info Overview
Name - What is Margaret Abramowitz’s full name?

Margaret Abramowitz

Role - What is Margaret Abramowitz’s role in your story?

Silas' mother, who has sole custody of him. The hard-working owner of an eBay store (she prefers to work from home), and as involved in her son's life as anyone can be.

Other names - What other aliases does Margaret Abramowitz go by?


Age - How old is Margaret Abramowitz?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Margaret Abramowitz have?

Pleasant; puts on a cheery facade, even when she's upset (which she often is). However, she will sigh deeply whenever she's frustrated as an instinct. Has a somewhat squeaky voice.

Motivations - What motivates Margaret Abramowitz most?

Giving her son a good life, trying to recover from her heartbreak.

Flaws - What flaws does Margaret Abramowitz have?

Neurotic, self-effacing, avoidant

Talents - What talents does Margaret Abramowitz have?

She has the same innate understanding of numbers that her ex-husband did, and she's an excellent cook.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Margaret Abramowitz have?

Watching TV, cooking, exercising

Personality type - What personality type is Margaret Abramowitz?

INFJ 2w1



Zodiac Sign



Being unneeded or unwanted

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Margaret Abramowitz practice?


Politics - What politics does Margaret Abramowitz have?


Occupation - What is Margaret Abramowitz’s occupation?

Former math teacher, now runs an online secondhand store.

Favorite color - What is Margaret Abramowitz’s favorite color?

Rosy pink

Favorite food - What is Margaret Abramowitz’s favorite food?

Potatoes au gratin

Favorite possession - What is Margaret Abramowitz’s favorite possession?

Silas's first lost tooth, which she keeps in one of those little plastic tooth holder things. It's way more important to her than it ever was to him.

Favorite animal - What is Margaret Abramowitz’s favorite animal?


date_range History
face Looks
Weight - How much does Margaret Abramowitz weigh?

120 lbs

Height - How tall is Margaret Abramowitz?


Hair Color - What color is Margaret Abramowitz’s hair?

Graying brown

Hair Style - How does Margaret Abramowitz style their hair?

Shoulder length, fairly straight

Eye Color - What is Margaret Abramowitz’s eye color?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Petite, oblong face, narrow features

Kibbe Type

Soft Gamine

Color Season

Cool Winter

shopping_basket Inventory
device_hub Family
format_list_bulleted Stats
looks Random
audiotrack Playlist
edit Notes
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