info Overview
Name - What is Rin’s full name?


Role - What is Rin’s role in your story?

The Deity of Luck

Age - How old is Rin?

Immortal, appears in their early 20s

Gender - What is Rin’s gender?


folder_open Name
First Name


First Name Meaning

Dignified, Severe

First Name Pronunciation


face Looks
Race - What is Rin’s race?


Body Type

Tall and slender

Weight - How much does Rin weigh?

Average weight

Skin Tone

Light, some freckles

Height - How tall is Rin?


Hair Color - What color is Rin’s hair?

Light brown

Eye Color - What is Rin’s eye color?


Hair Style - How does Rin style their hair?

Short, slightly ruffled

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Rin have?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Rin have?

Round cheeks, always has a vague smile on their face

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Rin?

Rin is happy-go-lucky and a bit reckless, though their reckless streak is balanced by some common sense. Out of all of the gods, they are one of the most likely to answer a prayer. The twin of Dasi, deity of Love, Rin is as clever as their twin and much less petty.

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Rin’s favorite possession?

Their wide-rimmed hat


Dasi (twin sibling)

Favorite or Associated Animal


Favorite weapon - What is Rin’s favorite weapon?

Their staff

Favorite or Associated Color


info History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Outfit: loose white tunic, brown pants that fall to their knees, sandals, a wide-rimmed white straw hat. Also holds a wooden staff that has various strings woven around it.


This character was created by Eva on

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