Beau Brooks
Athletic build, lean frame
Dirty Blonde
Surprisingly Dapper
Brutally honest, aggressive, sarcastic, impatient, arrogant, brash, belligerent, cynical, easy to provoke/anger, extremely loyal once his trust and respect are gained, behind his prickly shield he actually is a sweetheart who deeply cares.
Showboating, yelling, pushing himself too far when using his power.
Song- "Friendly Fire" by Nothing More
He has a brother, of whom he has some bad blood with. He feels he has to prove himself more since his power isn't as flashy or useful on its own. He loves sports, both playing and watching. Credit to @RedTheHopeless for this character :D
Chain Link. After physically touching someone, he is able to either (a) link them with himself or (b) link them to someone else, who had also been touched within 5 minutes of the other. The link can also be continued up to a total of 5 individuals, so long as the other subjects were also touched within the same 5 minutes. With each new individual, the time span of the effect of Chain Link is diminished by 1/5 of the total. The link can either be physical, mental, or with powers, but can only one at a time, of which he chooses when the link is made. Physical allows for those in the link to feel what each other are feeling, including pain. Mental allows for those in the link to hear the thoughts of what each other are thinking. With powers allows for those in the link to share, experience, and utilize each other's powers as well as their own. If he starts pushing the time limit, he slowly stops being able to move. If he still continues, he begins to lose consciousness. If he keeps pushing beyond that, his power will shut off and leave him dazed and physically weak.
Can cause harm to himself
Can improve the teamwork of others
This character was created by knikols on
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