info Overview
Name - What is Stanislava Lithrek’s full name?

Stanislava Lithrek

Gender - What is Stanislava Lithrek’s gender?


Age - How old is Stanislava Lithrek?


Role in Works

Protagonist in Borealis
Important side character in untitled journey plot

Role - What is Stanislava Lithrek’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Stanislava Lithrek go by?

Stasya (by Octavius)

face Looks
Race - What is Stanislava Lithrek’s race?

Human; Mednikov group

Skin Tone

Dark brown

Body Type

Average height, but with a good deal of muscle build. Her body shape would probably be best described as athletic/straight

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Stanislava Lithrek have?

Notched eyebrow

Weight - How much does Stanislava Lithrek weigh?


Height - How tall is Stanislava Lithrek?


Hair Color - What color is Stanislava Lithrek’s hair?

Seemingly black, but closer to dark brown.

Hair Style - How does Stanislava Lithrek style their hair?

Curly, pulled into a low ponytail

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Stanislava Lithrek have?


Eye Color - What is Stanislava Lithrek’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Stanislava Lithrek have?

Fiddles with her wedding ring when nervous, whistles to fill silence.


She lives in a desolate tundra village, so amenities and comforts are none of her concern, and most of her decision-making and life are centered around survival over her own wants. This isn't how she was raised, so temptations of unnecessary comforts are not uncommon for her.

Personality type - What personality type is Stanislava Lithrek?

INTP-A. Stanislava is an extremely serious, down to earth person. She is very blunt in her speech and doesn't take anyone's shit. She gets things done, and gets them done smoothly. Under this shell, she is a very gentle, tender person.
She takes all of her relationships and friendships very seriously and wants people to know she deeply cares for them, even if she isn't one for words. Her love language is physical contact, and she will rarely be seen more than a few feet from her loved ones when in the same room.
She is an extremely strategic, objective thinker, wise beyond her years and open to the opinions of others (for the most part). She doesn't let emotions cloud her judgement under normal circumstances. She is relied upon for hunting formations and organization of the troop because of this, as her observant, patient nature makes her an ideal ranger.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Stanislava Lithrek have?

-Whittling (she will often sell her whittled goods at the market with Octavius’s wares), took this up to pass the time on journeys.
-Writing and transcribing tales from various languages into Ronyorkan. She travels frequently to the various nymphan civilizations nearby to collect these stories and make records of them. She is currently composing a book of nymphan nursery rhymes.

Talents - What talents does Stanislava Lithrek have?

-Knows multiple languages; her native language is Mednikski (Slavic in nature), but she also knows the local language of the water nymphs and elves. She can also speak basic Drystian (closer to old English).
-She is a talented swordsman and archer, and has a proficiency in most weapons due to her husband's career (he crafts weapons and she tests them for quality and durability).
-She has excellent handwriting in at least three alphabets, and can illustrate pretty well, too.
-As mentioned above, she is a skilled whittler, enough so that Octavius frequently has her carve the hilts and wooden bits for his commissioned weapons.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Stanislava Lithrek have?

-She has a bad relationship with elves, mostly due to her strong bond with the nymphs of Ronyork (the two races have a bitter past of disputes). Hence, she doesn’t trust elves very easily and will act cold around them (she almost didn’t let Myarni stay with them when the trio had to find lodging, but Octavius convinced her otherwise).

Flaws - What flaws does Stanislava Lithrek have?

Many can view her private, reserved ways as insensitive, and this is heightened by her lack of emotional tone towards those she isn't intimately attached to. While open-minded for the most-part, she can put her own decisions over those of others, especially once she becomes committed to an idea. It can be hard to negotiate with her once her mind is set. While this is beneficial when her decisions are the best choice (especially for long-term actions), it can cause issues with her peers when they disagree.
This can also make her come off as conceited, even if it wasn't her intention, which in turn distances herself from potential friends and colleagues.

Motivations - What motivates Stanislava Lithrek most?

Stanislava is motivated first and foremost to protect and provide for herself and her family. Before Octavius came into her life, she lived solely for herself and disregarded the wants of others to ensure her own survival. She was able to open this passionate desire to survive to encompass Octavius eventually, and has since learned to let in others she cares for.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Stanislava Lithrek practice?

None, not important to the story.

Politics - What politics does Stanislava Lithrek have?

Chaotic good; She tends toward neutral opinions on most politics, and doesn't mind bending or breaking the rules if she sees them as unjust or unreasonable.

Occupation - What is Stanislava Lithrek’s occupation?

She is a ranger for her town's local hunting squadron (which typically acts as a guardfleet as well).

Favorite food - What is Stanislava Lithrek’s favorite food?

She loves soups of all sorts, especially hardy meat stews. This is due mostly in part to the high availability of meat in her village, and not much in the way of foraged vegetables and fruits. She purchases root vegetables when she can, but the heavy snow often keeps this option from her.

Favorite possession - What is Stanislava Lithrek’s favorite possession?

Her matching dagger set with her husband (she doesn't use this one as a weapon, mostly just for whittling and such).

Favorite weapon - What is Stanislava Lithrek’s favorite weapon?

A large, heavy long-sword made of iron and steel, with an agate stone on the end of the hilt (it was crafted by her husband Octavius Lithrek).

Favorite animal - What is Stanislava Lithrek’s favorite animal?

She doesn't really have a favorite (it is her job to hunt them, after all), but she holds a soft spot for felines because of Umber the forge cat (technically her husband's pet).

date_range History
Education - What is Stanislava Lithrek’s level of education?

Since she came from a wealthy, high-status family in her town, she was able to receive classical education in reading, writing, and language arts. She has also taught herself several languages using this education.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Stanislava Lithrek have?

Umber, the forge cat.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

-She sees all of Octavius's forge assistants as her family, and is just about one more bonding-moment away from up and adopting Radokha Sadovnikova .
-Drawings provided by myself (lmao none are complete)

loyalty Clothing
flare Magical Abilities
wc Relationships
Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Stanislava Lithrek

Town chevron_right Citizens link linked Stanislava Lithrek

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