info Overview
Name - What is Asher Valerian Merle’s full name?

Asher Valerian Merle

Role - What is Asher Valerian Merle’s role in your story?

Tertiary protagonist
Technical support

Other names - What other aliases does Asher Valerian Merle go by?


Gender - What is Asher Valerian Merle’s gender?


Age - How old is Asher Valerian Merle?

1,343 years

face Looks
Weight - How much does Asher Valerian Merle weigh?


Height - How tall is Asher Valerian Merle?


Hair Color - What color is Asher Valerian Merle’s hair?

Platinum blonde.

Hair Style - How does Asher Valerian Merle style their hair?

Combed back and gelled. A little fringe usually escapes to hang over his right eye.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Asher Valerian Merle have?

Asher is clean shaven. He might sport a five o'clock shadow if he's been kept too busy to shave.

Eye Color - What is Asher Valerian Merle’s eye color?

Blood red.

Race - What is Asher Valerian Merle’s race?

Caucasian vampire

Skin Tone


Body Type

Meso-Endomorph. Asher does not work out much, centuries of study and luxury has lead to him being a bit chubby.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Asher Valerian Merle have?



Asher likes to wear Victorian era clothes, as that was his favorite time to live through. Waistcoats, pocket watches, high waist trousers. He'll even still wear a top hat from time to time.

Notes on Appearance

Vampires in this universe cannot change their eye color, so he often wears sunglasses when outside. Due to his other physical traits, he is lucky enough to also be able to claim he is albino if anyone catches sight of his unusual eyes.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Asher Valerian Merle have?

Asher stands with his hands clasped behind his back.
He has a tendency to look down his nose at people, he claims it's because he's so tall.
Asher speaks slowly and deliberately.
He taps his fingers when thinking.

Motivations - What motivates Asher Valerian Merle most?

Asher is actually struggling to be motivated. After living for nearly two millennia, he's starting to get very bored with the world.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Asher Valerian Merle have?

Has a bit of prejudice towards other races, especially werewolves and black eyed children. Mostly due to them generally not taking the time to be as "civilized" as he is.

Talents - What talents does Asher Valerian Merle have?

Writing poetry
Arcane rituals

Hobbies - What hobbies does Asher Valerian Merle have?

Badminton, horse riding, keeping up with scientific discoveries (particularly in astronomy).

Personality type - What personality type is Asher Valerian Merle?

INTP Logician


Wears glasses.
Garlic does not agree with him.
His skin is more sensitive to the sun than most people.
Gold jewelry only.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Asher Valerian Merle practice?

Strictly speaking, Asher is an atheist. However, he likes to tell humans that he is a Satanist. He likes the looks on their faces.

Politics - What politics does Asher Valerian Merle have?

Asher does not care about politics in the slightest. His morals have grown and evolved over time and he's lived through enough of history to not want to align himself with political parties.

Occupation - What is Asher Valerian Merle’s occupation?

Asher has no desire to work anymore, he considers himself retired.

Favorite color - What is Asher Valerian Merle’s favorite color?

Asher's favorite color is gold.

Favorite food - What is Asher Valerian Merle’s favorite food?

Filet mignon with Béarnaise sauce.

Favorite weapon - What is Asher Valerian Merle’s favorite weapon?

Asher rarely fights anymore. He carries a rapier around mostly for show, but he's good enough with it in a pinch.

Favorite animal - What is Asher Valerian Merle’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Asher Valerian Merle have?

At some point Asher comes in as a part time receptionist/consultant for Constellation.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Asher Valerian Merle’s birthday?

Asher has not celebrated his birthday in centuries. For purposes of legality, he lists his birthday as January 1 for convenience.

Education - What is Asher Valerian Merle’s level of education?

Multiple PhDs in a variety of subjects from multiple universities. He's been bored of the whole college thing for about a century now though. And he has never had the desire to set foot in a high school.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Asher Valerian Merle have?

Asher has a little Pomeranian named Caesar that he loves very much. Caesar is very spoiled.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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This character was created by Padfoot13x on

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