info Overview
Name - What is Keith Marcus Whitford’s full name?

Keith Marcus Whitford

Role - What is Keith Marcus Whitford’s role in your story?

Secondary protagonist
Team leader

Other names - What other aliases does Keith Marcus Whitford go by?

Keith prefers to not be called by nicknames. But you can't live with Bianca and not have at least one. Bianca will occasionally jokingly call him "Boulder" or "Kiki" (the latter being what his little sister Cassidy called him when she was a baby).

Gender - What is Keith Marcus Whitford’s gender?


Age - How old is Keith Marcus Whitford?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Keith Marcus Whitford weigh?


Height - How tall is Keith Marcus Whitford?


Hair Color - What color is Keith Marcus Whitford’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Keith Marcus Whitford style their hair?

Keith has short, wavy hair. He keeps the top longer than the sides, and the sides are shaved short.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Keith Marcus Whitford have?

Classic goatee (no moustache)

Eye Color - What is Keith Marcus Whitford’s eye color?

Warm brown.

Race - What is Keith Marcus Whitford’s race?

African American/Indian

Skin Tone

Warm brown

Body Type

Mesomorph. Keith is very large and muscular.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Keith Marcus Whitford have?

Keith has no marks/scars. But his size is identifying enough.


Keith rarely dresses up, preferring casual clothing in most situations. T-shirt and jeans are the staples of his wardrobe. He also prefers insulated vests rather than coats. He always wears a beaded necklace that used to belong to his grandfather.

Notes on Appearance

For special occasions Keith borrows Bianca's eye liner, and occasionally other make up.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Keith Marcus Whitford have?

Keith talks with his hands.
Keith has a slouched posture, and keeps his hands in his pockets when just standing around.

Motivations - What motivates Keith Marcus Whitford most?

A desire to prove himself to the people around him. And to himself, but he hasn't quite realized that yet.

Flaws - What flaws does Keith Marcus Whitford have?

Keith is a perfectionist, especially in regards to himself.
Part of this means that Keith tries to manage everything that goes on. Even when he delegates a job to someone, he will keep checking in to make suggestions and make sure that they are "doing it right".
In spite of this, Keith hates confrontation and argument. He tends to cave quickly when someone argues with him, and if members of the team are arguing, Keith is more likely to tell them to stop rather than figure out a solution.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Keith Marcus Whitford have?

Keith is very athletic and enjoys casual sports. Football, basketball, tennis, he likes to play any sport with friends. He also enjoys watching sports when he gets a moment to relax.
Hiking and camping have always been a part of his life, and he truly enjoys spending time in the woods.

Personality type - What personality type is Keith Marcus Whitford?

Keith is always looking out for his friends. He defends and protects them to the best of his ability. He would die for the people he cares for if needed.
Keith is very good at keeping up an optimistic exterior, even when he isn't always so happy inside. He does his best to keep his friends' spirits up and can usually find the silver lining of any situation they find themselves in.
Keith is good at reading others and being in tune with them. When one of the group are sad or hurting, Keith is the first to pick up on it and try to help them feel better.


Keith is farsighted and needs glasses. He uses contact lenses because glasses would be impractical for what he does.
Keith struggles with self esteem issues and depression.
Keith has a mild arachnophobia. He can look at pictures of spiders, but he definitely does not want the real thing anywhere near him.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Keith Marcus Whitford practice?

Keith is nondenominational Christian. However, he usually only goes to church on Easter and Christmas, and is very liberal in his beliefs.

Politics - What politics does Keith Marcus Whitford have?

Keith tries to avoid politics as much as possible. He would prefer to keep his guns though. Hunting violent cryptids would be a lot harder without them.

Favorite color - What is Keith Marcus Whitford’s favorite color?

Sky blue

Favorite food - What is Keith Marcus Whitford’s favorite food?

Keith loves noodles in any form.

Favorite possession - What is Keith Marcus Whitford’s favorite possession?

The necklace his grandad gave him.

Favorite weapon - What is Keith Marcus Whitford’s favorite weapon?

Keith keeps several weapons in reserve: A shotgun, pistol, machete, and dagger are always with him on a mission.

Favorite animal - What is Keith Marcus Whitford’s favorite animal?

It was bears, until he had to deal with them out in the woods. He's more fond of deer at this point.

Job - What job does Keith Marcus Whitford have?

Keith has started his own Supernatural Investigation and Extermination company. He's not doing too great at the moment, but he's optimistic.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Keith Marcus Whitford’s birthday?

August 19

Education - What is Keith Marcus Whitford’s level of education?

Keith finished high school with average grades, but dropped out of college after his first semester. Keith is a very smart person who learns well on his own, but in a class room setting with tests he does very poorly.

Background - What is Keith Marcus Whitford’s background?

Keith was born to an upper middle class family in New York state. He was the second oldest child. As he grew he had a tendency to over eat, and was a fairly chubby child when he started school. His friendly nature helped him make friends quickly, but many kids also took to bullying him because of his size. Especially one kid named Lucas.

This continued for many years, and Keith mostly stuck to his family and home for comfort. His cousin Bianca was his best friend, and he was very close with his grandfather, who told him stories about hunting monsters in the forests.

His grandfather was the one who first took Keith and Bianca to a gym for physical training. If they wanted to follow in his footsteps, they would need to be strong. Both kids enjoyed the experience and by the time high school came around, Keith was tall and very strong. He found himself being accepted onto the football team and suddenly he was very popular.

Lucas was still an unremarkable kid, and at first Keith mostly ignored his existence. Only occasionally making some snide remarks that he knew Lucas would hear. But then, in his senior year, Keith's grandfather grew very ill and was in the hospital. He was very obviously not going to make it. At the same time, Lucas decided to make some comments about it to hurt Keith, and Keith snapped.

He hit back hard. Gathering pretty much the entire school behind him, he began to bully Lucas relentlessly. Even after Lucas apologized and tried to start over. Keith was just too angry and stressed over everything that had happened, and unresolved bitterness towards his childhood bully. He took things too far, and school administration stepped in. Keith's parents were shocked to learn about how he was behaving. A week later, his grandfather passed away. And it is a sore spot to this day that Keith knows his grandfather died disappointed in him.

Although very smart, Keith was never good at learning in a classroom setting or with taking tests. Grief over his grandfather's passing, and stressed over schoolwork, Keith did not make it through his first year at college before dropping out. He decided to follow in his grandfather's footsteps, partially because that had always been his dream, and partially because he hopes that it would make his grandfather proud of him.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Keith Marcus Whitford have?

Keith's parents own an old German Shepherd named Cleo. Keith loves her, but would like to have a pet of his own one day.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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