Jaxxon Kai Kim
Jax, Kai
138 lbs
5' 11"
Naturally, it's black, but he likes to dye it all the time. Right now it's a deep red/burgundy.
basically eboy style, with an undercut.
Golden brown
Slender and flexible, but he's still lightly muscled.
He has a birthmark on the back of his right shoulder.
He's really cocky and sarcastic to hid the fact that he has no self-esteem and no self-confidence. He also struggles with his hero complex and therefore has no self-preservation either. But underneath all of that, behind closed doors, he is baby.
His mother died when he was a freshman in high school, and their family had been having financial troubles for a while. Now, he's all alone and works to make sure he won't ever fall that low again.
He's a very loyal person, which can be used against him. He's got severe arachnophobia. He can't stand silence.
Singing, acting, guitar, he's a fast boi, he used to do gymnastics so flexible boi is here as well.
Singing, acting (he a theater nerd), learning TikTok dances, watching Netflix/Hulu/disney+, listening to music
He's a little shit who happens to be baby when you get to know him.
December 9
He is in high school still
Only thing I haven't mentioned is that his parents moved to America from Daegu, South Korea.
He's got a black Schipperke (a breed of dog) named Onyx and he loves her to death and calls her Nyx and it's so cute he's baby.
Anything on here, he'd wear: https://www.google.com/search?q=ulzzang+boy+fashion&tbm=isch&hl=en&chips=q:ulzzang+boy+fashion,online_chips:street+fashion&bih=665&biw=1310&rlz=1CASOCH_enUS758US758&hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwi494XIjbboAhVW_qwKHckmBAgQ4VZ6BAgBEBY&safe=active&ssui=on
The pictures are just his face. His hair is how I described it, not how it is in the photos.
Agnostic Atheism
he works at a taco bell every Thursday and Sunday.
Voodoo blue, more than just a color he dyed his hair once
Cheese Lasagna from Dominic's Casual Italian