info Overview
Name - What is Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison)’s full name?

Crow Frost
(Amelia Anne Mathison)

Role - What is Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison)’s role in your story?

Secondary protagonist
Cute kid

Other names - What other aliases does Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison) go by?


Gender - What is Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison)’s gender?


Age - How old is Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison)?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison) weigh?


Height - How tall is Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison)?


Hair Color - What color is Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison)’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison) style their hair?

Crow has black hair in a longish, messy pixie style.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison) have?


Eye Color - What is Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison)’s eye color?

Very light blue/gray.
When not disguising herself, they are jet black, even the whites appear dark gray.

Race - What is Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison)’s race?

Black Eyed Child.
Previously Caucasian.

Skin Tone

When not keeping her illusion up, it is very pale almost gray. Being dead isn't always great for the complexion.

Body Type

Ectomorph. Crow is thin and small. Although she is a teenager, she is small enough to be mistaken for a preteen.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison) have?

Her large, very pale eyes stand out.


She wears a t-shirt, long sleeved striped shirt, short skirt, and boots. Crow also wears a blue handkerchief around her neck to hide the scar across her throat.

Notes on Appearance

Crow's appearance is usually messy. A little like a kid who is allowed to dress themselves before they are ready too.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison) have?

Crow almost never sits still. She is always twirling, fidgeting, bouncing, etc.
Crow us very expressive. If she is feeling an emotion, you will know it.
Crow likes to be physical: hugging, holding hands, climbing people like jungle gyms.

Motivations - What motivates Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison) most?

Curiosity. Crow wants to learn everything about everything. She can't leave any stone unturned. If she weren't already undead, she'd be the embodiment of the saying "curiosity killed the cat".

Flaws - What flaws does Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison) have?

Crow has a very difficult time focusing on a single task. She gets bored very quickly and then simply abandons whatever she was doing. On one hand, this gives her an edge in chaotic situations where none of the others can focus on just one thing either. On the other hand, she doesn't pull her weight when it comes to group chores.
Crow can be pretty immature at times. She has a tendency to whine if she doesn't want to do something, and pouting is fairly typical.
Crow does not have a typical human sense of morality. As such, she often does the wrong thing in situations. Killing with no remorse, lying for no reason, sometimes not respecting boundaries. She is trying to be better, but old habits die hard.

Talents - What talents does Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison) have?

Sword fighting
Card tricks

Hobbies - What hobbies does Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison) have?

Card tricks: And magic tricks in general. Crow loves performing and her high energy personality makes it easy for her to distract audiences from what she is doing.

Sparring: Crow loves a good fight and is always eager to spar and practice with her friends.

Personality type - What personality type is Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison)?

Crow is very friendly. Perhaps to the point of naivety, but open nature is still an asset to the team. She is able to diffuse tense situations with her easy going and cheerful nature. Crow is nearly always the first person to fully accept a new team member.
In spite of generally being uneducated, Crow is very eager and willing to learn. Her difficulty focusing presents a challenge, but with proper guidance and patience she picks things up quickly and enjoys it.
Crow is also a quick thinker. She adapts quickly in a fight and in general day to day activities.


Crow has undiagnosed ADHD.
Being undead means she has a mild sensitivity to sunlight and silver.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison) practice?

None. But she likes learning about her friends' religions.

Favorite color - What is Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison)’s favorite color?

Dark blue

Favorite food - What is Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison)’s favorite food?

Berry soup. She gathers as many berries of all different kinds, boils them together in a pot, and then eats it. She can't understand why no one else will try it.

Favorite possession - What is Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison)’s favorite possession?

A small handkerchief Felix gave her. She wears it around her neck to hide her scar, even though she's been told that's not what you're supposed to do with it.

Favorite weapon - What is Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison)’s favorite weapon?

Duel wielding European Style Sabers.

Favorite animal - What is Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison)’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison)’s birthday?

Crow celebrates her birthday on February 3. But she does not know her true birth date.

Education - What is Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison)’s level of education?

Crow has never been to school at all. She's a master at forest survival now though.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison) have?


shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Crow used to be Amelia Anne Mathison. She does not know this, and her family has long since given up hope of finding her alive.

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison)

Character chevron_right Children link linked Crow Frost (Amelia Anne Mathison)

This character was created by Padfoot13x on

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