info Overview
Name - What is Erin Andi Kin’s full name?

Erin Andi Kin

Role - What is Erin Andi Kin’s role in your story?

Main protagonist of Perfectly Wrong

Other names - What other aliases does Erin Andi Kin go by?

Cagni (to Kodie)

Gender - What is Erin Andi Kin’s gender?



Q, Demi

Age - How old is Erin Andi Kin?

16 (for most of the story)

face Looks
Weight - How much does Erin Andi Kin weigh?

On the heavier side of the range of what's considered healthy

Height - How tall is Erin Andi Kin?


Hair Color - What color is Erin Andi Kin’s hair?

Dirty Blonde

Hair Style - How does Erin Andi Kin style their hair?

Most of the story: dirty blonde pixie cut that isn't like, flipped up
End of the story: Dyed gray pixie cut that is flipped up

Nose shape

Slightly wide and looks like it would be pointy, but in the end, it was slightly rounded out at the tip.

Face shape

Round, like a slightly stretched circle. Jawline becomes defined when she flexes her neck

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Erin Andi Kin have?


Eye Color - What is Erin Andi Kin’s eye color?

Electric blue

Race - What is Erin Andi Kin’s race?

American (a bit of Britain on her blood)

Skin Tone

Very fair

Body Type

Almost all of her weight is in her legs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Erin Andi Kin have?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Erin Andi Kin have?

Stuffs hands in her pockets when she's nervous/anxious
Looks people in the eyes when she talks to them
Avoids eye contact when nervous
Faces conflict head-on
Stares right at the thing she is deep in thought about

Motivations - What motivates Erin Andi Kin most?

Protect Kodie
Get over Lola
Be with Rossley

Flaws - What flaws does Erin Andi Kin have?

Quick to assume the worst
Emotions can change in a heartbeat
Quickly gives people power over her
Things can shock her into next year

Prejudices - What prejudices does Erin Andi Kin have?

Lola is a psychopath (not the case at all)

Talents - What talents does Erin Andi Kin have?

Very good at doing hair

Hobbies - What hobbies does Erin Andi Kin have?

Doing hair?
Listening to music

Personality type - What personality type is Erin Andi Kin?

Can be goofy



groups Social
Religion - What religion does Erin Andi Kin practice?

N/A, but has beliefs

Politics - What politics does Erin Andi Kin have?

[not important]

Occupation - What is Erin Andi Kin’s occupation?

[not important]

Favorite color - What is Erin Andi Kin’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Erin Andi Kin’s favorite food?

Any meat

Favorite possession - What is Erin Andi Kin’s favorite possession?

The ring Lola gave her (ironically). It symbolizes her first love.
Also the earbuds Rossley got her.

Favorite weapon - What is Erin Andi Kin’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Erin Andi Kin’s favorite animal?

Probably Bunnies. They're fuzzy and cute and can be gray. Perfect.

Job - What job does Erin Andi Kin have?

Summer job at a movie theater

date_range History
Birthday - When is Erin Andi Kin’s birthday?

May 2nd, 2004

Education - What is Erin Andi Kin’s level of education?

Still in High School

Background - What is Erin Andi Kin’s background?

I mean, it's all explained in the story but fIne I'll write it...

She got with Lola early in life and they were intense lovers. Then, right as high school was going to start, Lola up and leaves, shattering Erin's heart and her entire being, really.

Two years after this is where the story picks up.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Erin Andi Kin have?


shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Erin Andi Kin

Character chevron_right Children link linked Erin Andi Kin

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Erin Andi Kin

Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Erin Andi Kin

This character was created by RaelenTM_writes on

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