info Overview
Name - What is Milo Tealeaf (Silverfox)’s full name?

Milo Tealeaf (Silverfox)

Role - What is Milo Tealeaf (Silverfox)’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Milo Tealeaf (Silverfox) go by?

The Fox, The Silver Fox, Milo Silverfox

Gender - What is Milo Tealeaf (Silverfox)’s gender?


Age - How old is Milo Tealeaf (Silverfox)?


face Looks
Race - What is Milo Tealeaf (Silverfox)’s race?


Eye Color - What is Milo Tealeaf (Silverfox)’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Milo Tealeaf (Silverfox) have?

Straight silver pointed goatee

Hair Style - How does Milo Tealeaf (Silverfox) style their hair?

Smooth strands a few an inch below his ears. His hair is well-kept inline with his fashion style

Hair Color - What color is Milo Tealeaf (Silverfox)’s hair?


Height - How tall is Milo Tealeaf (Silverfox)?

3 feet 2 inches

Weight - How much does Milo Tealeaf (Silverfox) weigh?

42 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Milo Tealeaf (Silverfox) have?

He has a silver fox tattooed on his back

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Milo Tealeaf (Silverfox) have?

The Fox is skilled in music, sword, and trickery. He dabbles in the arcane and is will utilize it to confuse, distract, or out maneuver his foes.

Flaws - What flaws does Milo Tealeaf (Silverfox) have?

Confident to a fault, the fox believes he can outsmart any foe. If provoked with a challenge of wits he will gladly accept if only to prove himself superior to the challenger.

groups Social
Job - What job does Milo Tealeaf (Silverfox) have?


Occupation - What is Milo Tealeaf (Silverfox)’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Milo Tealeaf (Silverfox)’s favorite color?


Favorite weapon - What is Milo Tealeaf (Silverfox)’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Milo Tealeaf (Silverfox)’s favorite animal?


info History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by John Rake on

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