info Overview
Name - What is Marcellin Lambert Germaine’s full name?

Marcellin Lambert Germaine

Age - How old is Marcellin Lambert Germaine?


Gender - What is Marcellin Lambert Germaine’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Marcellin Lambert Germaine go by?

Mars, Lambie, Syrma

Role - What is Marcellin Lambert Germaine’s role in your story?

The Oracle

face Looks
Height - How tall is Marcellin Lambert Germaine?

Mars is considerably tall, for his age.

Hair Color - What color is Marcellin Lambert Germaine’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Marcellin Lambert Germaine style their hair?

Bob cut, straight

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Marcellin Lambert Germaine have?

He’s a Child.

Eye Color - What is Marcellin Lambert Germaine’s eye color?

Ice blue. When he uses his powers, his sclera usually turns black, and his pupil white.

Race - What is Marcellin Lambert Germaine’s race?

Bird, half-human.

Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type

Thin, delicate.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Marcellin Lambert Germaine have?

Mars is a pretty closed off child. He hides his fears and insecurity behind false anger, as a coping mechanism. Because of this, he’s often seen standing tall and looking defiant, constantly looking for a fight to start. He’s well spoken, but tends to get heated up easily and yell a lot.

Talents - What talents does Marcellin Lambert Germaine have?

Mars is considerably good at magic. He can also see omens most people can’t (or wont).

Hobbies - What hobbies does Marcellin Lambert Germaine have?

He’s a giant conspiracy nerd. He has a blow-up alien doll, ‘I want to believe’ posters (and shirts), alien mugs, constellation wallpaper and sheets, UFO lamp, the whole thing. He doesn’t take it super seriously, but at the same time he’ll unironically go to alien conventions. He’s a nerd.
He also really enjoys astrology and astronomy. He wants to become an astrophysicist.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Marcellin Lambert Germaine’s favorite animal?

Corvids in general. He has raven wings, and is often approached by crows and ravens. He thinks its something to do with his whole oracle status since they usually carry messages for him, but often they literally just stop by his window to get pets and snacks, or to drop off something shiny they found. He has a several jewelers boxes filled with things his birds give him.

Favorite color - What is Marcellin Lambert Germaine’s favorite color?

Dark blue.

info History
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pan_tool Species
favorite Sexuality
brightness_4 Magical Abilities
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