info Overview
Name - What is Khiiral Lumoria’s full name?

Khiiral Lumoria

Role - What is Khiiral Lumoria’s role in your story?

White Mage, Dragoon, Astrologian

Other names - What other aliases does Khiiral Lumoria go by?

Kiki (his family), Khii (Key)

Gender - What is Khiiral Lumoria’s gender?


Age - How old is Khiiral Lumoria?

Starting ages:
AAR: 22
Heavensward: 23
Stormblood: 25
Shadowbringers: 29

folder_open Class
face Looks
Weight - How much does Khiiral Lumoria weigh?

He weighs about 165 and his weight is rather consistent throughout his time.

Height - How tall is Khiiral Lumoria?


Hair Color - What color is Khiiral Lumoria’s hair?

A natural black, but as he goes through the story it grays/whitens.

Hair Style - How does Khiiral Lumoria style their hair?

He has longer hair, but keeps it back in a braid. Minus his bangs as those cannot be dealt with in such a manner. The ends, style is very choppy as he cuts his own hair.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Khiiral Lumoria have?

He sadly cannot grow facial hair.

Eye Color - What is Khiiral Lumoria’s eye color?

Bright Green, one will eventually lighten at the end of Shadowbringers.

Race - What is Khiiral Lumoria’s race?


Skin Tone

Dark blueish gray.

Body Type

Lightly muscled, broad shoulders.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Khiiral Lumoria have?

A scar on his cheek, and tribal tattoos under his eyes from his family.

brightness_5 Personality
fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Khiiral Lumoria have?

Talks with his hands, paces a lot when he is thinking/talking. When he grows nervous/worried, he will fiddle with his rings.

Motivations - What motivates Khiiral Lumoria most?

Proving to himself that he can change and be a better person despite his upbringing and his family.

Flaws - What flaws does Khiiral Lumoria have?

Overly Idealistic
Emotionally Driven
Difficult to Get to Know

Prejudices - What prejudices does Khiiral Lumoria have?

He absolutely does not trust pirates. Being with them for a long part of his life, he know what they do and what they can do. Because of this he is rather quick to jump to nasty conclusions.

Also assumes that Gridiana residents will dislike him.

Talents - What talents does Khiiral Lumoria have?

Excellent Card Player
Great Dancer

Hobbies - What hobbies does Khiiral Lumoria have?

Botanist/florist: He uses this skill to make his own teas and home remedies when he exhausted and possibly unable to heal.

Goldsmith/ jeweler: Khiiral enjoys to tinker around with jewelry almost as a therapy. While he was on the pirate ships in his youth, he learned to identify a real jewel, and how to see the fool's gold.

Personality type - What personality type is Khiiral Lumoria?

INFP-T: The Mediator.


Injury to the shoulder while training to become a dragoon, will get tight/sore during flare ups.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Khiiral Lumoria practice?

He is a heavy follower of his deity, for most if not all of his faith lies within her. He pulls from the earth, so he of course respects and follows the deity of the earth.

Politics - What politics does Khiiral Lumoria have?

He does love a good peace treaty, again preferring peace over war- That being said, he isn't too big of a fan of overly peaceful. The world leaving in total harmony sounds too damn good, and he is wary of it when people often speak about this manner.

Occupation - What is Khiiral Lumoria’s occupation?

Adventurer, White Mage.

Favorite color - What is Khiiral Lumoria’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Khiiral Lumoria’s favorite food?

Raspberry Danishes

Favorite possession - What is Khiiral Lumoria’s favorite possession?

He wears a ribbon on his head at all times. More like a bandanna. But his first and best friend, Ylde made it for him before they went separate ways.

Favorite weapon - What is Khiiral Lumoria’s favorite weapon?

Staff, lance.

Favorite animal - What is Khiiral Lumoria’s favorite animal?

He has a fondness for birds, but all animals attract to him like a disney princess.

Job - What job does Khiiral Lumoria have?

Goldsmith and miner.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Khiiral Lumoria’s birthday?


Education - What is Khiiral Lumoria’s level of education?

He has little to no education other then what he learned with the pirates or from his early childhood.

Background - What is Khiiral Lumoria’s background?

Born as a Duskwright means a few things; You are not trusted and you are to be an untrustworthy person. So of course, being brought up like that as the middle child was hard to say the least. When he was 17 he managed to go out of town and at least see this other side of life. It seemed great, amazing even. And then the pirates came.

He managed to convince them that he was a healer, despite the fact that he was probably the farthest thing from one. Managing to keep the lie running for a year before he actually realized- He could heal. Given it was a wrong method, pulling from his own life rather then the world around him. It was enough to get by, this discovery was made only when he found an injured road sparrow. After healing him, he named him Twig and they have been inseparable. After spending 6 long years as a prisoner on these ships, he managed to slip away during on of their raids.

Now mind you, his hands were not clean in the slightest. To gain the trust of these pirates he had done some things he was not happy about. Adamant on shoving the past behind him, he managed to hide in what appeared to be study. In this study while the pirates were ransacking the place, he met his best friend, Ylde. While the two of them had their own things to escape, they decided to team up.

Khiiral wanted to help her get research back from what his crewmates had destroyed and he also didn't want to really be so alone in this world. After some stalling however, they had to go their seperate ways, Khiiral, while he wanted badly to go to Gridania, he knew that the only place he could go was limsa.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Khiiral Lumoria have?

He has a lot of friends that are in the animal category:
Twig: Road Sparrow
Owlbert: Owl
Flip: assassin Fry

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

This character was created by Quinn on

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