info Overview
Name - What is Maria Johnson’s full name?

Maria Johnson

Role - What is Maria Johnson’s role in your story?

August's youngest sister, a goofy but inquisitive kid.

Age - How old is Maria Johnson?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Maria Johnson have?

Laughs at everything even remotely funny. Tries to prank her friends a lot. Doodles in class.

Motivations - What motivates Maria Johnson most?

Having a good time and making friends.

Flaws - What flaws does Maria Johnson have?

Inattentive, impulsive, excitable

Talents - What talents does Maria Johnson have?

Can ride a bike for a very long distance.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Maria Johnson have?

Drawing (especially with sidewalk chalk), playing pranks (and watching prank videos), hitting people with pool noodles, riding her bike and scooter

Personality type - What personality type is Maria Johnson?

ESFP 1w2

Zodiac Sign



Getting hit by a car, big bugs (she will scream at the top of her lungs when she sees them)

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Maria Johnson practice?


Politics - What politics does Maria Johnson have?

All she knows is Trump is bad.

Occupation - What is Maria Johnson’s occupation?

7th grader

Favorite color - What is Maria Johnson’s favorite color?

Yellow and orange

Favorite food - What is Maria Johnson’s favorite food?

Soft pretzels with cheese sauce

Favorite possession - What is Maria Johnson’s favorite possession?

Her razor scooter.

Favorite animal - What is Maria Johnson’s favorite animal?

Dogs, cats, hamsters

date_range History
face Looks
Weight - How much does Maria Johnson weigh?

90 lbs

Height - How tall is Maria Johnson?


Hair Color - What color is Maria Johnson’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Maria Johnson style their hair?

Natural 4a curls, usually in pigtails or braids, usually accessorized with beads or decorative hair-ties

Eye Color - What is Maria Johnson’s eye color?

Dark brown

Skin Tone

Dark brown

Body Type

Skinny, wiry

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format_list_bulleted Stats
looks Random
audiotrack Playlist
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Maria Johnson

Character chevron_right Children link linked Maria Johnson

This character was created by charlotte on

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