info Overview
Name - What is Theodore Harris’s full name?

Theodore Harris

Role - What is Theodore Harris’s role in your story?

A clever mage from Maine, who attended Ames College and married into the Devine family. The late father of Darcy and Lachlan Harris.

Other names - What other aliases does Theodore Harris go by?

Teddy (he almost exclusively went by this nickname)

Age - How old is Theodore Harris?

Died at 59 (appeared to be in his early 40s)

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Theodore Harris have?

Quiet, but present. Had a soft smile and a good sense of humor. Often clicked pens when he was holding them, or fiddled with his glasses when he was wearing them.

Motivations - What motivates Theodore Harris most?

Preserving not just the magic of Ames itself, but its history as well, and taking good care of Darcy and Lachlan.

Flaws - What flaws does Theodore Harris have?

Shy, terse, indecisive

Talents - What talents does Theodore Harris have?

He was a strong mage, and a talented writer.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Theodore Harris have?

Reading about both magical and non-magical history, playing the flute, alchemy

Personality type - What personality type is Theodore Harris?

INFJ 1w9



Zodiac Sign



Dying without a legacy or an impact

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Theodore Harris practice?


Politics - What politics does Theodore Harris have?


Occupation - What is Theodore Harris’s occupation?

Magical historian, mage

Favorite color - What is Theodore Harris’s favorite color?

Ice blue

Favorite food - What is Theodore Harris’s favorite food?

Pumpkin soup

Favorite possession - What is Theodore Harris’s favorite possession?

His manuscript, "Histories of Ames." The title is fairly self-explanatory.

Favorite animal - What is Theodore Harris’s favorite animal?

Songbirds of any kind

date_range History
face Looks
Weight - How much does Theodore Harris weigh?

170 lbs

Height - How tall is Theodore Harris?


Hair Color - What color is Theodore Harris’s hair?

Cool-toned dirty blonde

Hair Style - How does Theodore Harris style their hair?

Pushed back, mid-length

Eye Color - What is Theodore Harris’s eye color?


Skin Tone

Fair with freckles

Body Type


Kibbe Type

Soft Classic

Color Season

Cool Summer

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