info Overview
Name - What is Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter’s full name?

Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter

Role - What is Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter’s role in your story?

She's our protagonist!

Other names - What other aliases does Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter go by?

"C-MAP/Sea Map" - it's her initials, and she's only called this by family. It ties into her nautical names/nature
"Sea Shanty" - her brother's dubbing due to the nautical nature of her first two names, as well as her habit of perpetually singing
"Short Stack" - this is when she gets mad at her friends or family, due to her short stature and her slightly less controlled temper around people she's close to

Gender - What is Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter’s gender?


Age - How old is Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter?

14 (as of the beginning of the series)

face Looks
Weight - How much does Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter weigh?

100 lbs.

Height - How tall is Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter?

(No Napoleon Complex here, or at least she would say)

Hair Color - What color is Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter’s hair?

Dark brown - almost to the point of being black, but is visibly brown in sunlight

Hair Style - How does Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter style their hair?

Starts out fairly short (just below her shoulder blades) but over the course of four years, does not get a single drastic haircut ending in her having hair just long enough for her to sit on if it isn't tied up
Usually isn't tied up, typically parted down the middle, no bangs (she only ties it up for science stuff and when she's swimming)
It gets messy sometimes. She brushes it in the morning before she leaves for the bus and that's mostly it

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter have?

Expressive and defined eyebrows (can lift each independently - uses eyebrows for expression more than squinting or any other form of eye movement)

Eye Color - What is Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter’s eye color?

Left eye blue, right eye brown. Heterochromia iridis for the win!
Also, people on both sides of her family have this condition, despite her dad and mom both lacking it, but they carried on the genes because this condition is hereditary

Race - What is Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter’s race?

Scottish and German origins

Skin Tone

White, but not very pale. Lightly tanned, but wears sunscreen at almost all times because she spends a lot of time outside

Body Type

Petite but proportional
As an adult, number 10 would be Chelsea
Right now, she's slender/lithe/lean but not bare-bones skinny. She's also not one of those high-schoolers who look like they're twenty, and this ties into how she's very accepting of the fact she's not an adult yet.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter have?

Her sharply-contrasting eyes


I haven't fully decided yet, but to fit with her rugged adventuring combined with her classy nature, I've roughly decided on something like:
An earthy-colored cardigan with suede patches on the elbows and on the chest and shoulders (protects the jacket from wear) with a neutral gray/blue t-shirt underneath
Dark blue jeans
Suede, steel-toed boots (lots of construction work for her projects with her brother)

Specialized Equipment

Her glasses are caravan style (squarish aviators) and they have AR capabilities installed. She took the lenses out of her normal glasses and cast a new frame, implementing some of her own technology into them. She also installed the capability to hide her heterochromia iridis in them because as a child because people were unnerved looking at her asymmetrical irises. She never uses that, though, because she likes her eyes. She also would never want to switch to contacts (she's afraid of sticking things in her eyes).
She also wears her watch (which has time-travel capacity) at all times after she is first given it, but it's not usually visible due to her wearing long sleeves.
And she almost always has her backpack with her because the story takes place in school, which contains excessive emergency supplies. She has a lockpicking kit, music scores, armadillo food, tardigrade samples, you name it in that bag. I'm still working out a way for this to be somewhat possible without just being "cartoon logic" so that's a thing. Think Milo Murphy's backpack, if you're familiar with Milo Murphy's Law (good show by the way).

Special Abilities

She's very flexible and can dance very well.
She can lift each eyebrow individually and also wink each eye individually.
She's ambidextrous and very adroit - good with fine motor skills (such as playing instruments and also lockpicking sometimes)

Face Shape


Facial Features

Grecian nose

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter have?

Fidgets a lot, whether it be with tops, locks, cards, Rubik's cubes, whatever. She's constantly tinkering with something, and sometimes doesn't realize it's annoying, but will stop or switch to something else if asked
Rolls up sleeves before doing something
Does a double thumbs-up gesture a lot
Makes finger guns at people a lot (as in, "it's all thanks to you," not "I'm going to shoot you")
Other people's mannerisms rub off on her easily, so she copies people's expressions and movements subconsciously (which is humorous)
Some people end up taking offense and don't understand she isn't intentionally copying them or mocking them
She has very good posture and walks with a brisk pace when by herself but when with others, she'll match their pace.
Says "c'ya round" instead of goodbye
Says "Eh?" a lot - her mom is Canadian and it rubbed off on Chelsea
She pokes lots of harmless fun at her brother, and they take turns making fun of each other's quirks

Humor Type

Puns and dad jokes, wordplay, ironic juxtaposition

Motivations - What motivates Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter most?

She wants to adventure and explore and see as much as possible, and she constantly yearns to understand more about the multiverse and reality itself
She also is driven by seeing other people suffering - she is empathetic to pain and likes to help
She also loves herself a good challenge, and loves to continue growing and expanding her knowledge and skills, and helping others to do the same
Also winning, when she's in a competition (but isn't a sore loser, and isn't so winning-oriented that she'll intentionally hurt other people in order to win)

Flaws - What flaws does Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter have?

Really, really hates:
- Having to overexplain (she feels bad that she gets annoyed by people not picking things up quickly, but she learns and picks up most skills quickly and finds it frustrating when others don't understand things - part of her empathizes with them while the other part just wishes the person could just get it right)
- Being patronized or overexplained to (she doesn't like being looked down upon and she doesn't like being told things she already knows)
- Really gullible people (she tends to think they're acting this way intentionally, and doesn't realize that's just a mindset that some people have)
She hates that she's impatient with these small things and she doesn't know why these irk her so much, and she wishes they didn't
Has a crappy short-term memory - she forgets to do chores and small tasks a lot and her parents get irritated by this
Has a lot of restraint when being poked and prodded by people she doesn't like - she's fairly apathetic to their irritating behaviors, but can get drawn into competition sometimes
She tends to get more upset when people she is close to start crossing her line in terms of being annoying and she might start showing warning signs that she could really lose it if they don't stop
Has a hard time getting started with things, but works hard and smart once the ball is rolling (she sometimes needs her brother to stop her from whatever she's doing online in order to force her to finish her schoolwork or something)
Can be pessimistic, but for a maximum of two minutes before she realizes she's being ridiculous/blowing things out of proportion
Occasionally a little self-conscious, but then gets over it (like above)
Eavesdrops, but sees this as more of a help than a hurt (she uses it to understand people, but she tunes out drama)
She has issues with large crowds sometimes - she is concerned by possibilities of mass panic and mob mentality
She can make the same mistake over and over again while consciously recognizing it but being unable to stop herself from doing it out of habit/muscle memory
Though logical, she sometimes places random intuition over logical observations which leads to her sometimes looking paranoid
Can overload herself with work occasionally, due to poor planning/time management - sometimes doesn't know her own limits, pushing herself to the point where she just passes out from mental/physical exhaustion (but she's pretty adamant about her sleep schedule, or else she will really be at a low point, likely either being completely useless or lashing out at people; she also puts sleep above work in basically all circumstances)
She is good at moral self-restraint, but terrible at resisting things like chocolate or watching just one more YouTube video
She also likes puns - she calls late people 'delay fish' and complainers 'whine cellars'
She sometimes doesn't understand that people might not be comfortable with her extreme exploits, unless they directly say so

Prejudices - What prejudices does Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter have?

Dislikes people who are incredibly gullible/swayed by misinformation
She's resistant to believing that her friends/family would really do something to hurt others (is very hurt when she finds out Aysen, [a person Chelsea didn't trust when he joined her friend group but grew to become good friends with,] is struggling with hacking and pickpocketing just as she started to trust him, even though she's the reason why Aysen is trying to change)

Talents - What talents does Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter have?

She plays multiple instruments very well - is considering majoring in music, or at least minoring
She plays piano (is in jazz band) and violin (is in orchestra), percussion (is in marching band), and she sings (is in chorus)
Has a mind for computers/electronics/programming
Is more into the practical stuff of creating things more than the abstract stuff - she likes to experiment while Theo, her brother, likes to do math and create blueprints and stuff (she is capable of doing both, but everyone knows delegating work is how you get stuff done)
She's great with pattern recognition, but she likes it alright. She'd prefer to do other stuff than sift through spreadsheets, even though it is a strong suit of hers.
She's really good at card games, and eventually ends up raking in a lot of interdimensional dough at games in another dimension where she meets the required age limit when her age is converted into Interdimensional Standard Years.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter have?

She's a jack of all trades, she enjoys picking up new skills for fun and for various practical purposes (also to compete with her brother, on occasion)
She knits sweaters for people, though reluctantly ("I knit one sweater for my uncle, and now I have a huge list of customers. Great. At least I'm getting paid, eh?")
She has skills in making garments (her maternal grandmother taught her one summer vacation, and with Chelsea's adroit nature and knack for creating, she picked it up quite well and then accidentally created a small business)
She also picks locks, for practical reasons and fun ones (she doesn't use it to trespass anywhere or steal things, she just thinks it's interesting)
She also really likes marine science and is very knowledgeable about it. Hard not to learn about something that your two first names are based around.

Personality type - What personality type is Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter?

She has a pretty multi-faceted personality and is very flexible and adaptive, but I'd list these things about her:
- She likes to have small groups of people around. She'd prefer to just have her best friends (Cody, Meryn, and Aysen) and her brother, Theo around, along with her pet Arlo (he's an anthropomorphic armadillo). She dislikes crowds, however, due to her fear of mob mentality. She's good with public speaking in front of a crowd, but she's overwhelmed by being in one the majority of the time, unless it's at a convention where everyone's there to appreciate something they love together or something.
- She's level-headed, especially in times of crisis. Hard times force her to get it together, while she can get complacent without motivation. I mean, she'd still do stuff, but not at the level that she would when she has to.
- She's not a drama queen, and while being very empathetic when it comes to people who have what she considers 'real problems,' she will go to sometimes extreme lengths to help them. However, her empathy does have limits, specifically when people just want attention and end up complaining obnoxiously about petty things, like a tiny chip in their nail polish. She'll usually tell them to quit being a whine cellar (in a lighthearted and mild-mannered tone, not in an annoyed and condescending way) and then walk away. She doesn't mean to be rude, but she doesn't particularly care whether she comes off that way when she does this.
- She gets more and more hopeful, determined, and optimistic the harder the going gets. She enjoys challenges and likes dealing with the obstacles that daily life presents her with.
- She's genuinely confident and while occasionally being a tad self-conscious, is pretty secure. She knows that she is loved by her family, and doesn't let herself believe that 'EVERYONE HATES ME' or something really pessimistic like that for more than two minutes. She gets over those kinds of things fast. Her friends provide lots of emotional cushioning for her, which she is very grateful for.
- When it comes to school projects, she is more likely to improvise something and go from there, while her brother is more likely to plan something. When they build something together, Theo will create the blueprints and Chelsea will test the prototypes, and they'll build the final version together (and Chelsea will stick to the prints this time. She doesn't want to disrespect her brother's work by causing it to fail because of her own carelessness.)


Synesthesia (particularly chromesthesia - pitches have colors for her. She's very attached to music and it is a thing that makes her feel secure, even in situations she feels uncomfortable with. Also, her colors help her relate to the world and she sees them, like music, as a way of describing her feelings when there are no words for them.)
Has perfect pitch (this ties into her music thing and into the synesthesia thing- she and Theo have been exposed to a variety of music since they were born and started playing instruments very young. Also, musical numbers haha)
Heterochromia iridis
Orthostatic hypotension (She tends to jump from sitting to standing, and sees colors, gets light-headed, and is generally disoriented afterward. Her brother is always prepared to restrain/help her when these things happen.)
She also occasionally has a migraine. It's hereditary, and her brother and she often have them at the same time. They're trying to figure out what their triggers are so they can help themselves.

Anger Expression

If it's with family or friends, she can get upset and be a little harsh.
If it's with people trying to provoke her, she remains calm but is ice cold.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter practice?

She's Catholic, and holds herself to her values pretty tightly, though she occasionally lies or steals or hacks and stuff because she believes the intent behind a law is more important. So she sometimes justifies minor wrongdoings with the larger positive impact that the minor wrong contributed to.

Politics - What politics does Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter have?

She views authorities on a case by case basis. She'll typically do what they say, but question it a whole lot first to scope out what their intents are and the motives behind their actions. If there is a teacher/other authority she can't take seriously, she'll respect them (as in, be polite) and just not do what they say. She hates hypocrisy and is not likely to take hypocrites seriously, as well as talk-instead-of-doing-things types. She understands that planning is needed in order to do stuff, but if you just end up sitting and talking all day about what you could do, what's the point?
She follows the rules when she thinks they're logical, and focuses more on the intent behind them rather than on the collection of words that are laws. For example, the rule of two hands on the wheel is made to keep drivers focused and safe, so she'll focus on the principle but maybe sometimes use one hand to pet her armadillo or hold her drink, etc. Everything is legal when the cops aren't around, but it's her responsibility not to do stupid things while they're out.
Note that she's been to the office several times. Some were because her jealous classmate, Victoria, is trying to get her expelled; others were because of her teacher, Mrs. Mack, who is trying to discourage her creativity (because she doesn't want Chelsea to be a target for this evil corporation who could use her kind of creativity, but Chelsea doesn't know this, so Chelsea is a little disheartened because she doesn't hate Mrs. Mack but can't understand why she herself is being treated so unfairly); other times were because she brought her multitool to school and Chelsea was a little exasperated by that. "Look, I may have a few loose screws, but I'm not a dangerously unstable psychopath. I use my multitool to get my locker unstuck, for crying out loud."
She likes to help others and isn't selfish or self-centered. Her antics are more based on a desire to create something rather than to glorify herself. She doesn't like to have lots of attention directed to her, though it happens quite often. She eventually gets used to it, but channels it to progress her and her brother's creations and the advancement of concepts rather than for her own gain.

Occupation - What is Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter’s occupation?

She's a student, but she volunteers at the aquarium and science museum.

Favorite color - What is Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter’s favorite color?

Cerulean (mid-ocean blue/indigo)
She really likes blue. It's the color of the sky and the ocean, and it reminds her of adventure. She also just likes the word cerulean and thinks it sounds nice.

Favorite food - What is Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter’s favorite food?

It actually changes pretty much every day, but she will say sushi (which she loves) just because she doesn't want to be indecisive. She doesn't like being indecisive and believes that just making a decision that might not be the perfect decision is better than just not making one at all.

Favorite possession - What is Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter’s favorite possession?

She's not a very materialistic person (she tends to be detached from things, as she has a terrible short-term memory and often forgets/loses things), but she does like her vintage compass and watch given to her by her uncles Milo and Fylo.
Her brother has the twin pair, and it was a very meaningful gift that was given to her after her first day at school (her uncles are teachers at her school, but she didn't recognize them at the time because she and Theo hadn't seen them since they were five, but she knew they looked familiar. Apparently they'd been traveling time and space while they were away, and came back with cool stuff they intended to give to their favorite/only niece and nephew. Due to Chelsea and Theo not recognizing them, Milo and Fylo just slipped the packages in their backpacks with cryptic notes attached). Turns out that the watch has time-travel capacity (the way time-travel works in this world isn't something I've seen elsewhere, so I'm experimenting with ideas) and the compass allows the user to travel to the multi-verse, so that's fun.
She also likes her ever-stocked backpack with everything she needs and her journal, which was made for her by Cody, her and Theo's childhood best friend.

Favorite weapon - What is Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter’s favorite weapon?

She always has her multitool on her, even in school, which gets her in trouble. She likes to have her tools on her at all times, and they remind her of good times building things. Also, she is skilled with knives, which is why it's her weapon of choice. She also likes her lock-picking tools, which aren't really weapons, but they amuse her and serve her well, getting people's lockers unstuck and such. Or getting into a classroom when she forgot her phone.

Favorite animal - What is Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter’s favorite animal?

Platypodes are her favorite animal. She wanted one after seeing a cartoon with one and thinking, "Hey! Those are weird!" but was not allowed to have one on account of the males' venomous spurs. She has a pet armadillo named Arlo, as in the first and last two letters of armadillo, though this was realized after the fact. His original name was supposed to be Apotheosis but that was put aside after 5 minutes of having him on account of it sounding mildly pretentious.
She also likes octopodes and tardigrades. She thinks weird animals are fascinating.

Job - What job does Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter have?

She's the protagonist, though this is shared with her brother, Theo. But Chelsea is a bit stronger in leadership and personality, and Theo is a little more passive, so it's easier to latch onto her as the protagonist.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter’s birthday?

November 21, 2020

Education - What is Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter’s level of education?

She's currently in high school, but she eventually goes on to get a masters degree in something. Probably marine science or robotics or something, I don't know yet. And she'll probably end up minoring in music as well.

Background - What is Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter’s background?

She comes from a medium-sized suburban town in Massachusetts, and has some interesting adventures throughout her childhood, accompanied by her brother, who is her best friend, and her other best friend, Cody.
She's now in high school, and makes some new friends - Meryn, who is a pretty blonde who is compassionate but hides secrets (she's a test-tube baby - genetically engineered by the company Athanasios Villainy, who makes genetically engineered beasts and runs an underground black market for them) because she's embarrassed by her secrets/past, and Aysen, the son of an evil scientist who wants his son to be better but has already influenced Aysen leading him to pursue hacking and pickpocketing - Aysen's trying to change now due to being around Chelsea and Theo, who he sees as people who do what's right.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter have?

Arlo - an armadillo who does lots of stuff, like scope out villains and act as a service animal (Chelsea and Theo are aware that he does stuff, and they basically assume he runs the world)
She eventually gets Bear, a tardigrade who was enlarged in an accident while running experiments and tests

shopping_basket Inventory
Other Items

So there's the watch (time travel), the compass (interdimensional travel), the backpack (has literally everything in it imaginable - fully stocked and ready to survive the apocalypse) and her journal. And her swiss army knife, and her lockpicking tools.

Other Techologies

Lots of stuff. Just trying to work out some interesting and mildly sensible sci-fi stuff for her and Theo.

Other Floras

Plants are more of Meryn's thing... I don't know. We'll see.

edit Notes

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
"Freezer burn"
Note: the reason why I gave her heterochromia iridis is that Alexander is her middle name - it was her mother's maiden name, but it was given to Chelsea for the reason that her mom wanted her to conquer everything she did (to spread good, in other words), and to be fierce and brave like Alexander the Great, who was reported to have this condition. Also, her left eye is blue because it aligns with the second letter of the word blue, with an L as in left and her right eye is brown for the same reason (brown - right)
In addition, the blue represents her cooler, slightly more distant/icy temperament when dealing with those she dislikes and the brown represents the warmth and sometimes scorching heat she deals out to those who get too close to her - she needs her brother for restraint when it comes to those she cares about deeply
Grinds her teeth a little before starting gritty tasks
Tugs at jacket before going outside

texture Random Traits
Dominant Hand

Right, but will occasionally trade hands due to being ambidextrous

Myers-Briggs Personality Type



Asexual aromantic


Myself, mostly

Creative Content

Building things, making music, making YouTube tutorials on how to be Mark Rober/Michael Reeves

Summarizing Quote

Adventure isn’t hanging on a rope off the side of a mountain. Adventure is an attitude that we must apply to the day to day obstacles in life. - John Amatt

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Chelsea Marina Alexander Porter

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