account_circle Overview
Name - What is Briar Hyde’s full name?

Briar Hyde

Other names - What other aliases does Briar Hyde go by?

Rosie, Hyde

Gender - What is Briar Hyde’s gender?


Age - How old is Briar Hyde?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Briar Hyde’s eye color?


Body Type

She has quite a plain-looking face. One boring little nose, a spray of freckles all over her face, long waist length straight ashy brown hair, piercing blue eyes the color of the skies. A small figure, very little curvature. Petite, if you will.

Weight - How much does Briar Hyde weigh?


Height - How tall is Briar Hyde?


Hair Color - What color is Briar Hyde’s hair?

Ashy brown

Hair Style - How does Briar Hyde style their hair?

Long waist-length straight

accessibility Outfits

A plain white tank top with a baggy faded grey zip-up hoodie, whitewash skinny jeans with large tears in the knees, and a pair of combat boots

thumbs_up_down Likes & Dislikes
sentiment_neutral Personality

She's quiet, depressed, wants another life but is stuck being who she is. she hates it. everything.


Sulking/moping in a corner with her cat ear headphones slipped over ears, playing music to take her away to another world. when she does talk, she tends to be sarcastic with no interest in others’ feelings around her

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
home Family
pets Pets
shopping_basket Inventory
info History
history Changelog
edit Notes

Song- Runaway By AURORA
She surprisingly is NOT suicidal. She knows that one day she'll find peace but right now she'll push through reluctantly. Credit for this character goes to @wonderland_1002

pan_tool Ability

She can heal her injuries. whenever she dies, she springs back to life about 15 minutes later. She can also create water from anywhere. usually, she uses it to fill her enemies’ lungs from the inside out, drowning them slowly.


This character was created by knikols on

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