info Overview
Name - What is rilo orrina’s full name?

rilo orrina

Role - What is rilo orrina’s role in your story?

main NPC that hopefully be like family to the players later on

Other names - What other aliases does rilo orrina go by?

he goes by ross ori but rilo orrina is his real name.

Gender - What is rilo orrina’s gender?


Age - How old is rilo orrina?


face Looks
Weight - How much does rilo orrina weigh?


Height - How tall is rilo orrina?


Hair Color - What color is rilo orrina’s hair?

brown with purple tips

Hair Style - How does rilo orrina style their hair?

shaved sides with a small messy top

Facial Hair - What facial hair does rilo orrina have?


Eye Color - What is rilo orrina’s eye color?

Emerald green

Race - What is rilo orrina’s race?


Skin Tone

very pale with rosy cheeks

Body Type

very lanky

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does rilo orrina have?

burn marks across his face.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does rilo orrina have?

he is kind and quiet. Trustful and loyal. He is empathetic.

Motivations - What motivates rilo orrina most?

he wants to find out what the world was like before and he wants to find a place to call home and wants to find a new family.

Flaws - What flaws does rilo orrina have?

Too trustful is swayed easily and has low self-esteem.

Prejudices - What prejudices does rilo orrina have?

He is distrustful in the way that he believes that everyone will try to hurt him.

Talents - What talents does rilo orrina have?

He is an amazing musician and is a wonderful artist.

Hobbies - What hobbies does rilo orrina have?

Art and he likes to collect.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does rilo orrina practice?


Occupation - What is rilo orrina’s occupation?

a travelling musician.

Favorite color - What is rilo orrina’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is rilo orrina’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is rilo orrina’s favorite possession?

a alabaster mask that covers most of his face in a design of a fox. And a book that ells the story of the rise and fall of a hero. The last chapter is missing.

Favorite weapon - What is rilo orrina’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is rilo orrina’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does rilo orrina have?

traveling musician

date_range History
Birthday - When is rilo orrina’s birthday?


Education - What is rilo orrina’s level of education?


Background - What is rilo orrina’s background?


device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does rilo orrina have?

Mech canary

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

This character was created by Bean on

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