info Overview
Name - What is Carolina Yue Emerson’s full name?

Carolina Yue Emerson

Gender - What is Carolina Yue Emerson’s gender?


Age - How old is Carolina Yue Emerson?


Role - What is Carolina Yue Emerson’s role in your story?

Main protagonist

Other names - What other aliases does Carolina Yue Emerson go by?

Carolina, Lina, her sister and Thomas sometimes refer to her as Yue, but only if she's spaced out

face Looks
Race - What is Carolina Yue Emerson’s race?


Skin Tone

Light, a little tan

Body Type

Delicate, but muscular

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Carolina Yue Emerson have?

she has a kind of pink birthmark on the back of her left hand.
she also gets a tattoo of numbers on her right wrist later

Weight - How much does Carolina Yue Emerson weigh?

110 lbs/50 kg

Height - How tall is Carolina Yue Emerson?

5'7"/170 cm

Hair Color - What color is Carolina Yue Emerson’s hair?

Raven black, blue streaks

Hair Style - How does Carolina Yue Emerson style their hair?

Long hair, wavy
she later cuts it to shoulder length

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Carolina Yue Emerson have?


Eye Color - What is Carolina Yue Emerson’s eye color?

Dark violet

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Carolina Yue Emerson have?

She's very good at talking to people



Personality type - What personality type is Carolina Yue Emerson?

Executive - ESTJ-T
Mind - 79% Extroverted ; 21% Introverted
Energy - 65% Observant ; 35% Intuitive
Nature - 69% Thinking ; 31% Feeling
Tactics - 67% Judging ; 33% Prospecting
Identity - 61% Turbulent ; 39% Assertive

Hobbies - What hobbies does Carolina Yue Emerson have?

she likes to draw and hang out with friends

Flaws - What flaws does Carolina Yue Emerson have?

She's very controlling at times
She often fails to see the good in herself

Motivations - What motivates Carolina Yue Emerson most?

Knowing that her sister, Mae, is safe
Getting back home

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Carolina Yue Emerson’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Carolina Yue Emerson’s occupation?

well, she used to work at her local library

Favorite food - What is Carolina Yue Emerson’s favorite food?

fried eggs, over easy

Favorite possession - What is Carolina Yue Emerson’s favorite possession?

A crystal swan necklace she got from her grandma

Favorite weapon - What is Carolina Yue Emerson’s favorite weapon?

she prefers to use a small knife

Favorite animal - What is Carolina Yue Emerson’s favorite animal?

she has always been a fan of German shepherd/corgi mixes

Job - What job does Carolina Yue Emerson have?

she used to work at the library

Religion - What religion does Carolina Yue Emerson practice?

she is an athiest

date_range History
Education - What is Carolina Yue Emerson’s level of education?

highschool diploma

Birthday - When is Carolina Yue Emerson’s birthday?

February 7, 2002

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Carolina Yue Emerson have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Lark Whitby on

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