before the group could get anywhere however, a deer came and knocked the bag out of the villain's grip. the deer turned out to be Archie and the rest of the group, bar Reef, soon followed PAST then fought against the villains and defeated them. Afterwards, Rolan was once again asked if he wanted to join PAST and this time he reluctantly joined.


Astrological Sign-Scorpio

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Rolan Zane Long have?


shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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This character was created by Kai/Ion; They/them on

See more from Kai/Ion; They/them
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