info Overview
Name - What is Vincent Criss’s full name?

Vincent Criss

Age - How old is Vincent Criss?


Role - What is Vincent Criss’s role in your story?


Gender - What is Vincent Criss’s gender?

Cisgender Male (he/him)

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Vincent Criss’s eye color?

Pear Green

Race - What is Vincent Criss’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Lean w/defined muscles

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Vincent Criss have?


Weight - How much does Vincent Criss weigh?

150 lbs

Height - How tall is Vincent Criss?


Hair Color - What color is Vincent Criss’s hair?

Golden blond

Hair Style - How does Vincent Criss style their hair?

High ponytail w/side pieces, long and wavy-curly

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Vincent Criss have?


fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Vincent Criss have?

  • Knitting! He knits after a stressful day/to calm himself

  • Drinking. He likes to go drinking, but he doesn't usually get the chance to

  • Working out/sparring

Personality type - What personality type is Vincent Criss?

Vincent is quiet, level-headed, and logically thinking most of the time. He doesn't connect to people easily, not wanting to get attached. (The only two people besides Nuela that he had close relationships with left and never returned). He believes that hard work is what makes you strong, and he has a strong internal longing for change and adventure, not caring much about material possessions. He is desensitized to killing/death because of his raising in the royal guard, having seen many deaths and "killings" over the years. He doesn't look for a fight, but he will rarely back down from one. Despite what his outside demeanor suggests, he cares about others much more than he cares for himself.

Talents - What talents does Vincent Criss have?

Doctoring abilities (med care), sword fighting, endurance and agility, levelheadedness

Prejudices - What prejudices does Vincent Criss have?

He has a prejudice against magic as a whole... His mom drilled it into his mind that magic = bad without any good explanation for why.

Flaws - What flaws does Vincent Criss have?

Untrusting, stuck in the past, somewhat controlling, horrible at acting/lying (this could be seen as a good thing, but sometimes lies benefit you...)

Motivations - What motivates Vincent Criss most?

His thirst for spontaneity; for adventure

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Vincent Criss have?

Pinches bridge of nose and huffs when frustrated


Quiet, hard work/working out, adventure, change, drinking, a good spar, meat-based dishes, knitting


Tea, feeling like a situation isn't in his control, disobedience(might change this), emotional people, strong emotions in general, sitting around/doing nothing

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Vincent Criss’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Vincent Criss’s favorite food?

Beef and potato stew

Favorite weapon - What is Vincent Criss’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Vincent Criss’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Vincent Criss have?

Chief of The Kingdom of Judalm 's royal guard

date_range History
Background - What is Vincent Criss’s background?

Vincent grew up with his mom Elise, and Nuela, who his mom found abandoned on a late patrol one day. Elsie was very busy, so she entrusted her best friend, Mercutio, to take care of Vincent and Nuela. Mercutio was the guard’s doctor and Vincent learned a lot from him growing up. Elsie forbade Vincent from fighting because she didn’t want him to get hurt or have the life that she had in the future-- (Elsie kept her hair shaved because she thought that it was impractical to have long hair that got in the way of fighting. This is the reason why Vincent has long hair- she never let him cut it.) Vincent was always a very energetic child, so when he and Nuela got the chance (of course, keeping this a secret from Elsie) the two of them sparred with dull, worn down swords that the guard threw out. Vincent continued to learn from Mercutio and eventually became his apprentice, taking over for Mercutio when he died.

(More to be added)

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Vincent Criss have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Caitlyn on

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