info Overview
Name - What is Kyffin Kavona Neidr ’s full name?

Kyffin Kavona Neidr

Age - How old is Kyffin Kavona Neidr ?

5,020 years old. He looks physically around 20 or 21

Gender - What is Kyffin Kavona Neidr ’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Kyffin Kavona Neidr go by?

Changeling, King of the Morning Throne and the Whispering Court (as his true form)

Role - What is Kyffin Kavona Neidr ’s role in your story?

Main Character

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Kyffin Kavona Neidr ’s eye color?

Emerald green as a human but his natural eye color as a Fae is a bright blue

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Kyffin Kavona Neidr have?

None, he doesn't like facial hair and can't understand why humans love it so much. Besides, as High Fae, he cannot grow facial hair anyway

Hair Style - How does Kyffin Kavona Neidr style their hair?


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This character was created by Sophie on

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