info Overview
Name - What is Jemima St. Cloud’s full name?

Jemima St. Cloud

Other names - What other aliases does Jemima St. Cloud go by?

Jemima Eve St. Cloud (full name)
Jem (nickname)
Dove Johnson (alias)
the White Lioness

Role - What is Jemima St. Cloud’s role in your story?


Gender - What is Jemima St. Cloud’s gender?


Age - How old is Jemima St. Cloud?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Jemima St. Cloud?


Hair Color - What color is Jemima St. Cloud’s hair?

pure white (natural color)

Hair Style - How does Jemima St. Cloud style their hair?

waist length, wavy, often braided

Eye Color - What is Jemima St. Cloud’s eye color?

brilliant gold

Skin Tone


Body Type

slim and fit, toned muscles, dancer's build

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jemima St. Cloud have?

various scars
bright gold magick-mark between her shoulder blades

in aspect form, Jemima is a snow white lioness with white-feathered wings

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Jemima St. Cloud have?

lounges or sprawls on couches or chairs when given the opportunity
all cat-like smiles and playful giggles (until she gets angry)
likes to tease and make innuendos
if she's angry: cold grins and mocking laughter

Motivations - What motivates Jemima St. Cloud most?

to have fun/adventure
to defend/avenge her family

Flaws - What flaws does Jemima St. Cloud have?

can be cruel

Talents - What talents does Jemima St. Cloud have?

talented and powerful mage
highly trained killer/fighter
skilled dream-walker
skilled Wayfinder

Hobbies - What hobbies does Jemima St. Cloud have?


Personality type - What personality type is Jemima St. Cloud?

very mercurial
cheerful and playful when happy
vicious and cutthroat when angry
silent and half-furious when upset

groups Social
Moral Code

self-serving and largely amoral but does have some rules:
-no killing children
-no killing family
-honor the last wishes of those you kill

Occupation - What is Jemima St. Cloud’s occupation?

head of the Skyfall espionage division
independently contracted political consultant

Favorite color - What is Jemima St. Cloud’s favorite color?

wine red

Favorite weapon - What is Jemima St. Cloud’s favorite weapon?

her scimitar, which is carved with runes

Favorite animal - What is Jemima St. Cloud’s favorite animal?

snakes, of any kind, or cats

date_range History
Birthday - When is Jemima St. Cloud’s birthday?

June 21st (summer solstice)

Education - What is Jemima St. Cloud’s level of education?

homeschooling through various tutors, then her father
included the typical mathematics, language arts, history, sciences, etc. as well as magick, combat, foreign languages, and diplomacy
because she was a princess, she was also taught how to behave properly in formal settings

Background - What is Jemima St. Cloud’s background?

Jemima is the illegitimate daughter of Vikiya, the Queen of the Divine Darkness, and Jonathan St. Cloud, an assassin.
Jemima lived in the Divine Realm with her parents until war broke out when she was eight. Her father fled the war and took Jemima with him to keep her safe, and they ended up in Haven. When the war continued to spread, Jemima's father took her to the Mortal Realm and tried to make a new life for them.
Against her father's wishes, Jemima began to sell her services as a political aide/consultant when she was fifteen, making use of her training in politics, government, and diplomacy. She quickly became well-known as a very powerful person despite her youth who could turn the tide of an election overnight.
Using her father's contacts, Jemima also made a name for herself in the criminal world as well. Between her political dabbling and criminal connections, Jemima has enough influence around the world to start or end wars and have anyone she want be killed or imprisoned.
Shortly before her eighteenth birthday, Jemima met Everett Dayholt, the head of Skyfall. Skyfall is a clandestine government operation that studies magick and mages, and Everett approached Jemima with the offer of working for Skyfall. She agreed and became his right hand in Skyfall and the head of the espionage division. Everett also taught Jemima more complex and dangerous forms of magic, including how to use the Wayfinding abilities she inherited from her father.

Currently, Jemima is still working for Skyfall and is good friends with Everett while still maintaining her presence in the global political and criminal landscapes. Her father has retired from his work as an assassin and now lives in the Irish countryside. Jemima's relationship with her father is strained, but she still visits him when she gets the chance. Her mother is still in the Divine Realm, fighting in the war. Jemima hasn't seen her mother since she was eight, but still holds out hope that her mother will survive the war and find her. Jemima has only been back to the Divine Realm once since she and her father fled and doesn't plan to go back anytime soon, since the one time she returned, several people tried to kill or kidnap her.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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