info Overview
Name - What is Observant’s full name?


Role - What is Observant’s role in your story?

Seashade and Nightswallow's father.

Gender - What is Observant’s gender?


Age - How old is Observant?


remove_red_eye Looks
Height - How tall is Observant?


Eye Color - What is Observant’s eye color?

Warm, dark brown.

Race - What is Observant’s race?


Scale color

Observant's scales are dark grey/black with lighter grey undertones.

Body Type

Observant is of average height and build. He has a shorter tail and medium wings. He has a round, friendly looking snout, and his eyes always seem to be sparkling.

local_florist Personality
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Observant have?

Observant is animated when he talks. He smiles a lot and is very extroverted. When he has a story to tell or a great idea, he gets extremely excited and happy. His friends all tell him he has no chill, and he very much agrees.

Motivations - What motivates Observant most?

Observant is motivated by creativity. He gets inspired in the weirdest places and by the oddest things, but even his most crazy of ideas always turn out great. He's the type to literally drop what he's doing in order to rush upstairs and write down an idea.

Flaws - What flaws does Observant have?

Observant can definitely be scatter-brained and sometimes he will ignore friends and just sit up in his room all day writing. He also has a hard time going to bed because of this same problem, but thankfully he has Silverscale to drag him to sleep if he's been awake for too long.

Talents - What talents does Observant have?

Observant is a fantastic writer. He writes songs, poems, but mostly stories. He can put an interesting and creative twist on almost any idea and he's very in touch with his own empathy, which greatly aids in the writing of his characters.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Observant have?

Observant's hobbies include writing, going to concerts and music in general, and spending time with his kids and wife.

Personality type - What personality type is Observant?

Observant is kind, thoughtful, creative, and empathetic. He is an excellent father and husband and would go to extreme lengths for his family. He has many friends and enjoys hanging out with all of them. Observant writes almost constantly and it's his favorite outlet and stress-reliever. He's funny, interesting to talk to, and just seems to have such a positive and magnetic energy. He says the most uplifting and encouraging things and is a great person to seek out if you're ever sad or lonely.

group Relationships
Occupation - What is Observant’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Observant’s favorite color?


Favorite possession - What is Observant’s favorite possession?

His mind. (And his family)

local_library History
Birthday - When is Observant’s birthday?

January 16th

Education - What is Observant’s level of education?

Observant has graduated from the Hope public school.

Early Life

Observant grew up in Hope and has lived there his whole life. He loves the city dearly and feels a special connection with it. When he was still in school, he met Silverscale and the two started dating. When they were out of school they married and had two kids: Seashade and Nightswallow. The family now lives in a beautiful little cabin on the outskirts of the city.

edit Notes

Observant takes a lot of inspiration for his writing from his kids, and has made both of them into characters in his books.

Character chevron_right Fathers link linked Observant

Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Observant

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