info Overview
Name - What is Osric Tan’s full name?

Osric Tan

Role - What is Osric Tan’s role in your story?

Supporting protag

Other names - What other aliases does Osric Tan go by?

Weapon Fourtreen, Riot.
Side note: He doesn't remember if he has a middle name. This is explained more in conditions and background.

Gender - What is Osric Tan’s gender?


Age - How old is Osric Tan?



Gay. He's got no idea what orientations are, but all he knows is he's madly in love with Carson, and has a major crush on Ram Wilson.

accessibility Clothing
Usual outfits:

This is a t + jeans type boy. He likes pale colors, and if it has cheesy Vine references on it, all the better. He KISS's it up, Keeping It Simple Sally all the way.
Otherwise, he can look totally bomb in a full military-grade body armour outfit.

face Looks
Weight - How much does Osric Tan weigh?

I don't know, nor do I care

Height - How tall is Osric Tan?

short, like 5' 4"

Hair Color - What color is Osric Tan’s hair?

Inky black

Hair Style - How does Osric Tan style their hair?

Understyled and short, classic boy-cut, but messy and unkempt

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Osric Tan have?


Eye Color - What is Osric Tan’s eye color?


Race - What is Osric Tan’s race?

Human, east asian

Skin Tone

Warm tan

Body Type

Wiry, thinn boi

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Osric Tan have?

He's missing three fingers on his left hand: half of his middle, most of his ring, and all of his pinky. This will be explained in background

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Osric Tan have?

Trolling the internet, watching ALL the vines/old movies/memes, memorizing said vines/old movies/memes, annoying his friends


He has anomic aphasia from a traumatic brain injury sustained from his time with the Virus. Think dyslexia, sort of, but caused by TBI.
He's also missing some fingers, as stated.
Since his TBI, his memory has also been spotty, which is why he can't recall his middle name.
He presents with a few symptoms of Reactive Attachment Disorder, RAD, but nothing that would get him a diagnosis. He just will test people's love for him, by being a pain in the butt, because he doesn't really believe anyone actually loves him.

Personality type - What personality type is Osric Tan?

Uses humor and mean jokes to cover up his own insecurity and suffering. Gay af.

Talents - What talents does Osric Tan have?

Being irl spiderman, working with knives, ticking off everyone around him

Flaws - What flaws does Osric Tan have?

He's angry, mean, pushes people away by actively trying to hurt them, or annoy them, because he thinks they don't care about him anyways, and he's just trying to speed up the eventual rejection process. He doesn't like himself very much. His two main fears are death and abandonment, and he'd most certainly turn against his friends if it meant avoiding either of those.

Motivations - What motivates Osric Tan most?

His friends, survival

groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Osric Tan’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Osric Tan’s favorite animal?

He LOVES cats

Job - What job does Osric Tan have?



Carson: bf
Mehri: Only person he really respects, no matter what
Ram: His best friend who he truly loves
Itha: Arch-nemesis number 1. She hates him, and he hates her
Jiji: He's pretty neutral towards Jiji, but no one can dislike Jiji, and everyone's happier when he's around.

Religion - What religion does Osric Tan practice?

Probably violently atheistic. He's probably angry at God, and doesn't believe on principle, out of some sort of revenge.


Carson, his first and only.
Could have been with Ram, but, not to be.

Politics - What politics does Osric Tan have?

He legitimately has no idea what the frickle frack politics are. He was ten when he was captured by the Virus.

Occupation - What is Osric Tan’s occupation?

Mass murder weapon

info History
Background - What is Osric Tan’s background?

He was ten when he was taken by the Virus, thus a lot of his previous life has been forgotten. He was difficult to control from the beginning, since he'd always been a rebellious child, but they just took a harsher method towards him, and focused of breaking him down. When he and the other weapons were trying their first escape attempt, someone else screwed it up, but he got the harshest punishment. The reason for this is because of how rebellious he had been in the past. They wanted to ensure this would not become his habit.
He never knew he wasn't the one who messed up, and he thinks it was his fault the attempt failed. This is where he developed his aphasia, and where he lost his fingers.
Fun fact: Those who carried out his punishment were 'fired' after the fact. They were never supposed to permanently damage him.
After the second, successful escape attempt, he went to Barcelona, where he was found by Carson and brought back to Miami to team up with the other Weapons, where the story begins.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Osric Tan have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
group_work Social Status
Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Osric Tan

This character was created by Oakley on

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