info Overview
Name - What is Zane Smyth’s full name?

Zane Smyth

Reason Behind Name + Nicknames

InZain ( this is a favorite of his frenemy Mackenzie )

Gender - What is Zane Smyth’s gender?


Age - How old is Zane Smyth?


Role - What is Zane Smyth’s role in your story?


First Impressions

He comes off as a very confident, charming person
but once you get to know him a little, he is a ball of chaotic energy.


He never uses his last name. He always introduces himself as just Zane

face Looks
Physical Description

Short messy blond hair
Shifty hazel eyes
Tall and confident

Typical outfit

Dark brown button up jacket
Blue long sleeve shirt underneath
Brown leather belt with knife sheaths
Olive green pants
Dark brown boots

Height - How tall is Zane Smyth?

6 ft

Weight - How much does Zane Smyth weigh?

155 - 160 lbs

Body Type

On the skinny side, a little muscle
His right arm is more muscular than his left due to his prosthetic left hand

Skin Tone + Race

Light olive

Hair Type + Style

Slightly wavy and very fluffy
Fairly short, slightly below his ears, but shaggy
Almost always looks like he just woke up
Never brushed it in his life

Hair Color - What color is Zane Smyth’s hair?

Dirty Blonde

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Zane Smyth have?

very little
( fun fact: has a small scar on his cheek where he tried shaving with his throwing knife )


Fairly thick eyebrows, which are very expressive

Eye Shape

Almond shaped eyes
Long eye lashes
Permanent mischievous look

Eye Color - What is Zane Smyth’s eye color?

Hazel/olive green


pointy, upturned


Thin lips
Very sly grin


Con man voice
(think Nick Wilde type)

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Zane Smyth have?

He has a prosthetic left hand


Always wears one or both gloves, mostly to cover his prosthetic

Wears a lot of neutral colors and blues
He has several scars from knife throwing accidents, but they aren't very noticeable, most are on his hands

eco Nature

Greatest fear: Losing his agency/free will, allowing anyone or anything to control him
Because he believes people who play by the rules and let others tell them what to do will never win and will never be happy
People in his hometown were constantly oppressed including his family. He saw that his father, who followed the rules and always helped others, never received anything for what he did. In fact, his life seemed to get worse the more he tried to do the right thing.

Being oppressed into normalcy, having to play by the rules and get stepped on by others

Dying from something stupid
"I want to go out in an epic ball of flames and glory, and this is not it!"


That people who play by the rules never win and are never happy

Personality type - What personality type is Zane Smyth?

(Chaotic neutral? ESTP?)


Knife throwing

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Zane Smyth have?

Body language is usually very relaxed unless he is very nervous ( example: sits backwards or criss cross applesauce in most chairs, even if he was in front of the queen )

Has a very confident walk
Always has a sly grin pasted on his face ( If he actually looks scared then something is seriously wrong )
His non prosthetic hand shakes a lot when he's nervous
( he often wont notice it at first and has a very hard time making it stop )
He doesn't cry when he's sad. He becomes and empty shell and zones out a lot
When angry he becomes very sarcastic
If he's super tired he starts laughing at just about anything and shortly after loses all energy and passes out
VERY fidgety, he often plays around with his knives when bored


Has a great sense of humor ( he can make almost anyone laugh and isn't afraid to laugh along when people laugh at him )
Street smart

Making split second decisions, even under stress


VERY impulsive ( a stab first ask questions later kind of guy )
Over confidence

Likes to tease people
He can be incredibly smug
Talks over people and likes to take the lead in conversations
Does things for no apparent reason, when asked the most common response is " For the fun of it. " or " Because. "

Hobbies - What hobbies does Zane Smyth have?

Knife throwing


Most likely has some form of ADHD

He has a prosthetic left hand ( Caused by an accident when he was little. He fell off a carriage, his arm got run over and part of it had to be removed. His arm ends a bit below the elbow. ) He's rarely been affected negatively by it because he was too young to remember the accident and just grew up without it He started wearing a prosthetic in his preteen years. He has trouble using it to lift heavy things and doesn't have full mobility but he still likes it and wears it quite a lot. His prosthetic doesn't interfere with knife throwing as he simply uses his other hand

groups Social


Occupation - What is Zane Smyth’s occupation?

Works for a criminal organization

Favorite color - What is Zane Smyth’s favorite color?

Sky Blue

Weapon of choice

His throwing knives

date_range History
Background - What is Zane Smyth’s background?

Has two loving parents and three siblings ( two sisters and a brother ) He is the second oldest behind one of his sisters.
Grew up in a small town where everybody knows everybody. He always got most of the attention because of his disability ( and because he was a wild child ). His grandfather played a big part in his childhood and is the one who taught him how to throw knives, insisting that he had to know how to defend himself.

Birthday - When is Zane Smyth’s birthday?

Oct 26

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

This character was created by AlaynaFoxx on

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