info Overview
Name - What is Lady Katherine DeModse’s full name?

Lady Katherine DeModse

Other names - What other aliases does Lady Katherine DeModse go by?


Gender - What is Lady Katherine DeModse’s gender?


Age - How old is Lady Katherine DeModse?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Lady Katherine DeModse weigh?

Around 240 pounds

Height - How tall is Lady Katherine DeModse?

5 foot 10 inches

Hair Color - What color is Lady Katherine DeModse’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Lady Katherine DeModse style their hair?

She prefers a plainer style, but understands the weight of showing off through clothing and hair can give a person. She often pulls her hair back, but gives it some style with gold ornaments.

Eye Color - What is Lady Katherine DeModse’s eye color?

Dark Brown

Race - What is Lady Katherine DeModse’s race?


Linked Races

Skin Tone

Brown with a warm undertone

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Lady Katherine DeModse have?

Katherine DeModse has a mole on her left cheekbone

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Lady Katherine DeModse most?

Katherine's motivations since childhood was to make her family great again, and take it back from her father's reign.

Flaws - What flaws does Lady Katherine DeModse have?

Her main flaw is her quick and harsh judgement of others, that sometimes can help her when doing business, but not so much when making friends.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Lady Katherine DeModse have?

When she was younger, Katherine held a prejudice against people who couldn't stand up for themselves, including slaves against her abusive father. This lead to her having a dislike for Oear, seeing him as weak and unworthy of her time. Later these prejudices are worked through, and she begins to understand why he was not able to stand up.

Personality type - What personality type is Lady Katherine DeModse?

Even as a child, Katherine was very smart and by the time she was about 12, began to understand that her father was a piece of shit. Growing up in that toxic situation left her very critical of other people compared to her. This left her with a harsh opinion of both slaves and Oear in particular because of his "inability to stand up" to her father and his abuse. Later, after she grew up and learned, she began to regret her harsh treatment of Oear, and when they meet again, offers her help to his resistance as both an investment and an apology. Overall, her character is defined by her want to grow and make her family great again, no matter what. If in a Myers Brig Test, she would be a ENTJ.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Lady Katherine DeModse practice?

Lady Katherine follows the Order of the One, which is more of a standard in Cullen. While she attends services and knows the script, she has no great connection to The One.

Politics - What politics does Lady Katherine DeModse have?

Lady Katherine is seen as an outsider to the rest of her family regarding her family, as while her family has always slaves and supported the trade, Katherine believes in the slave rebellion and abolition of slavery in Cullen, though not because she thinks they should be free exactly, but is smart enough to understand the changing tide, as well as the interest that free people could provide her new business.

Occupation - What is Lady Katherine DeModse’s occupation?

Lady Katherine DeModse is the head of the DeModse, and therefore a noble. She also is a merchant and trader, a new trade she has put herself into to grow her families wealth.

Favorite color - What is Lady Katherine DeModse’s favorite color?

Dark red

Favorite food - What is Lady Katherine DeModse’s favorite food?

Dove egg soup, which does not actually have dove eggs in it.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Lady Katherine DeModse’s birthday?

April 3rd

Education - What is Lady Katherine DeModse’s level of education?

Lady DeModse was the heir apparent to her families house, and was therefore given the best education she could get. She attended the Ethan School of Noble Houses in Ethan City.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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This character was created by Elowyz Jensen on

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