account_circle Overview
Name - What is Mara Lucci’s full name?

Mara Lucci

Other names - What other aliases does Mara Lucci go by?


Gender - What is Mara Lucci’s gender?


Age - How old is Mara Lucci?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Mara Lucci’s eye color?

Pitch black

Skin Tone


Body Type

Mara's tall and thin, with skin so pale that at first glance, it looks white. She has a small nose and high cheekbones, giving her the appearance of a skeleton. Her eyes are sunken back in her eye sockets, and they're pitch black. She has wavy, ebony black hair that grows to her pinched waist.

Weight - How much does Mara Lucci weigh?


Height - How tall is Mara Lucci?


Hair Color - What color is Mara Lucci’s hair?

Ebony black

Hair Style - How does Mara Lucci style their hair?

Long hair wavy

accessibility Outfits

Mara wears loose clothing, usually blouses in shades of black and white. She wears long, billowing skirts, usually white, and she goes barefoot.

thumbs_up_down Likes & Dislikes
sentiment_neutral Personality

Mara is very quiet and manages to blend into a crowd. She's an entirely different person in private, with a very menacing air masked by a smile.


Mara almost never uses contractions when she speaks, making her sound very old-fashioned.

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
home Family
pets Pets
Pets - What pets does Mara Lucci have?

Corn snake named Scales

shopping_basket Inventory
info History
history Changelog
edit Notes

Song- Panic Room by Au/Ra
Credit to @Ash-is-scarred-for-life-thanks-guys for this character

pan_tool Ability

Mara is a dream walker. As long as she's asleep, she can enter other people's dreams from her own, and manipulate them in any way she chooses.


Has to be asleep in order to use her ability


This character was created by knikols on

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