info Overview
Name - What is Geist du Cronos’s full name?

Geist du Cronos

Role - What is Geist du Cronos’s role in your story?

Dragon King

Other names - What other aliases does Geist du Cronos go by?

King of Southern Dragons, the Victor.

Gender - What is Geist du Cronos’s gender?


Age - How old is Geist du Cronos?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Geist du Cronos weigh?


Height - How tall is Geist du Cronos?

7ft 2in [Human form]

Hair Color - What color is Geist du Cronos’s hair?

Raven black

Hair Style - How does Geist du Cronos style their hair?

Long hair, wavy

Eye Color - What is Geist du Cronos’s eye color?

Blood Red

Race - What is Geist du Cronos’s race?

Wyvern Dragon

Body Type

Very muscular, as he was a born warrior, liked to be always shirtless so he wouldn't "suffocate his pecs"

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Geist du Cronos have?

Well, before dying, he was castrated by his son/daughter Anthony, so... does that count?

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Geist du Cronos?

Geist was the boldest and most ruthless of his siblings, even though he was the second youngest. His siblings, mates and children were afraid of his insufferably irascible temper. He was a hungry warmonger that little or nothing cared about other than himself, but was extremely proud of his army and the recognition they got as a warrior kingdom. He horribly punished those who failed him and rarely gives second chances in times of crisis.
Amy is said to have inherited Geist's "cold and distant" smile.

Oddly enough, he was viewed by his kingdom as a very proper King or even a war hero, in a Vlad the Impaler-style (Again, this kingdom was full of war testosterone-injected sickos)

He's also a extremist sociopath, since after being revealed that one of his cubs will eventually overthrow him, Geist forbid his concubines to get pregnant, and also fired and banished the trainer of his army, Horus, only because he was mentioned in the Prophecy, aiding and training the cub that would defeat him.

When one of his concubines secretly mothered 3 cubs after being raped by him, Geist tried to eat his children so... no Father of the Year Award for him either.

groups Social
date_range History
Background - What is Geist du Cronos’s background?

Geist du Cronos was an European dragon and former King of the Southern Dragon Kingdom.
The youngest son of former King, Lord Gaeius and Queen Gwynneviere, it was implied that he (along with some of his two brothers and three sisters) caused the death of his father, although not directly.

He was (for some reason) a very well respected king, recknown as a war hero, Geist had a bad habit of kidnapping youn dragons to be his concubines (wether they wanted or not), however, he forbad all those dragonesses to have any children, since he refuaed to give up the throne until he was dead.

One of those forced concubines was a lovely european dragoness named Aurora, who had discovered a way to travel to the human world, to vidit her human boyfriend.

Geist once followed her to the human world, and, enraged killed Aurora's boyfriend with a deadly thunderbolt. Taking Aurora as a concubine and taking her to his place.

However, some time later Aurora ended up pregnant and laid three eggs (Amryen, Anima and Kawren), those eggs were hid and cared by Aurora and other concubines.
When the baby dragons were born, Geist went berserk and tried to find them, but Aurora no way in hell was letting her cubs being killed, so she fought back.

But Geist was a war veteran and Aurora was a peasant dragon, so he rather quickly overpowered her and tried to eat the cubs, only managing to rip off and eat Anima's (second-born twin, aka Anthony) wings, before Aurora came back to attack Geist with some help from her friends.

The dragonesses managed to hold Geist enough so Aurora could send the two youngest cubs to the human realm. Aurora sent her daughter away with other friends and was ready to face death.

Geist's biggest mistake was underestimating Aurora will and her daughter's strength.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

• His full name roughly translates to "Spirit of Kronos"
• Much like his last name lets you know, he is heavily based on Kronos, the titan king on greek mythology, father of the six original olympians.
• The three cubs of Járnsaxa are not his first offspring, he just had eaten other of his cubs or killed the mother while she was pregnant.

flash_on Powers/Abilities
Main Powers/Abilities

Geist was infamous for this rare but powerful ability, his abilities include:

• Geist can emit static red electricity from his body.
• Geist can create a ball of red electricity and launch it.
• Geist can conduct electricity into weapons to improve their power.
• Geist can speed up someone's reactions by electrically stimulating the nervous system.
• Geist can perform electromagnetic fields/force fields and manipulate them to either take the opponents down or use it to fly.
• Geist can cause brain damage by preventing the firing of neurons in the brain.

sports_kabaddi Family
Main Family

Gaeius du Cronos [Father]
Gwynneviere [Mother]
Five Unnamed Brothers
Two Unnamed Sisters
Several Concubines including Aurora
Amy du Cronos [Daughter]
Anthony du Cronos [Daughter/Son]
Owen/Kawren du Cronos [Son]
Isis du Cronos [Granddaughter]
Freki du Cronos, Ma'at du Cronos, and Nick du Cronos [Grandsons]

Geist du Cronos appears in the following documents
Character chevron_right Main Family link mentioned Geist du Cronos

Character chevron_right Background link mentioned Geist du Cronos

Character chevron_right Motivations link mentioned Geist du Cronos

This character was created by Robin Blade on

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