Damian Conner Levi Naika
Dami, Lev, Levi
Tall strong build, Black or Blond short hair, Blue-green eyes, all around Handsome
Raven black
Baggy T-shirts, jeans
Always tries to tell the truth, forgetful, His personality can go from caring, calm, and considerate, to harsh, sarcastic, and selfish it all depends on his mood and the person
Ignoring his feelings, forgetting things
Song- Wolf in sheep's clothing
He does not have complete control over his ability. It’s assumed that his eyes turn more green when someone tells the truth, and blue when they lie, in all honesty, it just depends on the lighting and it also depends on the person.
He is a human lie detector, he can determine exactly how true a statement is.
He can't necessarily stop it so sometimes he knows things aren't true whether he likes it or not.
No one else knows when his ability is being used, or how good he is at controlling it.
This character was created by knikols on Notebook.ai.
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