info Overview
Name - What is Mae Agge Emerson’s full name?

Mae Agge Emerson

Gender - What is Mae Agge Emerson’s gender?


Age - How old is Mae Agge Emerson?


Role - What is Mae Agge Emerson’s role in your story?

main protagonist

face Looks
Race - What is Mae Agge Emerson’s race?


Skin Tone

pale yellow-white

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Mae Agge Emerson have?

Mae has two small moles underneath her left eye, and a small dot on the inside of her right foot.

Weight - How much does Mae Agge Emerson weigh?

95 lbs (43 kg)

Height - How tall is Mae Agge Emerson?

5' 1" (154 cm)

Hair Color - What color is Mae Agge Emerson’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Mae Agge Emerson style their hair?

short, bob

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Mae Agge Emerson have?


Eye Color - What is Mae Agge Emerson’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Mae Agge Emerson have?

She is on the cross-country team

Personality type - What personality type is Mae Agge Emerson?

I-76% Introverted, 24% Extroverted
S-66% Observant, 34% Intuitive
F-63% Feeling, 37% Thinking
P-51% Prospecting, 49% Judging
T-69% Turbulent, 31% Assertive

Hobbies - What hobbies does Mae Agge Emerson have?

Cross Country

Flaws - What flaws does Mae Agge Emerson have?

She often comes off as bossy
She isn't good at socializing

Motivations - What motivates Mae Agge Emerson most?

Figuring out what's going on and keeping everyone safe

groups Social
date_range History
Education - What is Mae Agge Emerson’s level of education?

Junior in highschool

Birthday - When is Mae Agge Emerson’s birthday?

January 27, 2004

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Lark Whitby on

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