info Overview
Name - What is Tsumi Kikuchu’s full name?

Tsumi Kikuchu

Age - How old is Tsumi Kikuchu?


Birthday - When is Tsumi Kikuchu’s birthday?


Gender - What is Tsumi Kikuchu’s gender?


face Looks
fingerprint Nature
Moral Alignment

Neutral Evil

Motivations - What motivates Tsumi Kikuchu most?

Getting Revenge on Insato
Becoming Human


Being the best

sentiment_satisfied Mannerisms
General mannerisms

Minimizing others’ achievements to feel better about oneself
Needing constant positive reinforcement to feel worthy
Phobia-like paranoia over aging (losing one’s beauty, skills, or talents, etc.)
Avoiding people who steal the limelight through greater success or beauty
Not respecting boundaries or privacy
Obsessive behavior regarding a person or thing
Having high expectations of others
Questioning the motives of others
Laying guilt trips on one’s subject at the first sign of emotional independence
Becoming aggressive if one’s control or ownership is threatened
An untrusting nature

Happy mannerisms

Making witty comebacks and observations
Cracking jokes and making people laugh
Observing the strangeness of life in a comical way
Playing practical jokes
Easy laughter
Coming up with crazy ideas
Being charismatic

Angry mannerisms

Smirking as the subject speaks
Ugly laughter
Making jokes at another’s expense
Flashing a cold smile to show insincerity
Laughter with an edge
A shaking or raised voice, yelling
Deepening one’s tone
Taking target's possession
Erratic mood changes
Growing angry when others voice disagreement
Having a low tolerance for the mistakes of others
Being highly opinionated
Overreacting to slights, comments, and opinions

Sad mannerisms

Slight pauses before reacting
Emotional displays that seem forced or false
Heavy self-medicating or drinking
Wearing false, overly bright smiles
Pretending to be ill to avoid social situations and people

Scared mannerisms

A watery smile that’s forced into place
Masking fear with a reactive emotion (anger or frustration)
False bravado
Over-indulgence in a habit (nail biting, lip biting, scratching the skin raw)
A joking tone, but the voice cracks

Traumatized mannerisms

Avoiding eye contact with others
Curling in on oneself
Becoming disoriented
Worrying about things that aren’t logical
Jumping to unreasonable conclusions

groups Social
device_hub Family
date_range History

{Being the Main Boy}

{Being the most popular}

{More Guys}

{New Girl}

{Insato's departure}


{Trying To Became A Human}

colorize Health
flare Magic
adb Species
edit Notes
history Changelog
all_inclusive Arc
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This character was created by Camilla on

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