Zephyr Ulysses Hall
male (trans dude)
n/a, but his deadname is Flora Emery Hall. don't call him that bc if you purposefully deadname trans folks you're an asshole. not up for debate :D
emotionally incapable dick but also we love him (queer love triangle murder RP)
bushy eyebrows
short on the sides, longer and fluffy on the top. he washes and blow dries it almost every day to keep it that way, which really exemplifies how vain he is.
dark brown, almost black.
5'2. he's a stubby lad.
not enough, according to his doctors and his parents. as much as he has time for, according to himself.
he has a small scar on the right side of his face below his lip from tripping into a glass coffee table as a child, three rings he wears on his right hand every day– one with a scarlet glass jewel, one with three tarnished, tiny flowers he's had since he was young, and one smooth gold one he found on the sidewalk on a walk one day, and thinks might be a wedding ring. he kept it, the shameless bastard.
he's unhealthily thin due to sporadic eating habits and a point-blank refusal to participate in athletics and his bones jut sharply from his skin at his joints.
he keeps to a strict skincare routine that he likes to think makes his pale skin glow. while whether it has that exact effect is up for debate, it certainly keeps him free of blemishes. you can see blue veins cob-webbing under his skin, especially in his wrists and neck. he's easily sun burnt, which makes him resemble more of a surly, overcooked lobster than a human, so his vanity makes him sure to obsessively apply sunscreen before going outside.
zephyr's dad is of 100% jewish ancestry and his mom's family is dutch, but has been in the US for two generations.
he has dark eyes, so dark that the pupil almost blends in with the black-coffee shade of brown. they often look flat, matching the rest of his expression.
he owns few items but they're all quite expensive and he wears them in varying combination. lots of tweed, a turtle neck, plenty of white button ups, couple scarfs. will take any vaguely formal occasion to wear his three-piece suit. has a collection (actually just 2, but he's proud) of old, fancy watches his mom bought for him in thrift stores.
while free of racism, homophobia, and the like, Zephyr is potently biased against people who don't succeed academically. he sees them as desperately lazy and uncommitted, and likely won't bother with them. he's not really a people-person period, and will likely assume the worst about those he doesn't know.
dysphoria about his AFAB body, also being a little bitch (jk he's my kid)
zephyr is often eerily still, particularly when he's focused. when he gets into deep-focus mode he may not even blink, which can be quite creepy for onlookers who don't know him well. when he's in a situation he doesn't love, he's very quiet and sighs a lot and his face becomes painted with a flat irritation. if he's insulted, you can see it on his face-- he'll bite his lip and raise his eyebrows. he looks, to be honest, a bit ridiculous. the one fidgety movement he concedes to his constantly running his fingers through his hair.
zephyr is motivated most of all by the collection of knowledge. he lives to research and learn. however, acknowledgement is also important to him-- he's prideful and wants people to know of his intelligence.
he's completely emotionally incapable and outwardly cold. he cares people but doesn't have a clue how to show it besides offering up facts about his topic of interest at the time, and ends up coming off as inconsiderate and patronizing. he's mad judgmental when it comes to people he thinks think with emotion instead of reason, yet easily insulted himself. prideful as hell; if anything kills him it will be that. he's vain and also can't cook for shit.
he loves to study things he's interested, devoting hours of his own time to researching american history, russian literature, and the plants of the amazon, and loves to talk about these things with his close friends, with whom he becomes an un-self-conscious know it all. during these rants, he may seem patronizing, but truly he just loves his information and wants to share it with those around him. he's skilled in research and essay writing and, honestly, academics as a whole.
zephyr listens to classical music and can list composers and their styles like nobody's business, journals obsessively, and writes letters to his cousin coreen, with whom he's quite close, though they haven't been corresponding much after how cruel he was about her decision to marry her girlfriend of only six months.
zephyr is outwardly cold, perpetually academic, constantly drowning in his own hubris, and loves his friends more than he could ever express.
zephyr is a senior at an old boarding school in new england. he is deeply academic and committed to his studies and thus is in many advanced courses, though no extracurriculars besides a handful of online courses from various colleges that fill up the remainder of his free time.
growing up an only child, zephyr has always been reserved and generally uninterested in the company of others. when he was young, he was quietly adventurous, pursuing frogs and deer through the forest that began behind his family's large, secluded home. as he grew, he became more academic and exactly how un-proficient he was in things relating to emotions kicked in. it baffled his parents, as they were sociable, with many friends and close family members, but they are good parents and did their best to support him, even sending him to the prestigious boarding school he attends today, though it is hundreds and hundreds of miles away from their home in north dakota. with parents who love each other and get along well as well as a considerable fortune (his father is a professor of biology and his mother works in programming to analyze climate data, and his father came from an extremely well off family), zephyr's main struggle in life has been with his own gender dysphoria. he repressed it for about two years, as he does with any emotion he doesn't understand, but upon realizing it wasn't going to resolve itself conducted research, came out to his parents, and bought a binder. sadly, he was not eligible for hrt. he hates talking about it, but dysphoria still bothers him today and he quietly awaits the day he can have top surgery.
zephyr was born and grew up in a small, quiet town surrounded by woods on the bottom of north dakota. his father has to commute an hour and a half every day to teach at the closest college, but the environment and sense of peaceful disconnect are worth it to his parents.
This character was created by velocipede on Notebook.ai.
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his true favorite dark, dark green, though he dresses mostly in greys, blacks, and tans.
zephyr has a soft spot for badgers. he just thinks they're neat, aesthetically and otherwise.
his mother has bought him heavy old watches she found at thrift stores for the last two chanukahs. they're gaudy as hell, but he loves this new tradition and keeps them meticulously clean.
zephyr has never been big on this whole "eating" concept, but he enjoys black coffee almost daily and loves the scones his father bakes.
while politics have never played a large part in zephyr's life (privileged kid) he aligns with his parent's democratic views. he believes in immigration reform, immediate action on climate change, and strict gun control measures, though he's not a big proponent of high taxes. in the most recent election, he would have voted for kamala harris had she been able to continue and had he been old enough to vote. he thinks it's very important and common sense that anyone who can vote should.
zephyr has really pushed religion to the back of his mind. while his family celebrates jewish holidays and attends temple on occasion, both of his parents air more on the agnostic side, with his father being more committed to spirituality and nature than the religion he grew up with. zephyr is uncomfortable with the idea of death and all of the conflicting information around it, and really personally prefers the atheistic concept that after life you simply stop existing.
full time student life babeyy
zephyr is a bisexual trans guy who came out to his parents when he was fifteen. he is more attracted to femininity in people of all genders, but there are exceptions to this rule as well.