info Overview
Name - What is Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine)’s full name?

Clementine Williams
(Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine)

Role - What is Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine)’s role in your story?

A Protagonist Shall Lead Them

Gender - What is Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine)’s gender?


Age - How old is Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine)?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine) weigh?

119 lbs

Height - How tall is Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine)?

5’ 2”

Hair Color - What color is Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine)’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine) style their hair?

Pigtails with a strip of hair on her face

Eye Color - What is Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine)’s eye color?


Race - What is Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine)’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine) have?


fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine) have?

She’s very ditzy, and usually falling over things. She’s also very forgetful which is why it’s not a good idea to put her in charge of anything. She lives in Japan and can hardly speak any Japanese, the only reason she’s there is because her American mom died so she got sent to live with her Japanese dad. (More on that in history)

Talents - What talents does Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine) have?

She seems to be able to get any animal to be nice to her. Which is actually a good thing especially when she got lost in a forest and almost got attacked by a bear.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine) have?

She likes to randomly go outside and swim. Her house in America was near a public pool so she would sneak in so she wouldn’t have to pay fees (she did this for movies theaters too). In Japan she lives near the woods and goes exploring in it, she found a lake to swim in.

Personality type - What personality type is Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine)?

Ditzy, funny, clumsy, a dumbass basically

groups Social
Occupation - What is Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine)’s occupation?

Student at the Japan school for Witches of all Ages

Favorite color - What is Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine)’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine)’s favorite food?


Favorite weapon - What is Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine)’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine)’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine)’s birthday?

She was born April 2nd (almost on the first)

Education - What is Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine)’s level of education?

In America - from 5 - 14 (she was on break when her mom died) Southern New York for Mages Elementary, Junior High, and (a Year) High (SNYE, SNYJ, SNYH; respectively)
In Japan - 15 - 17 Japan School for Witch of all Ages (JSW) (日学女)

Background - What is Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine)’s background?

Her mom never told her Dad about her existence, so it was kinda awkward when he found out.
Growing up Clementine’s mom used her magic to raise Clementine, and the school she went to. When Clementine was 3 years old her sister Sunny was born. (Sunny has a different dad). When Clementine was 14 (Sunny was 12 as her birthday comes earlier), their mom died. They didn’t really feel bad about it. They managed to track down Clementines dad surprisingly who was actually visiting America. They couldn’t find Sunnys dad and almost put her with a aunt, who they didn’t know. Because Clementine’s dad isn’t an Asshole, he took Sunny in to. When the girls moved to Japan, he got them a tutor and enrolled them in JSW.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine) have?

She has a familiar of a fox... that’s close I guess

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Clementine Williams (Aka. Nakamura-Williams Clementine)

This character was created by Mack on

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