info Overview
Name - What is Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford)’s full name?

Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford)

Role - What is Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford)’s role in your story?

Main Character/deuteragonist

Other names - What other aliases does Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford) go by?


Gender - What is Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford)’s gender?


Age - How old is Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford)?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford) weigh?

135 lbs

Height - How tall is Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford)?


Hair Color - What color is Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford)’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford) style their hair?

short bob with long rat tails

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford) have?


Eye Color - What is Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford)’s eye color?

light green

Race - What is Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford)’s race?


Skin Tone

Fair, salmon colored

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford) have?

her haircut and overall colouring

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford) have?

super friendly, and confident. Has a bit of separation anxiety

Motivations - What motivates Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford) most?

wanting to be a good queen along side Klara

Flaws - What flaws does Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford) have?

She is not very good at magic

Talents - What talents does Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford) have?

She can breath under water, and play guitar.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford) have?

swimming, playing guitar, reading :3

Personality type - What personality type is Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford)?


groups Social
Religion - What religion does Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford) practice?

Worships the Gods

Politics - What politics does Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford) have?


Occupation - What is Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford)’s occupation?

Queen of Sector 1

Favorite color - What is Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford)’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford)’s favorite food?

seafood of any kind

Favorite possession - What is Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford)’s favorite possession?

Necklace given to her by her mother

Favorite weapon - What is Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford)’s favorite weapon?

Bow & Arrow

Favorite animal - What is Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford)’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford) have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford)’s birthday?

March 17th

Education - What is Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford)’s level of education?

being born into a royal family she has a decent education

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Enine Ann Quinn (Mayford) have?

she has a pet fish from home

shopping_basket Inventory
accessibility_new Blood and magic
Blood color

magenta/pink blooded

Magic training

she's not very skilled with magic but can preform basic tasks

edit Notes

Her mother died due to a head injury that was caused during a severe schizophrenia episode in which she believed that she could see the gods, causing her to attempt to jump from the balcony, but falling backward and hitting her head on the concrete.

chat Backstory
Main Backstory

Enine grew up as the oldest of 13 siblings and was in line to inherit the throne after her father, but when her mother took her own life after suffering from schizophrenia a lot of things changed for enine, including her transition. When she was 2,300 she moved away, abandoning her role as princess and began living in sector one. She already knew Klara at this point as they had met at a few royal gatherings when Enine was younger. Klara helps enine get settled and the two become more and more aquanted over time. Enine is invited to the castle a lot more and her and Klara start dating. They only date a few years before Klara proposes to Enine at a gala. They sneak away from the party and Klara proposes in a medow outside the castle courtyard.

Current Characterization

Currently she rules along side Klara, she is happy and often leaves the castle to talk and hang around citizens. She's very sociable and often drags Klara along with her.

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