info Overview
Name - What is Benjamin Riley Everest’s full name?

Benjamin Riley Everest

Role - What is Benjamin Riley Everest’s role in your story?

Protagonists boyfriend

Other names - What other aliases does Benjamin Riley Everest go by?


Gender - What is Benjamin Riley Everest’s gender?


Age - How old is Benjamin Riley Everest?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Benjamin Riley Everest weigh?


Height - How tall is Benjamin Riley Everest?

Six feet exactly

Hair Color - What color is Benjamin Riley Everest’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Benjamin Riley Everest style their hair?

Messy Cut

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Benjamin Riley Everest have?


Eye Color - What is Benjamin Riley Everest’s eye color?

Champagne brown

Race - What is Benjamin Riley Everest’s race?


Skin Tone

Dark tan most of the time.

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Benjamin Riley Everest have?

Looks like Taylor Lautner

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Benjamin Riley Everest have?

Runs hands through hair
Raises eyebrows
Clicks tongue

Motivations - What motivates Benjamin Riley Everest most?

Loves Scarlett
trying to get into Alabama on an Academic scholarship

Flaws - What flaws does Benjamin Riley Everest have?

Can be prideful
Yells when he gets angry

Prejudices - What prejudices does Benjamin Riley Everest have?

Thinks people generally aren't very smart

Talents - What talents does Benjamin Riley Everest have?

Super smart
32 on ACT
4.0 GPA

Hobbies - What hobbies does Benjamin Riley Everest have?


Personality type - What personality type is Benjamin Riley Everest?




groups Social
Religion - What religion does Benjamin Riley Everest practice?


Politics - What politics does Benjamin Riley Everest have?


Occupation - What is Benjamin Riley Everest’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Benjamin Riley Everest’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Benjamin Riley Everest’s favorite food?

Hot dogs with mayo and ketchup

Favorite possession - What is Benjamin Riley Everest’s favorite possession?


Favorite weapon - What is Benjamin Riley Everest’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Benjamin Riley Everest’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Benjamin Riley Everest have?

Works part time at a lawn company

date_range History
Birthday - When is Benjamin Riley Everest’s birthday?

May 20, 2003

Education - What is Benjamin Riley Everest’s level of education?

Junior in high school

Background - What is Benjamin Riley Everest’s background?

Family is wealthy
Parents are distant
Father can be low-key abusive

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Benjamin Riley Everest have?


shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

I'm confused.
Well, confused maybe isn't the right word.
Lost, that's more like it.
The girl I'm in love with is missing, and I don't know what to do.
She had fun at the party, I think.
She was a lot happier than I'd seen her in a while.
We danced together.
The room smelled like alcohol and sweat, but she smelled like roses and her perfume that gives me butterflies in my stomach.
Neither of us drank alcohol, we're not into that.
After we danced we went and kissed on the porch.
Nothing more.
Just kissed.
And that was-no, is-the nice thing about Scarlett. You don't have to be more with her.
You don't have to make out. You can just kiss.
You don't have to talk. You can just sit together.
You don't have to dress up. You can wear a t-shirt and shorts and still look amazing to her.
She's unique like that.
I don't know what to do.
-from Benjamin Riley's Un-submitted English Assignments folder

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This character was created by Hannah Dudleson on

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