Arctic blue
deceptively thin, has the shape of a beanpole (verticle rectangle), scars all over his body at various stages of healing
Jet black
He wears layers of clothing out in public, mostly to hide his latest scars that haven't healed quite yet
Harsh, stand-offish, serious, masochistic/hedonistic, sarcastic but honest, desperate verging on hopeless
Scratching, picking, general recklessness in terms of physical harm
Song- Body by Mother Mother
He's learned to love the pain that his ability brings. He genuinely thinks that he can't be killed, and likes to put this claim to the test every chance he gets. Credit for Maverick goes to @RedTheHopeless
Cellular Regeneration. His body produces an immense amount of "instant stem cells," in essence, he has a large "healing factor"
Causes him to be reckless with his health
Seems to be so far immortal
This character was created by knikols on
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