info Overview
Name - What is Emmett Euclid’s full name?

Emmett Euclid

Role - What is Emmett Euclid’s role in your story?

the one sane person in this godforsaken town (side character)

Other Names and Etymology

Known to most as Dr. Euclid.

Gender - What is Emmett Euclid’s gender?

Male (he/him; cisgender)

Age - How old is Emmett Euclid?

Well over a hundred, but looks to be in his late forties or early fifties.

Sexual Orientation


face Looks
General Description

His semiformal clothes paired with his strangely puppet-like anatomy give him a bit of a steampunk aesthetic. He has a cold, angular sort of look to him.

Weight - How much does Emmett Euclid weigh?

About average for his height

Height - How tall is Emmett Euclid?

5’ 10”

Hair Color - What color is Emmett Euclid’s hair?

Pale grey, almost white

Hair Style - How does Emmett Euclid style their hair?

Long and curly; he often wears it in braids

Race - What is Emmett Euclid’s race?

?????? It’s unclear whether he’s still human.

Skin Tone

Dark brown

Ethnicity and Nationality

Black and South Asian; American

Body Type

Stocky and muscular. He has a squarish sort of body type.


He wears a black button-up shirt underneath a bronze vest. The sleeves are always rolled up like he was in the middle of working on something (he usually is). His clothes are professional-looking, but not super fancy.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Emmett Euclid have?

He's got mechanical body parts, his face being the most obvious. His mouth is built like a ventriloquist dummy's and there are various pins and pegs visible at his joints.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Emmett Euclid have?

He’s generally easy enough to understand, but his speech sounds odd and cobbled with two century's worth of slang.
He adjusts his clothes frequently, and runs his fingers through his hair when he's agitated.
He walks with a slight limp, as one of his legs is mechanical and doesn't completely match up with the other.
When he and Jacques Device are together, they talk to each other in an incomprehensible mix of French and English.

Motivations - What motivates Emmett Euclid most?

To stop the apocalypse, and to keep Quill Cardenas on the straight and narrow while he's doing it. These two motivations may or may not relate very closely to each other.

Flaws - What flaws does Emmett Euclid have?

He has a hard time relating to people. Although he has emotions, and doesn't necessarily try to push them away, he gets very mixed-up about them and so doesn't try to deal with them.
He's often really wound up and stressed. Gets angry easily and doesn’t have much patience.
A bit scatterbrained. Has a difficult time paying attention to people if he doesn’t find what they’re saying interesting.
Can get easily frustrated if whatever he’s trying to explain isn’t immediately understood by whoever he’s talking to.
He needs to learn that he can step away from his work every once in a while and take a break. Anything that isn't obviously productive he considers to be a waste of his time, even sometimes friendship.
When he was a human, he desired to learn everything he could about the world around him, and it made him very happy to discover new things. The universe was a wonderful puzzle which he spent his whole life figuring out. Now that he's immortal, there is no mystery, no beauty in anything for him, and so he finally knows all and yet does not care. He is too practical; he cannot find wonder in anything.
Thinks pretty much exclusively with his head, and considers his emotions a weakness.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Emmett Euclid have?

A little prejudiced towards people who spend a lot of time doing things he doesn’t consider productive, like making music.

Talents - What talents does Emmett Euclid have?

He's an astrophysicist, which essentially means he's quite good at math.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Emmett Euclid have?

He plays chess with Jack sometimes (he always wins). He'll also tinker with inventions in his spare time, which, unfortunately, he doesn't have nearly enough of.
He'll sing or hum to himself when he thinks no one's listening.
He likes taking naps when he has the time, although he doesn’t actually need to sleep.


He's stiff and sarcastic, not speaking too often, though he's really kind on the inside. He talks in a very dry, deadpan way, almost never conveying emotion in his voice. No one can ever tell whether he's being genuine or not.
Very scatterbrained, to the point where it never feels like he's entirely present. Lots of staring off into nowhere while someone's talking to him and abruptly mentioning things that seem to have nothing to do with the topic at hand.
However, he’s a good listener if you need to vent about personal troubles. People come to him when they just need to talk. If you tell him a secret, no matter how minor, he will take it to his grave. He takes promises very seriously.
He doesn't try push people away, exactly, but most people give up trying to get past his hard exterior. He is purposely sarcastic; however, he's not actively trying to be unfriendly. He doesn't put up a hard exterior to protect himself and his emotions; it's more like he wouldn't know how to act if he didn't.
Always done with everyone else’s shit, and he constantly seems tired. The One Sane Friend™
He doesn't usually portray much emotion, but he'll get really excited and animated talking about things that interest him, like talking about history with Quill. He likes explaining things.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Emmett Euclid practice?


Languages spoken

English and French. English is his first language and he's never lived in any francophone country, but he's become fluent since Jacques Device is originally from France and taught him the language.

Politics - What politics does Emmett Euclid have?

He doesn't know enough about modern politics to form an opinion on any of it.

Occupation - What is Emmett Euclid’s occupation?

Interdimensional astrophysics professor and researcher

Favorite color - What is Emmett Euclid’s favorite color?


Favorite possession - What is Emmett Euclid’s favorite possession?

His wedding ring and a radio Jacques Device gave him when they were still a newfangled device.

Favorite animal - What is Emmett Euclid’s favorite animal?

He's never really thought about it. Probably a sheep or ram.

date_range History
Education - What is Emmett Euclid’s level of education?

Has multiple degrees relating to the interdimesional sciences and physics.

Background - What is Emmett Euclid’s background?

Though he doesn't seem it at first, Emmett is one of the more mysterious of the immortal lot. It's unclear what entity, if any, he is a puppet to.
You can find more background on his research in the field of interdimensional science in Jacques Device's history section. Separate section for Emmett probably coming soon but that has all the basics :-)

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

His heartbeat is weirdly loud and mechanical, and almost painful-sounding in how seemingly forced it is. You can hear it ticking like a clock when it's relatively quiet.

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