info Overview
Name - What is Adeline Davies’s full name?

Adeline Davies

Role - What is Adeline Davies’s role in your story?

Baroness & Main Character

Other names - What other aliases does Adeline Davies go by?

Addie, Adele

Gender - What is Adeline Davies’s gender?


Age - How old is Adeline Davies?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Adeline Davies weigh?

126 pounds

Height - How tall is Adeline Davies?


Hair Color - What color is Adeline Davies’s hair?

Dark brown

Hair Style - How does Adeline Davies style their hair?

Pulled back, usually in a bun of some sort

Eye Color - What is Adeline Davies’s eye color?

Chestnut brown

Race - What is Adeline Davies’s race?


Skin Tone

Light, a bit of a rosy tone to it

Body Type

Thin, triangular; somewhat delicate

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Adeline Davies have?

Plays with the ends of her hair; very good posture; always fiddling with her hands; tends to have overly animated gestures when very angry or excited

Motivations - What motivates Adeline Davies most?

Order, fairness; generally appreciates routine

Flaws - What flaws does Adeline Davies have?

Quick to anger, impatient, bossy, defiant

Talents - What talents does Adeline Davies have?

Can keep secrets; a decent dancer

Hobbies - What hobbies does Adeline Davies have?

Needlework, reading

Personality type - What personality type is Adeline Davies?

Adventurous but cautious; considers herself a lady but isn't afraid to get a little bit dirty; has grown up with little female influence so is more masculine than socially acceptable; independent

groups Social
Politics - What politics does Adeline Davies have?

Likes the Queen and supports the social system, as she is a baroness and it gives her her rank and power

Occupation - What is Adeline Davies’s occupation?

Baroness of England (technically daughter of a baron, but as only child, inherits title)

Favorite color - What is Adeline Davies’s favorite color?

Dark blue

Favorite food - What is Adeline Davies’s favorite food?

Tea; also likes bacon & cheese (not together though)

Favorite possession - What is Adeline Davies’s favorite possession?

A pearl necklace that used to be her mother's

Favorite weapon - What is Adeline Davies’s favorite weapon?

Claims to be too dignified and ladylike for weapons

Favorite animal - What is Adeline Davies’s favorite animal?

Dogs, more specifically pugs since she owns one

date_range History
Birthday - When is Adeline Davies’s birthday?

June 11, 1845

Education - What is Adeline Davies’s level of education?

Has had governesses from a young age, so decently educated; education has been slighted a bit since she's a girl

Background - What is Adeline Davies’s background?

Her mother died in childbirth and her distraught father never remarried. She grew up with very little female influence other than servants and her governesses. She loves her father and has a strong bond with him, especially when she was younger.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Adeline Davies have?

A pug named Fritz

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

First gallery image was linked to
Second gallery image is by the incredible @ccb37

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