info Overview
Name - What is Chisato Ueno’s full name?

Chisato Ueno

Gender - What is Chisato Ueno’s gender?


Age - How old is Chisato Ueno?


Role in Works

Main character in untitled figure skating plot

Role - What is Chisato Ueno’s role in your story?

High-ranked (top 10) American figure skater, one of six main characters

Other names - What other aliases does Chisato Ueno go by?

Chi/Chi-san (by Adrian and Naoki respectively)
Pipsqueak/Pip (by coach Hammond)

face Looks
Race - What is Chisato Ueno’s race?

East Asian

Skin Tone

Pale with beige undertones

Body Type

Athletic, with wider hips and a good amount of muscle build on her core and legs.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Chisato Ueno have?

Mole to the right side of her bottom lip, dyed pink streak in her bangs (has kept it that way for the past five years).
It isn't visible through her clothing, but she also has a tattoo around her right ankle.

Weight - How much does Chisato Ueno weigh?

120 lbs

Height - How tall is Chisato Ueno?

5' 2"

Hair Color - What color is Chisato Ueno’s hair?

Black with a dyed pink stripe in her bangs

Hair Style - How does Chisato Ueno style their hair?

Short bob (above her shoulders, slightly below chin-level) with straight-across bangs

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Chisato Ueno have?


Eye Color - What is Chisato Ueno’s eye color?

Deep brown, almost black

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Chisato Ueno have?

Will absent-mindedly do loops and "rocking horses" when she has to stand still on the ice and/or listen to her coach's instructions.
Rubs/tugs at her ears before going to her starting place at competitions. This is a sort of pre-program calming ritual for her, though it was originally just because her ears got so cold when skating.
Taps her feet to whatever rhythm can be found around her (be that music or a “plinking” of water from a faucet).
If she is sitting, she will begin flexing and pointing her right foot. This was the foot she broke a year prior, and the action was originally a stretch her physical therapist gave her to restrengthen her leg muscles. It has become a habit.

Personality type - What personality type is Chisato Ueno?

ENFJ-A, self-identified lawful good. Chisato is extremely optimistic and can come off as mindless or impulsive to others. She sees only the best in everyone she meets, being extremely charming and charismatic. She is a deeply passionate person as well, and has a hard time letting go of goals, no matter how unimportant. She also struggles with understanding her constraints, but this also gives her a head-strong quality and a perseverance to test the strongest.
She is outwardly expressive and often the first to pursue friendships/relationships, initiates a majority of the conversations she is in. She is a self-proclaimed romantic (currently pursuing a relationship with Adrian Drake-Buckley) and sees the good in everyone. This comes with an almost overbearing urge to show goodness back to everyone with almost a fear of letting others down.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Chisato Ueno have?

Outside of skating, Chisato enjoys watching movies and engaging in "geek culture". She is an active member of her college's DnD club, LARPing club (she is the club's official costume provider), and an avid con-goer. She plays video games occasionally, but only games with strongly plot-based/adventuring themes (think Legend of Zelda or Pokemon). She enjoys the fantasy genre for all media.
She loves fashion, costume design, and sewing as well.

Talents - What talents does Chisato Ueno have?

She is a world-class figure skater. Given her career, she is a skilled dancer as well.
She has been noted as a great DM when running DnD campaigns, always able to think up fun, creative adventures.
She is skilled at sewing and costume design, often able to replicate a character’s outfit fairly realistically, and is often complimented for her competition dresses (which she makes).

Prejudices - What prejudices does Chisato Ueno have?

She is a proud American and, even though she was technically born in Japan, holds a national bias. This makes some situations awkward in her extremely nationally diverse training environment.

Flaws - What flaws does Chisato Ueno have?

She can be testy to the boundaries and comfort-zones of her more introverted friends and has a hard time understanding the introverted mindset. As stated above, she is a passionate person, but this often causes her to loose sight of what can be reasonably achieved which often leads to overworking herself past safety. It is for this reason that she got injured and had to take a season off from competition to recover (although she tried to return to the ice a month before the doctor recommended it).
In short, caution is not in her vocabulary.
She also sees everyone as a friend until she can prove otherwise which, while often not an issue, can make seeing eye-to-eye with those who take issue with her difficult.

Motivations - What motivates Chisato Ueno most?

Chisato will devote her time and energy onto whatever strong passion she feels at the moment. These passions can be random at times, but are almost always related to skating or pursuing friendships/relationships. They don't go away easily, either, so she could have several strong passions at one time fighting for her attention. She is ultimately motivated to entertain these passions for the sake of her loved ones and upholding their faith in her.

groups Social
Job - What job does Chisato Ueno have?

To return to competition and reclaim her national title and world standing (4th in the world two years prior, before her injury).

Religion - What religion does Chisato Ueno practice?

Her family is Buddhist, but she wasn't raised especially strictly. She does consider herself spiritual, though her actions would put her as more of an animist. Her mother is an active practitioner of Shinyoen.



Politics - What politics does Chisato Ueno have?

Not strongly political either way, but she is a very lawful person with a fair (but not blind) respect for authority.

Occupation - What is Chisato Ueno’s occupation?

Pro figure skater

Favorite color - What is Chisato Ueno’s favorite color?

Lavender (she will try to incorporate it into every competition dress she has).

Favorite food - What is Chisato Ueno’s favorite food?

Espresso flavored desserts, specifically because she isn't allowed to eat them during competition season and sees them as an end-of-season reward.

Favorite possession - What is Chisato Ueno’s favorite possession?

Her dice set and her skates (one of which is significantly more valuable than the other, but she holds them to the same level of importance).

Favorite weapon - What is Chisato Ueno’s favorite weapon?

I guess skates technically have a blade.

Favorite animal - What is Chisato Ueno’s favorite animal?

Owls, especially great horned owls.

date_range History
Background - What is Chisato Ueno’s background?

Chisato was born in Hitachi, Japan but her parents moved to America shortly after her birth because of work. She started skating lessons at three after her parents took her to a rink for her birthday and fell in love with it. It was her first "Big Passion" as she calls it (one of three). She stayed in public school all through middle school, but once she hit high school her competitive career required her to be home schooled instead. She attends college full-time and is majoring in fashion design (her second "Big Passion"). She plans to become a costume designer for figure skating after she retires form competition.
She started winning major local and national competitions when she was ten (at the novice division), and she entered the senior division at 16 with a boom, placing third at Nationals and one of her Grand Prix assignments. She ultimately finished 14th at Worlds (much higher than she was expected to). She rose steadily in the international bracket over the next few years, peaking at 18 when she won Nationals, Four Continents, both Grand Prix assignments, and placing third at Worlds and the GPF.
However, a bad leg break during off-ice training that required surgery forced her to take the next season off to recover, and lost a lot of confidence in returning to the sport.
Her perseverance kicked in, though, and through months of physical therapy and rehabilitation, rebuilding her leg muscles, and re-learning a lot of her jumps, Chisato is ready to take on this season with a new-found respect and love for her sport.

Education - What is Chisato Ueno’s level of education?

She is a full-time college student majoring in fashion design.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Skating style most closely resembles Ashley Wagner. Some notable examples:

--Her "Hip-hip Chin-chin program":
--Her "Dangerous Woman" EX program:

loyalty Clothing

Off the ice, Chisato is an extremely casual dresser, her wardrobe existing almost entirely of sweatpants, joggers, graphic tees, and warm sweaters. Her go-to outfit is a pair of black joggers with a white racer stripe paired with one of several "nerd shirts" as she calls them (a tee with geeky reference humor on it) and tennis shoes. If she's feeling spicy she might pair that with a beanie.


Chisato likes to wear light tops for training, mostly crop tops. She doesn't like wearing jackets over them because she overheats quickly, but she will on especially chilly days. She only wears black training pants. If everything else is in the wash she may wear a pair of navy pants she bought thinking they were black. She goes through gloves like there is no tomorrow, so almost all of hers have a hole somewhere (that's what comes from having catch-foot spins as a go-to).


All of Chisato's competitive programs for the past several years have been to soundtracks, so all of her dresses have somewhat been references.
Her current programs are "Tir Na Nog" which she pairs with a purple elf-like dress and the sound track to "The Witch's Aria", the dress for which is red with gold embellishments.

flare Magical Abilities
wc Relationships
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