info Overview
Name - What is Clemmie Findlay’s full name?

Clemmie Findlay

Role - What is Clemmie Findlay’s role in your story?

Palace Maid

Other names - What other aliases does Clemmie Findlay go by?

Vienna (will be explained in History)

Gender - What is Clemmie Findlay’s gender?


Age - How old is Clemmie Findlay?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Clemmie Findlay weigh?

115 pounds

Height - How tall is Clemmie Findlay?

5 feet, 6 inches

Hair Color - What color is Clemmie Findlay’s hair?

Ginger red

Hair Style - How does Clemmie Findlay style their hair?

Mid-back length, always messy; usually left loose but occasionally wears a headband

Eye Color - What is Clemmie Findlay’s eye color?

Jade green

Race - What is Clemmie Findlay’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Clemmie Findlay have?

Tugs at her hair when embarrassed

Motivations - What motivates Clemmie Findlay most?

Justice and order

Flaws - What flaws does Clemmie Findlay have?

Can be a bit cynical; overly sarcastic; impatient

Talents - What talents does Clemmie Findlay have?

Pretty good at acting and/or pretending

Hobbies - What hobbies does Clemmie Findlay have?

Has little time for hobbies but enjoys sketching in her free time

groups Social
Politics - What politics does Clemmie Findlay have?

Believes that the Pangea ruling system is a bit wrong because it limits people's opportunities and traps them in a lifestyle

Favorite color - What is Clemmie Findlay’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Clemmie Findlay’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Clemmie Findlay’s favorite possession?

An opal hairpin she was once given

Favorite weapon - What is Clemmie Findlay’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Clemmie Findlay’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Clemmie Findlay have?

Palace maid

date_range History
Birthday - When is Clemmie Findlay’s birthday?

June 22, 2155

Education - What is Clemmie Findlay’s level of education?

Somewhat low; can read, write, and do math but isn't exceptional at any of them. Went to a low-to-middle-class public school from age 5 to age 13.

Background - What is Clemmie Findlay’s background?

The prince of Pangea had a "princess contest" in which noble girls competed to be his wife. When Clemmie found a duchess' daughter, Vienna, murdered, the queen secretly put Clemmie in the competition in Vienna's place to keep the murder a secret.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

I know, I know, that part in history sounds a bit far-fetched, but I promise it's better explained in the actual story!
The gallery image is from, who credits it to Pinterest.

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