info Overview
Name - What is Otori Kikuchu’s full name?

Otori Kikuchu

Age - How old is Otori Kikuchu?


Gender - What is Otori Kikuchu’s gender?


face Looks
fingerprint Nature

Observant, Manipulative, Pervert, Clingy, Jealous, Superficial, Friendly, Cheerful

He was a suave thief who takes what he when he wants causing him to be rather forceful and when he wasn't screwing with her, his fanclub were the ones giving Insato grief

Moral Alignment

Neutral Evil

Motivations - What motivates Otori Kikuchu most?

Getting Insato back and keep her as a pet


Being Unpopular


Being adored by all

sentiment_satisfied Mannerisms
General mannerisms

Telling people what they want to hear
Using subversive methods
Denying any accusations of manipulation
Putting the blame on others
Laying guilt-trips on people
Becoming easily bored
Needing constant stimulation
Taking foolish risks
Being aware of one’s image
Being well-dressed and well-groomed
Appearing relaxed and at ease
Having good posture
Maintaining strong eye contact

Happy mannerisms

A shiny or rosy face
Raised or wiggling eyebrows
Snorting, laughing
Chuckling or cackling
Displaying a wide grin
Exchanging knowing looks with others
Witty commentary

Angry mannerisms

Head shaking
Rolling the eyes
Flapping a hand in dismissal
Bullying tactics
An ugly twist to the mouth
Encouraging others to speak up against the target
Limited verbal responses, as if the target isn’t even worth talking to
Laughter at another’s expense

Sad mannerisms

Shaking one’s head
Crossing and uncrossing the arms or legs
Shifting in one’s chair
Twisting or pulling at clothing
Slipping hands into pockets
Sidelong glances while keeping the head still

Scared mannerisms

Uncertainty over choices made
An unwillingness to leave a certain place (phone, house, car)
An inability to focus
A need to control
A shortened attention span
Difficulty focusing

Traumatized mannerisms

Low body image
Poor hygiene
Sensitivity to noise and touch
Pressing a fist against the chest and rubbing it as if to dislodge the pain
Lashing out, yelling, or screaming

groups Social
device_hub Family
date_range History

{Spoiled and Alone}


{A New High}





colorize Health
flare Magic
adb Species
edit Notes
history Changelog
all_inclusive Arc
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Otori Kikuchu

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Otori Kikuchu

Character chevron_right Relationship Status link mentioned Otori Kikuchu

Character chevron_right History link mentioned Otori Kikuchu

This character was created by Camilla on

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