info Overview
Name - What is Amanda the Red Panda’s full name?

Amanda the Red Panda

Role - What is Amanda the Red Panda’s role in your story?

Is a Red Panda animatronic

Other names - What other aliases does Amanda the Red Panda go by?

Red, Panpan

Gender - What is Amanda the Red Panda’s gender?


Age - How old is Amanda the Red Panda?

Doesn't have a gender

face Looks
Weight - How much does Amanda the Red Panda weigh?

77 pounds (34 kg)

Height - How tall is Amanda the Red Panda?

4' 09"

Hair Color - What color is Amanda the Red Panda’s hair?

Reddish-brown, black, white

Hair Style - How does Amanda the Red Panda style their hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Amanda the Red Panda have?


Eye Color - What is Amanda the Red Panda’s eye color?

Sapphire blue

Race - What is Amanda the Red Panda’s race?

Red Panda

Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Amanda the Red Panda have?

None so far

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Amanda the Red Panda have?

Loves to talk children through their problems at home.

groups Social
date_range History
device_hub Family
edit Notes
shopping_basket Inventory
folder_open Story

This character was created by Locket the Fox on

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