info Overview
Name - What is Ruby Copeland’s full name?

Ruby Copeland

Role - What is Ruby Copeland’s role in your story?

Pirate Captain

Other names - What other aliases does Ruby Copeland go by?

Captain of the Black Arrow Pirates,
Shapeshifting Water Fiend

Gender - What is Ruby Copeland’s gender?


Age - How old is Ruby Copeland?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Ruby Copeland weigh?


Height - How tall is Ruby Copeland?

5ft 8in

Hair Color - What color is Ruby Copeland’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Ruby Copeland style their hair?

Wild Elbows-Long Hair

Eye Color - What is Ruby Copeland’s eye color?

Emerald Green

Race - What is Ruby Copeland’s race?


Body Type

Ruby has been praised as a very skilled warrior, mostly known for the endurance and stamina.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ruby Copeland have?

She has two tiger-like whisker markings in her face that give her a very feline-looking aura

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Ruby Copeland?

Ruby is witty, caring, smart, sneaky, and has a funny, sarcastic sense of humor. She is also really street smart from being a masked vigilante for two years. She feels he has an obligation to protect those in danger, something her father teached her since childhood, her sense of justice and being member of a family full of naval officers made her a pirate with the goal of helping endangered or bullied magic creatures living among humans.

Her crew was like a second family to her, and there she found her later husband Angis the Elf, who she loves dearly.

She is also an example of Mama Bear, after adopting Medea and Kurama, Ruby specially enjoyed telling them stories about her adventures, and encouraged them to follow their dreams.

groups Social
date_range History
Birthday - When is Ruby Copeland’s birthday?

September 2

Background - What is Ruby Copeland’s background?

Ruby Copeland is a daleyros and used to be a main character of Norrington's Desire, though currently she has been sold and no longer exists in this universe.
Nursed by a tigress until age two, Ruby was found and raised by admiral Leonard Copeland and marine biologist Natalie Copeland, along with their son, naval officer Richard Copeland.

Per her parents teachings, she got a very strict code of justice that made her become a masked vigilante during her teenage years, wanting to protect magical creatures bullied or mistreated by humans, however, knowing that it'd be a very difficult journey to make alone, and that magical creatures lived not only in Blackpool, she stole a boat, gathered a pirate crew including Angis the Elf (healer), Shiho Nakamura (Sniper), Magaly Fuentes (Second-in-command), they travel the world defending slaved, endangered and overall threatened magical creatures.

After marrying her fellow pirate Angis, they adopted Akira and Medea, and later had a biological son, Sebástian.

When Medea was lured by Warren to join him to study more magic, Ruby tried to get her daughter back, but ended up clashing with Warren Noreington, who, almost effortless, overpowered and killed her.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes


• Ruby is the only one of the Four Horsewomen that doesn't use any kind of alias or fake name, she always presents herself as Ruby Copeland.

• Ruby and Anthony fought one time (when Anthony was still a mortal dragon), Ruby defeated him.

• Ruby's outfit was made by craftsman Norman Blythe, who makes armour for warriors.

• Ruby and Angis got engaged in the middle of a brawl, she randomly popped the question and he accepted.

• Ruby knows morse code.

flash_on Powers/Abilities
Main Powers/Abilities

As a lost member of the Daleyros race, Ruby can transform into animals, as well as use the abilities, traits and appearance/physiology of animals by rearranging their own DNA structure. She is able to transform into animals that exist and animals that are extinct, such as Dinosaurs.

• The felines are their token animals, Ruby's favorite shape is the Royal Bengal Tiger.
• Since other daleyros can turn into other humans, it is possible that Ruby can do it too, but she has never tried.

Secondary Powers/Abilities

Ruby is ridiculously durable during fights, a trait she used to her favor in order to defeat Anthony in a fight.

Ruby is a decent swordswoman, she always relies on her khopesh when starting a fight, however, if she feels overpowered, she will start to use her shapeshifting abilities.

sports_kabaddi Family
Main Family

Natalie Copeland [Adoptive Mother]
Leonard Copeland [Adoptive Father]
Richard Copeland [Brother]
Original Medea [Foster Daughter]
Akira Kuran [Foster Son]
Sebástian Copeland [Son]
Angis the Elf [Husband]
Original Gerard[Foster Grandson]

Extended Family

Sara-Eve [Daughter-in-law]


This character was created by Robin Blade on

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