info Overview
Name - What is Carlos Valverde’s full name?

Carlos Valverde

Gender - What is Carlos Valverde’s gender?


Age - How old is Carlos Valverde?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Carlos Valverde weigh?


Height - How tall is Carlos Valverde?

5' 4"

Hair Color - What color is Carlos Valverde’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Carlos Valverde style their hair?

Short, wavy (e-boy hairstyle)

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Carlos Valverde have?


Eye Color - What is Carlos Valverde’s eye color?

Golden brown

Race - What is Carlos Valverde’s race?


Skin Tone

Dark Tan

Body Type

Lightly muscled, skinny

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Carlos Valverde have?

Small, dent-like scar beside left eye

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Carlos Valverde most?

He wants peace

Flaws - What flaws does Carlos Valverde have?

He's in love with a girl from the enemy side

Personality type - What personality type is Carlos Valverde?

Polite, a little cocky, gets sassy when in a good mood, overall really nice tho, becomes softboi in .2 seconds flat

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Carlos Valverde practice?


Favorite color - What is Carlos Valverde’s favorite color?


Favorite weapon - What is Carlos Valverde’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Carlos Valverde’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Carlos Valverde’s birthday?

July 11th

Education - What is Carlos Valverde’s level of education?

He's a junior in high school.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

This character was created by Dawn on

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